Poll: One will protect you, the other 9 will try to kill you... who do you choose?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Apr 7, 2017.


Who will you choose to protect you from the other 9?

  1. Batman

    10 vote(s)
  2. Green Lantern

    6 vote(s)
  3. Captain America

    0 vote(s)
  4. Iron Man

    2 vote(s)
  5. Wolverine

    2 vote(s)
  6. Wonder Woman

    2 vote(s)
  7. Robin

    0 vote(s)
  8. Flash

    3 vote(s)
  9. Superman

    7 vote(s)
  10. Spiderman

    1 vote(s)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The question is quite simple. You get to choose one superhero to be your protector, while the other 9 try to kill you. Who do you choose as your protector?

    Some ground rules:
    • assume that your protector is willing to do anything to protect you, even if it is against their established nature (i.e. Batman or Superman would be willing to kill to ensure your safety)
    • assume that the other 9 heroes are willing to do anything to kill you, even if it is against their established nature (i.e. willing to cause collateral damage, torture for information, etc.)
    • let's ignore any time travelling shenanigans because that just breaks the system (looking at you Flash & Superman)
    • the other characters are permitted to team up or work in unison in an attempt to kill you (it would be interesting to see if your choice of protector would vary if the others had to work independently of one another)
    • it's NOT a popularity contest, choose the hero that you feel gives you the greatest chance at survival, not necessarily your favorite of the group

    I had this discussion with a friend of mine and we each independently reached the exact same conclusion. I'll wait a couple of days before posting my analysis and submitting my vote because I'm interested in everyone's uninfluenced/unbiased opinion.

    Choose wisely! :cool:
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Batman or Ironman,
    Because: Brains + Money + Paranoia = Ultimate Weapon. :pompus:

    I choose Batman, because he already has ways of taking out all the DC characters.
    and Superman is going to be a real problem If I pick Ironman,
    also there are more DC characters.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  3. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    Iron Man.

    With him, I get my own suit. Seeing as all his many suits can fly, that would instantly cut down most of the group to only those that can fly aswell. Only Superman and Green lantern can fly unassisted, with a few more flying via machines (that can be easily imobilised).

    Super man should be easy to keep away with Kryptonite.

    So really it would be a one on one fight with iron man and green lantern. Annoying my knoliage of super heros dries up here so that might be a terrible idea XD
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I choose Wonder Woman, I know I'm gonna die but hell what a view
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    On paper, Green Lantern is maybe stronger than anyone, since what he can obtain is just limited by his imagination, right?

    Of course, he usually have a weak point, something he cannot influence (wood, yellow things), and someone like Batman or Tony Stark would be able to exploit this weakness.
    And if those plan something together and with the help of the other heroes, even the power of imagination couldn't be enough.
    Captaniser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  6. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Superman, he is so mind shatteringly overpowered it isn't even funny. Even Goku, the master of OP "plot convinience" can't bet him.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
    Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As an alternative, I could begin choosing the ones i won't choose.

    Robin (why he's even there?)

    They're clearly below the other ones.

    Superman and Wonder Woman
    Physically, they are the strongest. But they can basically just face the other superheroes on close combat and my protector would be just one of them. Plus, they cannot stop Flash. Yeah, Supes could take me to the fortress of solitude.

    Batman and Ironman
    both are similar: they've got money, resources, intelligence, planning.
    If i choose one of them, the other one will be against me. With the other 8.

    It remains Green Lantern. He's got not only his imagination, but also mine. And MY knowledge of the other superheroes.

    I've made my choice.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
    Captaniser, Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  8. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    'I know it's not a popularity context, also probable this could go very wrong, knowing the history of the character. Despite that I'll still go Spidey :spiderman:
    Just to come up with some reason why:

    He might actually be one of the strongest mentioned, Supes obviously OP, and Ww powers fluctuate between, slightly more powerful than a normal human to almost Supes. DC is weird in their power level that way.

