I really like how you have painted your saurus. I definitely like the colors, the shields could almost be mistaken for stone. And I love the green too, very interesting scheme, immediately makes me think about the ancient Mayan/Inca/Aztec roots of these jungle saurians... Also nice necrons (heresy).
Only thing I add is: I hope you keep the headdress of the leader black as it is... looks really great with only the detail on it!
For the shield! Black spray primer(the whole model), Zandri Dust, Reikland Flash and semi layer/drybrush of ushabti bone. Want to base it white next time so you can EDIT: see the red Tough luck! Painted it gold! Just basing left, going to paint Grey knights first for Shadow War. Then back to the Seraphon knights! But here are almost finished Saurus warriors! Thank you all for the kind words!
You know what I love about Lizardmen is the amount of great variation and colour schemes people come up with and yet they all still look like bad ass mother ...ahems