6th Ed. Lizardmen in Mordheim

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Dragonfire, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    Hello! Several people have asked me about my Lizardman warband in Mordheim, and I'm doing a WIP thing for them. I was using my Seraphon models for Mordheim figures but I didn't have a diverse allotment of heroes to properly portray them, but thanks to the mighty wonder of Ebay and several very lucky finds I now have my minis and can begin putting them together!

    The Star Band of Sotek

    Tinihuan, Skink Priest
    Calimnus, Totem Warrior
    Itsy, Skink Great Crest (recently lost an eye! Poor guy.)
    Bitsy, Skink Great Crest (Immune to Psych.)
    Huuha (Hoo-Wah!), Promoted Saurus Hero
    Whacka, brand new Skink whose first upgrade was to be a hero (and will be replaced the moment another Saurus gets promoted.)

    Jaguar Warriors, two Saurus armed with Spears who have 2 attacks and Initiative 2. (yay. Ini 2.)

    Eagle Warriors, two skinks with shortbows. +1 LD, +1 BS

    Leopard Warrior, New Saurus with +1 Strength and spear

    Whacka Squad, 2 Skinks w/Spears

    I got really lucky my first few games and scored some pretty big wins. My first game I saved all my heroes, won the game, and raided the Wizard's Tower and got a ton of loot. The second game I scored a bunch of gold, but it was a wash with losing a Saurus and having to rebuy him. My third game was crushing, and I lost three Skinks, wiping out a henchmen group. Last game I barely managed to pull a win and scored a ton of XP due to the conditions of the scenario and my heroes slaughtering tons of Zombies, treacherous High Elves, and Chaos (witih Calimnus gaining two advances!) but money wise I gained almost zilch. Well, I got a random Lance that I found. Wooooooooo.

    So on to my new minis! I'll post those in the next post. But I was fortunate in finding someone who had Temple Guard and a Champ who both had CCW and two arms that fit.
  2. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    Random Skinnie model to scale. I now have new potential spear Skinks! Though I like shortbows, the Skinks need spears. They're expensive, but necessary.

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  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Awesome haul! Great stuff here! Looking forward to more mordheim adventures!
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Great stuff, I love these funky old 5th/6th edition models for some reason. :D
  5. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    I love them, too. :) I was glad to find them. For some reason, minis from that era help draw me back into the Mordheim mindset. I'm also glad I have more than just the three customized minis to play with in my warband because I had to mark on my minis bases with pencil to let me know which one was which.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  6. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    It was not a good day for the Star Band. I managed to get in three games tonight, and one was outright devastating, while the other two were just brutal defeats.

    I'm afraid Bitsy is no longer with us. He got a double 1 on his injury roll, and now has joined the Liche Lord's horde. Also gone:

    The last of Jaguar Cohort, who lost both of their remaining members today.

    Whacka's replacement, The New Guy, managed to die twice and was replaced twice.

    And some lackluster rolls on exploration hurt.

    My problem was that my first opponent, the Lamians, were so OP that their vampires tore through me. The third game saw me against a Witchhunter band but they had me cornered.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Warden like this.
  7. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    Also, my group changed the Spear rule, which sucked because that was what my warband used as their primary weapon. I hate it because they want to use the Empire in Flames version, where a Spear makes it so that the first turn of combat is determined by initiative rather than having the spear strike before the charger, and it's annoying because that's the primary melee weapon we have for lizardmen. >:/ Ironically the only other player to have my back in the league was the undead player, whose skeletons also had spears.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Warden like this.
  8. Dragonfire
    Cold One

    Dragonfire Well-Known Member

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    Well, the season for the current Mordheim league ended and apart from the people who didn't show up ever again I ended up dead last with my warband rating. I was pulling down +2 and +3 XP each game but I wasn't able to get enough games in to break the 400s in Warband rating.

    Overall Lizardmen performed very well but having a cap on Saurus really hurts the list. With the hero at the beginning you can only ever have a maximum of 5 Saurus ever. This is brutal because Skinks generally do not do well at all except in very specific circumstances. I know they're cheap and can get a 6++, but the problem with skinks is they are generally outclassed by everything they will get into combat with and their ranged abilities suck hard.

    Still, by the time I was done my main fighting Saurus were some of the deadliest characters in the league! Thanks to scenarios where I got to beat the undeath out of some zombies, I managed to get my guys up pretty high. Calimnus, my Temple Guard, was WS 6, STR 5, T 5, 4 Attacks, and had Strike to Injure, Resilient, Step Aside, Mighty Blow, Bellowing Roar, and had a Gromril sword and a suit of light armor. :)
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That is most unfortunate overall, but fantastic that you had such an epic character on your list!

    Its good to see a good Mordheim league is still in existence somewhere!
  10. blackrainbow

    blackrainbow Member

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    With my dwindling time to get any sort of game in, smaller games like Mordheim are becoming more and more appealing. Alas there is only one group that plays (to my weak-sauce search) and even they are not aligned with my stars/schedule. Fight on brave Dragonfire, fight on. That the light may shine upon you, and that us that strive from darkness may look up your (limited atm) glory and aspire. Fight...

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