8th Ed. 1600 pts vs Beastmen, round 2

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    So, after beating my son's Beastmen last week, we're going for a re-match. Both using different armies.

    Having been infantry heavy last time, I'm hoping to throw him with the following:

    Oldblood, coldone, glittering scales, fencers blades, talisman for 5++ save (not enough points for 4++!)

    Scarvet, BSB, Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon
    Tetto eko

    21 saurus, full command
    2 x 10 skink skirmishers.

    2 x 5 cold one Cav, spears, with champion and standard. Cowboys go one each (or possibly together)

    3 razordons

    No idea what this will be like, but minotaurs will feature, as will a chariot or two plus some razorgors/ tuskgors.

    Any comments would be welcome.
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Seems pretty solid

    No cold one?
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I figured that was the case since you mentioned cowboys (in plural) joining the Cav units, but I thought I'd check to make sure.

    I don't have a lot of experience playing at such low point games (I always play at 3000pts), but your list seems pretty solid. Make sure you keep both your cavalry units within BSB range to help minimize stupidity rolls.
  5. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @NIGHTBRINGER yes I have had experience of stupidity rolls buggering up a half decent plan. Was playing against skaven and my cold one cavalry went stupid for 4 turns out of six. Just plodded forward. LOL.

    After chatting with other people on Facebook, and noting what ETC(?) comps gave beastmen (an extra 300 points I believe) he's got an additional 150 to play with.

    I have no idea if that will ruin the balance at this small points limit but given the points it felt about right.

    While I was lucky last game, it wasn't much fun for him. Hopefully our next game will be more balanced.

    Not sure if he's pulling my leg, but minotaurs might not be present. Razorgors, tuskgors and a chariot or two perhaps.

    Re the points size: While we both played a fait bit of WHFB pre-AoS, it's been a long while since then and we knew we'd be a bit rusty, so went for a smaller value to get the game finished. Once we're more aux fait with the rules, we'll probably go back to 2400/2500 we used to play.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    If you're gonna use the ETC rules, then yes he gets extra points. There are other restrictions to both armies though, so it'd be good to point out that some builds are nerfed for the Beasties as well. LM get nerfed too. Bottom line, if you're gonna use anything from ETC, you'll need to use everything from ETC. Not just the buffs.
    Gary_M and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  7. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    So we'd played the game. No minotaurs! But unfortunately the Lizardmen lost this one. Was pretty close despite a poor start.
    I made a silly mistake very early. Got tempted to try a 9" charge with one unit of cold ones (with BSB), but it just failed. This left that unit no the other one separated. I should have kept them together.
    T2 he double charged that cold one unit with a 30 strong Gor block which had his general and BSB in it. Cold ones got wiped out before they could swing, leaving BSB stand alone, but relying on double ones to stick. Oh yes! Two 1s out of three dice. BSB sticks.
    Next my other cold one unit charges. His general again goes to town albeit that the unit champion survives plus the OB.
    Despite charging a flank I still lost combat due to ranks, but held.
    The OB and Scarvet cowboys then proceeded to hold up this unit for almost the rest of the game. They died on T6. He had to get lucky once, I had to be lucky all the time as both had been whittled down to one wound remaining each. But they really did frustrate him, although I was again very lucky on my saves, not so much on hitting or wounding though.
    That was one flank.
    On the other, the Lizardmen were more successful. Skinks killing a razorgor, Saurus killing a giant and a combo of saurus and razordons dealt with another Gor unit.
    Magic throughout the game was buffing or debuffing units. Only once did I use uranons thunderbolt. Comet and chain lightning did get used at all.
    That's one each after the prior weeks stomping by my Lizardmen on the Beastmen.
    We will likely have a third game soon. I will mix up the list again. Just to keep him on his toes!
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

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