Hello, I'm Mike, I'm a Southern Ontario based Warhammer player. I've been playing Warhammer since mid-2004, started with O&G, then expanded my collection to include Bretonnians, Empire, WOC, BOC, Skaven, DE, Black Templars on the 40k side of thing, Uruk Hai for LOTR, and most recently I've gotten a bit of a renewed interest in Lizardmen (I toyed around with the idea of a Quetzel themed army in 6th, never got anywhere with it, but now I'm back to my lizards). I'm an active member of The Warhammer Forum, I've also been a member of The Round Table of Bretonnia, Da Warpath, Druchii.net, Warhammer Empire, Bolter and Chainsword, and Warseer, all under the same guise, so some of you may already know me, to those that don't, you soon will.
sup mike, welcome to the site. That's a pretty cool username, do you have an appropriately awesome avatar that goes with it?