I have played with a an oldblood list for the last 8 year and would like to change to a slan list .I have been playing around with army Builder for the last 2 day and think i have come up with a balaces list .I would like to get some feedback about my list . Slan mage Priest,BSB,Dispell Scroll. Focus Of Mystery and The Focused Rumination. 16 Temple Gaurd Full Command Skink Preist ,Level 2 ,Engine of the gods, Dispell Scroll Skink Priest, Clock of feathers 15 Saurus Warriors, Spears and sheilds Full Command 10 Skink Skerimsher 10 Skink Skerimsher Stegadon 2 Salander Hunting Packs 3 Terradon Ridders. It come to 1996 pts in total .. Do you guys think i need more combat units.Is there any point to having two units of Skink Skermishers.Can you have two magic banner in the temple Gaurd unit as my slan will be the BsB.I would like to get all your options on my list. Do not hold back.
To answer your question, you can give your Slann, as the BSB, a magic banner as well as the Temple Guard unit. I would give the Slann a Warbanner and give your Temple guard something neat like the Chotec banner. So yes, you can give your Slann and Temple guard banner upgrades. Thats alot of static res. Banner, BSB, Warbanner, 3 Ranks, Most likely Outnumber. Ouch...
i wouldn't exactly call a sotek (generally meaning skink list), but over all it looks very strong an well rounded. the temple guard with stubborn provide the slann with a saurus tank of death as i like to call it, and if you give them totem of prophecy or the slann harrowing scrutiny they will be even more awesome. camo-skink