9th Age T9A Community Survey Time

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Deusvult, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Deusvult
    Chameleon Skink

    Deusvult Active Member

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    So, I cheated and just copy/pasted the message from the forums for you to read. The survey is at the end of the post.

    "The project likes to learn from ages past and one lesson T9A team has learnt is to engage the community more. The team had such a tremendous success with ideas for the magic phases and new magic items for Warriors of the dark gods that the Rules Team (RT) has melded together some great global surveys that they want you, the community to help answer in order to get an understanding of what the community really wants.

    Now it's worth saying right here that the surveys are not binding to the future of the game, but give instead the T9A team a incredible insight into the path they need to take.

    Up first is a survey on what to do with magic items with some very simple questions and statements for you all to answer, so please, take the jump and answer away, and when you finish, spread the word, we need to actively engage as much of the community as we can.

    So what you waiting for, go go go!"

    Qupakoco likes this.
  2. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Deusvult I've barely dabbled in 9th Age, but have tried to keep up with the various iterations of our army. Who would I put questions to?
    eg Saurus had various banners available to them, so multiple units could take different banners (Unit A could take one banner, Unit B could take a different one). Last iteration I saw (so apologies if its been changed) held that while the banners were still available, you could only take the same single banner for each and every saurus unit (Units A and B now have to have the same banner).
    Why was this changed?
    Deusvult likes this.
  3. Deusvult
    Chameleon Skink

    Deusvult Active Member

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    It was mainly due to a WYSIWYG stance. To stop tabletop confusion.

    It was not a very popular decision and it still irks me that only core units have it, and nothing for TG or Characters.

    All that said, at this point, people are either taking msu saurus or one big block. Most oftern Jaguar for the first and Serpent for the later. Crocodile and Pirahana are just not as useful (still good, but overshadowed imho)
    Gary_M likes this.

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