Do not be sad my Lizardy brothers. No Skaven were afoot. This was a ritualistic suicide... they chose not to live in an AoS world. Slither on to a better place my serpentine friends! Slither on!
None of that. Just because we play a game with lizards in ancient flying spaceships doesn't mean we need a weird suicide cult. Do not join cults. For true salvation, send a donation to the Holy Brotherhood of the Mighty Panda and I guarantee happiness and bamboo for all your days. If it doesn't work, then you haven't sent in enough money.
That should read: "Just because most of us play a game with lizards in ancient flying spaceships..." Sound advice. A truly worthy organization That must be it... I knew I should have sent more money! The Panda god must be appeased!
I doubt it was because of AoS. It's probably because some cats went rouge and declared war on Sotek. I must inform the cat mothership. In the meantime, you lizards should probably have more sacrifices to Tombo and Sotek.
Hmmmm... might I have been wrong?... is it possible that my theory was merely born out of my own internal misgivings?... could it simply be that I am biased against AoS?, it's gotta be the AoS thing!
@NIGHTBRINGER it is not AoS. You're just biased. You should play AoS, it's really fun. And rogue cats are most likely the cause. I should probably have a talk with Oreo to see if she knows anything about it.
Because if you could like stuff more than once, poor @Bowser would be trapped here all day! (thanks for the many likes btw, please excuse that I can't like you back that much, it is just too time consuming for me. )
No need to say more, I can remember back when @Bowser first joined and I stupidly said "you have to go through my blog one day and like everything" next morning I had 164 likes! Try it yourself @Aginor and @PhoenixTheCat you can go through my blog and like everything, I won't mind Cheeky link
OHHHHHH if you get @NIGHTBRINGER to try AOS I will eat his hat (the one on his slann cake) we have been trying for over a year and he is not interested and we love his little quotes about AOS.
I think @NIGHTBRINGER might have PTETD (Post traumatic End Times Syndrome). Such things can take years for people to recover from.