Not terribly exciting but organised all (most of) my sprues into an under the bed storage box With some bigger ones I had in there its almost full now keeping them hand as structural elements if @Crowsfoot is doing a terrain comp
I´ve also heard that when you gather enough sprees you can sell them on eBay , and people will actually buy them . I´ve also started saving my sprues both for the terrain usage (specially in 40k) and the possibility of selling them one day
I chop everything off my sprues and organise into baggies and chuck 'em! I've no space for holding onto stuff!
Not sure if I've asked this before but will green stuff stick to wood? either in the stage where it dries and gets stuck to a surface or will it be able to be super glued on after?
To make counting my army easier I was breaking it down into shelves - I just did a preliminary count on my middle shelf - ignoring any proxy models for now and big dinos since I count them up easy - My main cabinet middle shelf is - 59 Saurus - 142 Skinks - 7 Terradon/ripperdactlys either or flying dinos for now - 5 Salamanders - 2 Razadons - 10 Kroxigors - 16 Raptor cavalry Total - 241 (Excluding any crew on my stegs on that shelf ) It's a start folks - I'll admit I bought too many and it got ontop of me to the point that losing count made me not know what to do with them all. But I've cleared out most of the end shed so should have my own space to dedicate to the hobby soon . Anyone want to take a guess at my final model count once I've done counting could be a fun game - I think it was like 600-800 approx. when I lost control.
Don't even think about it. Just choose 5 of them - any five you want - and start painting. Seriously. Do it as soon as you read this message and have time. Just open the shelf, take 5 out *preferably of the same kind to paint them without having trouble at the same time * and just do it !
Three questions you need to ask yourself and answer them honestly 1. Will I ever game with all these models 2. Will I paint all these models 3. Do I need all these models If the answer is "No" to any of the questions you have too many and you will never do anything with them apart from look at them, down size get some money in your pocket. It becomes an addiction buying, before I started back I had a Ebay rating of 300 it is now 930 and 99% of that 630 is hobby related, I have stopped buying models and in all honesty it is a relief as I can now concentrate on painting what I have and it feels good to be almost done (around 100 to go)
I would second this, I've got a shelf of Seraphon I need to go back to at some point and 2000 points worth of dwarves and collegiate to paint through and I am already eyeing up buying more... I must resist and work on what I have, no point buying more if I won't ever need them. Though I do want to start an army for the new 40k....
1. Potentially play but not all of them UNLEEEEESSS....Lizardmen vs Lizardmen civil war! 2. Yes - well not all but the important ones and some I'll get commission painted or help with since there are sooo many. 3. Need in relation to filling the Lizardmen super army shaped hole in my life then yes The issue with you implying/suggesting I don't need them ALL because I don't use them all is understandable but perplexing to me - maybe I'm less judgemental about it because I do collect coins and other things, there is something about having a collection of something, or owning something or a collection of something that humans like doing for some reason. It reminds me of how people would judge me for playing WOW in my youth saying it was a waste of time - but I got enjoyment out of it and now all the effort and money I put into that only equates to what memories I have of it. In the long run everything's a waste of time until we all die so... anywho to clarify as before I get where your coming from but my main interest in the hobby for now is collecting a massive army and I haven't tried to hide that - I'll get around to the other parts of the hobby when I can - until recently I didn't have a stable job so haven't budgeted properly for the other sides of the hobby anyways. I do understand I'm in the painting/converting blog section though - So I'll get something done soon to amend my lack of relevant forum topic posts. The main cool thing I want to get started on I'm waiting for the next BIG annual competition to put it as an entry. I talk too much this weekend I'll hit up some green stuff to appease the old ones!
Don't get me started about WOW!!! I was not having a go at you but from your posts you seemed lost in a pile of models.