AoS 2000 point bloodclaw/shadowstrike

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by LordRibbit, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    So what do people think of this list?

    Oldblood on Carnosaur (320) Quicksilver Potion
    Scar Vet on Carnosaur (260) Quicksilver Potion
    Scar Vet on Cold One (100) Relic Blade, Legendary Fighter, General
    Sunblood (120)

    5 x Knights with Lances (120)
    5 x Knights with Lances (120)
    10 x Warriors with clubs (100)

    Bloodclaw Starhost (100)

    Skink Priest (100)
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (120)
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (120)
    3 x Rippers (140)

    Shadowstrike Starhost (120)

    Starseer (160)

    2000 points

    Playing a new guy at our club night on Wednesday, no idea when he's taking but wanted to try something fun out and not too cheesy. 3 drops and starseer should give me some control over priority rolls.....
    Seraphage, TimCz and Bowser like this.
  2. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I would probably swap the Sunblood amd warriors for a scar vet on cold one and knights repectively, else you'll have them standing at the back doing nothing but looking sorry for themselves.

    Beyond that, really solid list, not too cheesy, should be fun to play with and against.
    Lachlin and Bowser like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think this is a great list, I tend to agree with @InfamousBeany but then again, having those warriors run blocking for your priest and the sunblood ability, I would probably stick with what you have.
  4. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I see your point but I love my Sunblood and could do with something to look after my starseer.
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  5. TimCz

    TimCz Member

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    Been looking at putting together something similar for a month or so time (usually only play 1000 point games at my local) so I'd be keen to hear how this turns out.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Fruzzle

    Fruzzle Member

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    Really solid, Starseer is probably our best unit, the sunblood can buff from a distance.

    Personally when using blood claw I'd like to extra character outside of it to be the general to get the extra command trait in (like another oldblood carnosaur, so 2x +2 attack bubble,which stack) or a slann for increased charges or rolls to hit via the constellation and re-rolls vs shooting for 1 or 2 turns and some magic support.

    I also prefer the bola terradons vs the ripper because rule of one nerfing the rippers.

    Blood claw + shadowstrike is definantly the best formation "combo" and your list should do fine.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    I great, game was take and hold against death. Here was his list (from what i remember)

    Zombie Dragon
    Ghoul king on terrorgeist
    3 x 10 ghouls
    5 x dire wolves

    So a pretty nasty list but nice guy.

    First turn:
    I let him go first, all his monsters could move min 12 inches so flew across the table. My turn I dropped my skinks and rippers next to two of his ghoul units left behind to guard the objective killed 3 with shooting (made 12 saves!) and rippers wiped out another unit of 10. Oldblood charged his mourngul with a unit of knights took 2 wounds off him then all the knights died as the necrosphinx piled into them.

    Second turn:
    Won priority thanks to starseer re-rolls. Shot the dire wolves killing 4 of them and the rippers charged and killed the 7 ghouls left over from the turn before taking 2 wounds in return. Scar vet on carnosaur charged into the mournghul and used his quicksilver potion so 2 carnosaurs in a row killed him off.

    His second turn he moved the zombie dragon back to go for my rippers and skinks, killing 4 skinks in shooting and all the Rippers in combat in return for two wounds (healed at the end of turn). Last unit of ghouls surrounded his objective. Terrorgiest charged both my Sunblood and scar vet on cold one, killing the Sunblood thanks to terrible save rolls from myself! Necrosphinx charged my starseer and unit of 10 warriors guarding my objective killing the warriors

    Third turn: I won priority again and this is where the game started to turn. Starseer retreated from combat and the carnosaurs went for his objective with knights in tow, oldblood shot 3 ghouls and the 5 man unit of skinks disappeared off the board. Oldblood then charged the zombie dragon and bounced off taking 4 wounds, scar vet on carnosaur killed the unit of ghouls in return of 2 wounds and my scar vet on cold one died against the terrorgeist after causing 2 wounds (again healed).

    His turn charged his necroshinx into my knights killing them all, zombie dragon killed my oldblood and terrorgeist killed the scar vet on carnosaur. my saves were terrible, I only needed one of those to survive and my skinks would take his objective giving me the major win.

    Turns 4 & 5: both pretty much sat on our objectives for the last two turns, sent in my skinks for a laugh who killed the last direwolf and then died to the zombie dragon/terrorgeist and necrosphinx!

    Result: Minor loss on kill points, was a really fun and close game. If my save rolls were better I would've won a major but as usual in AoS the key moment of the game went away from me. If I knew what I was fighting I would've had a different list but still thought this one was competitive, double carnosaur is very intimidating apparently!!
    Seraphage, TimCz and Bowser like this.

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