Newbie here so bear with me. Going against Orc and Goblin, Wood Elves, and Dwarves Skink Priest (level 2) Plaque of Tepok - 115 Skink Priest (level 2) - 100 Skink Priest -65 10 Skink Skirm - 70 10 Skink Skirm - 70 16 Skink, 2 Krox, mus and stand - 204 11 Skink, 1 Krox, mus - 116 5 Cam Skink - 60 4 Terries -120 1 Salli with extra Skink - 80 Total - 1,000
Ooh, Camo-skink will like this... My suggestions would be to switch one of the three priests for a scar-vet to give the army a bit more close combat punch, or otherwise you could shave off skinks here and there to fit in another salamander.
List massacared the O@G, marginal victory against dwarven gunline, and was massacared by wood elves (dryads shake skinks like little babies). New list with more punch (comments welcomed): Skink Priest, 2nd level, plaque of tepok - 115 Skink Priest, 2nd level - 100 Scar-Vet, LA, GW, Venom of Firefly - 106 11 Skink, krox, mus - 116 15 Saursus, spear, standard - 192 5 Camo Skinks - 60 3 Terries - 90 1 Sali, extra skink - 80 Total - 999 Looking for more punch against those dryads, camo skinks and terries performed well in first series of games, love that poison.