    He's one of the most intelligent of the lots, this is the guy that invented web shooters at age 15!

    His Spider senses would give him a Huge edge defending against any of the other lads, even Flash! (I know Fan boy specualtion, but that's what this is about anyway :D )

    Nowadays in the comics he owns a large industry and has a PhD (Dr. Octavious did most of that, though :p), so he can definitely also be a huge asset, just thinking in capital capacity.:greedy:

    So yeah, I think I'll go with spidey, even if he wasn't my all time favorite superhero

    Captaniser, Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  9. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    I've gone with Iron Man... The suits will save us, or Tony Stark will sass his way out of trouble for me.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    LOL... fair enough. :D I was wondering who was going to be the first to play that angle. ;)

    He is definitely my very last choice. I also agree with your assessment that Wolverine and Cap shouldn't even be considered for the running.
    Captaniser, Bowser and Ritual like this.
  11. GreenyRepublic
    Temple Guard

    GreenyRepublic Well-Known Member

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    I choose Kroq-Gar because I don't see any of those other spandex fuckers with their own dinosaurs.
  12. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I always bet on black.
    Captaniser, Bowser and Ritual like this.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Depends what version of Robin. The Young Justice version of Robin is actually pretty bad-ass. He took out a mind-controlled Batman. Yeah, Batman wasn't at his top game mind controlled, but that comes with the territory.

    There is no place on Earth where I can hide that Batman or the more badass versions of Robin could not find me. Ergo, because you can't have both, neither one would be any value. Could Batman beat Robin? Probably, but Robin's advantage over Batman is that he is a team player, not a loner. If Robin was my defender, he would probably be able to call in a bunch of reinforcements from the all the super heroes that are not on this list. If Robin was against me, he would have no problem finding out where I am and telling the heavy hitters where to find me.

    From a purely survival point of view. I choose Green Lantern. Green Lantern has been beaten by Batman and Superman in multiple stories. Nearly beaten by Flash in Justice League, the animated series once. Indirectly beaten by Robin in Young Justice, but that doesn't matter.

    The Green Lantern Corp has jurisdiction over thousands of inhabited worlds. Just have to find one with a large population of diverse humanoids where a Terran human wouldn't immediately stand out. GL can stash me on a distant planet, and then go back to Earth battle the other eight. Even if GL loses, the other eight characters will have to figure out which planet I'm on and then find me on said planet, assuming they have access to interstellar travel capable of physically reaching me. Maybe a character is clever enough to trace Green Lanterns energy trail to figure out what planet I'm on, but there is a very simple solution. GL flies me to Oa where the Green Lanterns have their base and then flies off to deposit me on my witness protection planet. Poof. There is enough green lantern traffic to and from Oa that finding my trail would be a needle in a haystack.

    But survival isn't everything.

    Robin is not the only hero on the list that can call in reinforcements. You are thinking too small. Instead of GL taking me to Oa, lets take refuge in Themyscira. Not as secure as Oa, but it would probably take at least a few weeks for the other heroes to breach the magical defenses. A few weeks on a sunny beach with dozens of women just like Wonder Woman....who cares if you die eventually.

    Lets go back to reinforcements.
    Assuming I don't want to die surrounded by beautiful Amazons or live out the rest of my days on an alien world. I choose, Wolverine. Wolverine is the only hero on this list that is capable of protecting me in a way that would allow me to go back to my normal life. Wolverine, against his established nature, could ask for help. Charles Xavier can telepathically beat everyone and probably remove whatever psychological compulsion the others have to kill me. Except maybe Batman who has crazy willpower. Batman has fended off telepaths repeatedly, but it's never easy. Let us assume fending off the most powerful telepath in all comic book-dom would take a good portion of Batman's time and concentration. While Batman has brilliant plans to incapacitate all other superheroes. I doubt he can fend off a telepathic attack while fighting all the X-Men at once. Heck, presumably by this point, Superman, Green Lantern, and Robin are now on my side thanks to Professor X convincing them that I'm worth defending.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Batman, I already know he had a plan to take out the justice league. And then all he has to do is manipulate the mouse and the house of Marvel falls.
    Captaniser likes this.
  15. Scolenex

    Scolenex Well-Known Member

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    I choose Deadpool. Deadpool isn't on the list. Doesn't matter, he doesn't play by the rules.

