Best comment of the day! Could it be that while I am biased... it is also AoS? Admittedly that would require some sort of miracle or actual magic. Tell you what, if that happens I'll eat the hat off my Slann... and I don't mean the cake variant but rather the one I green stuffed for my avatar Slann. Hahaha 12 isn't even close! There aren't enough Carnosaurs in all of Lustria for that (or imaginary carnosaurs in the memories of the Slanns flying around in space temples for you AoS fans ) This is true . Can't argue with that. Although I think I've reached the acceptance stage in regards to the death of Warhammer proper. My mother in law has a cat (2 actually) and while I do love the silly things, it's still not enough. That's no challenge... @Aginor @PhoenixTheCat @Crowsfoot trying liking every post in the Just for Laughs thread (the longest thread on the entire site [108 pages and counting])...
Dang and I thought my paint blog was long... (well it might be of if I could combine my ancient post from TPV)
A whopping number (and overwhelming majority) of posts in that thread are admittedly mine! No surprise there, the just for laughs thread is my baby. I created her and I sustain her. I also have a rather active Samurai Jack thread and several Star Wars ones. Pretty much 90% of General Chat threads have my stamp on it . Hmmmm... I may have too much time on my hands. @Ritual : How did you get through so many posts so quickly? How is that possible?... that may even be faster than @Bowser I've never seen a number like this before... In one single swoop you've probably reached 3rd spot in terms of all time total number of likes given out (after @Bowser and @n810 )
I'd have to think about it... I think I could write a short shell script on a linux PC that would just call curl in a "for-loop" and would like every post in this forum. <insert number here> /like A few posts a second could work without DOSing the server I guess. EDIT: You could even do it with Javascript now that I think about it. EDIT: And no, please kids, don't do things like that at home. It is not nice.
No magic, but you know what Clarke's 3rd law says: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
I just wrote 12 letters of javascript and pressed enter a few times... It was only to show you who holds the real power here! I can take them away just as easily!
Ah, so you only cycled through the pages, you still clicked the confirm button manually? Come on, do it properly!
You two must surely be blessed by the dark gods. That feat would have taken a lot of clicking (and time) on my part.
We must purge the power of Chaos from this fallen one ! ``` PS. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." lol, this is my signature on another forum.
Ah ok, not bad. ...but maybe we shouldn't do that. Too much magic use could anger the gods of this forum. EDIT: UH-OH! We already did! RUN!!!
It's all good as long as all this computer programming "sorcery" doesn't crash our beloved Lustria Online. I'm still amazed that things like this are not only possible, but so "easily" possible with nothing but a few key strokes (and the wisdom to know which keys to hit of course).
They're super light weight ajax calls, even one of my pathetic raspberry pi servers can handle hundreds of them a second... a few thousands over the course of 5 minutes is nothing in the terms of a couple of very minor database queries.