AoS 1000 points team tournament list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Lachlin, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    There is talk at the LGS for a team tournament where you get a different team mate every round. the person with the most overall points at the end is the overall winner. Here is the list I'm thinking of using.
    Eternal starhost 80

    Eternity Warden 140 (general) legendary fighter either a quicksilver potion or a relic blade, I haven't decided

    5 guard 100

    5 guard 100

    5 guard 100

    Skink priest 100

    5 chameleon skinks 120

    5 chameleon skinks 120

    3 rippperdactyls 140
    It's got a dead 'ard center and some fast and shooty elements. I think it's a pretty good all around list.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    It's tough to tell with partners changing every round, that said you have great support units. Though I might flip this to have the Shadowstrike instead to ensure your rippers don't get blasted from existence first turn. And then take scar-vet on cold one as general instead of warden.
    That being said I think if you keep your build you will do well. Eternal starhost is tough to break, and that might be what your partners need.
  3. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    I thought about the shadow strike starhost as well, but it seemed to me like i was wanting to take it strictly to protect the ripperdactyls which if I could plan with a partner ahead of time might work, My hang up is not knowing who my partners will be so I'm kinda flying by the seat of my pants with this list, and outside of mortal wound schenanigans, the 2++ seems better to me. If i had the spare 120 points, i would just take both battalions :)
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I'm not that experienced but could you swap out the rippers for another unit of Chamo skinks, would that add anything or would you lose too much as the bloat toad is very good at distracting your opponent as is the Chamos?

    "Hard" as you don't know what your partner will field etc, but your list is "ard" and looks a "solid" choice.
    Bowser likes this.

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