Hi there, I just purchased myself a nice 2k army so I guess I'd better introduce myself! I'm James, 20 years old from Canberra, capital of AUSTRALIA! Over the holidays I'm looking forward to putting together my lizzies list which has the following Slan eotg scar vet on cold one 16TG 18 saurus 18 saurus 10skirmishers 10skirmishers 3terradons 5 cold ones 2 sallies any tips, advice or introductions warmly welcome. james
South of Australia, in Adelaide. Hmmm nearly finished my degree, might move east next year, unless its a case of the grass is always greener the eastern states seem to be where its at.
Oh nice I have some mates in Adelaide. What do you study? I'm at ANU myself, not much of a scene over here unfortunatley but the uni is sick
Yeah I have heard good thinga about ANU, I'm somewhat looking at PhDs in queensland at the moment. I am studying nanotechnology, BSc done and honours at the end of next month. How about you?
Ooo nanotechnology. Make me a nanobot that people ingest and i can remote control it to their heart and BLOW IT UP!!!!!!