    With his powers of breaking the fourth wall, a team of lawyers would ban the six DC superheroes from making an appearance in the Marvel universe.

    Then, well.
    Google "Deadpool kills Marvel universe", I dare you.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I was going to wait a bit longer before unveiling my analysis, but another forum member has reached the exact same conclusion that my friend and I came to. The golden top hat is awarded to @Scalenex !!!

    From the stand point of survival, Green Lantern is the optimal choice. The name of the game is survival and not necessarily taking down the opposing 9 heroes. The reality is that I don't think that any of heroes could stand up to the combined might of the other 9. Sometimes the best option is to flee to safety. Of the 10 characters presented, I believe that only 2 have them has demonstrated to possess consistent/semi-consistent interstellar travel capabilities; Superman and Green Lantern. Of these two, Green Lantern is by far the most experienced and he can easily hide you away on a safe planet (maybe one orbiting a red sun to neutralize Superman, or deliberately choose one without a red sun to throw them off your trail). After this point, I'd play it safe and not have Green Lantern return to fight the others. There is too much of a risk that he is defeated, captured and forced to reveal your location (via Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth).

    Precisely what I had come up with!

    To be honest I should have specified that there were no other reinforcements allowed (outside of the 9 listed opposing heroes). I felt it was an inherent assumption in the scenario but I didn't explicitly lay that out, so I guess it is fair game. Clearly and issue of RAW vs. RAI ;)

    My analysis of the scenario assumed no reinforcements because that complicates matters further. It is difficult to assume who would side with whom. That said, it stands to reason that the opposing 9 heroes would easily be able to recruit more reinforcements than the lone protector. At this point any potential analysis is forfeit.

    Superman also has telepathic shields in play. His mind should be able to withstand Xavier, and while he is in play you're dead! Remember that Superman is always holding back, in an all out assault there is little that can stop him. He could literally bombard the planet with meteors to kill you and every other living being on the planet.

    Green Lantern's power ring may also protect him from Xavier (plus if Batman can fend of mind control via willpower, that is pretty much the main strength of a Green Lantern)
    Captaniser and Bowser like this.
  17. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yeah, but Green Lantern gets mind controlled a lot. John Stewart was knocked out by Dr. Destiny in Justice League (television series), and Dr. Destiny couldn't break Batman. In Justice League Dark, Batman took out Jon Stewart when he was driven crazy by the villain. Before I stopped watching the Brave and the Bold, Despero mind whammied a bunch of Green Lanterns but Batman beat him.

    Depends how lazy Superman's writers are. Villain finally finds a situation Superman cannot power his way through and then Superman says "Ha! I have the perfect device in my Fortress of Solitude to counter this!" Boring
    Captaniser and Bowser like this.
  18. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I read that one. Still have conflicted emotions about it. Read the continuation as well, it get's even more fudged up.

    Bowser likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Because Batman always has to win... because he's Batman!

    Mind controlling Green Lantern really comes down to the writer, but your point is valid. In all honesty, all these heroes swing wildly in terms of power level.

    I meant that he has natural resistance against mind control... no secret device necessary.

    As far as I know, his main weaknesses are:
    • krypotonite
    • red sunlight
    • magic
    Superman is going to be a problem even if you choose Batman. Sure Batman has beat him, but that mainly occurs because Superman isn't really trying to kill Batman.

    Green Lantern could create a Dinosaur construct... does that count?
    Bowser likes this.
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Well, at least I too gave my vote to Green Lantern! :p
    Bowser likes this.

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