begin with paint the whole minature with hawk turquise drybruch the minature with ice blue paint the teeths,the claws and the horns with bleached bone paint the weapon (sword) with boltgun metal and paint the trim with shing gold paint the horn armour and the armbands with shining gold too and wash the scale with asuarmen blue and you have a saurus minature.
That would work to but what I do is real fast and looks good. Paint the body parts, (non-scales) with Ice Blue. Paint the scales with enchanted blue. Wash the entire model with a heavy asurmen blue. Dry brush the model with a medium to light skull white. Paint the claws and teeth with skull white, applying chaos black between the cracks of the claws when it's dry. Paint the eyes blood red. Paint the part on the Saurus warriors with shining gold. Paint your spearhead with mithril silver and boltgun metal.
Again, you make your claim far better if you attach a picture or two to show people what it looks like. Drybrushing with skull white is an interesting idea, I'd like to see how that turned out and what it does to the models. Overall, I'm not too happy with washes on LM though, I far prefer the look of inks on them.
Posting pics on the "painting and converting" section is a must. I would really like to see thoughs results. Thanks.
ok, i need to ask this question.. whats the difference between washes and inks? where do you get inks from?
Inks are usually just pigment suspended in a clear fluid, so you can tint colors with them. Washes are pigment suspended in its own formula that performs entirely different from inks. A wash will flow into the recessed areas of the model you're applying it to, essentially shading it for you. Since GW doesn't make inks anymore, you'll have to get them from Reaper. I suggest the Miniwargaming online store.
Washes are a lot thinner and more subtle, and they have an agent in them to provide more even coverage thus they are more akin to a glaze. They come out matt when they dry and provide fairly even coverage on the surface. Inks are very high pigment, really darken the model, will stain the raised areas but certainly prefer to flow straight into the recesses and make them much darker. Their finish is a somewhat shiny wet look. Inks also need to be watered down while washes down. Bah! Kids these days. Back in mmmyyyyyy day, all GW made were inks! (all of 2 years ago or so) Vallejo also makes inks, there are several companies that do. GW discontinued theirs when they brought out the washes. Superior my arse... Some of the washes are good, I really like the browns and it is hard to go wrong with black, but I haven't had much luck or been that impressed with the other colours so far.
Nonono I find them all really useful. I never use them plain anymore (except the black and brown ones sometimes) but rather mix the colour I want by using normal paints. The green, blue, red etc are all super handy!
I posted the results of my Saurus warriors with a Dry brush of skull white in the painting section if anyone would like to see them. And as I have used inks for some crap in my High Elf army, like my dragons and phoenix guard, thats about it with inks. I preferably use washes, just my opinion. Its really about what you use first! Both work fine and depend on the painter. After all, using washes or inks leaves a mark on the model, making it the persons on style of painting which makes everything unique! Thats the wonderful thing of the hobby.