Fiction Tezcat, the banished

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Kajchi, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. Kajchi

    Kajchi New Member

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    I decided to make some army fluff, and post it here. It is getting longer than I expected. So I've decided to write it in chapters. Every time I finish a chapter, I'll post it here. Hping that you guys will keep me motivated ;)

    Tezcat,The banished one

    The awakening

    In the days of old, when the world was young and the old ones had only just started forming the world and its inhabitants, there was one of them greater than the others. His name was Tezcat, the beast lord. It was him that made the old ones' pact with the dragons. This did not only bring peace to the two races, but the dragons also granted him some of their power...For this, Tezcat was revered as one of the greatest of the Old Ones.

    But pride soon got hold of him, he felt that he was better than the other Old Ones, and started to deviate from the Old Ones' plan. A few miles from the Lustrian coast, he erected an island out of the sea, naming it Aq'dra. He brought his two most trusted slann attendants here: Fushtar and Poak. With their help, he created his own spawning pools, bringing forth an army of Lizardmen.

    Or at least, that was his plan. But something terrible happened. One of his slann companions,Poak, escaped the island and told the other Old Ones of Tezcats betrayal...
  2. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    ....................MORE!!! :meh:
  3. Kajchi

    Kajchi New Member

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    I'm glad that at least someone is enjoying my fluff :D

    Here is the next "plaque"

    The Sealing

    Tezcat's plan was quickly revealed to the Old Ones' by Poak. And it did not take long for the old ones to jump into action. All of them agreed that this traitor had to be stopped. But there were two problems stopping them: The first was the fact that the Old Ones had made an oath never to slay one another, for it would utterly ruin their Great Plan. The second was that they had to find a way to stop Tezcat without provoking any bloodshed.

    It was Tepok that came forth with a plan in the end. He wanted to seal away Tezcat on his blasted Island for eternity. But though his magics were great, he alone would not be enough to make a seal strong enough to stop Tezcat. A call went out over the Old world for the strongest of the Old Ones. Together with Tepok, they wove a spell of which the world would never see it's likes again. Seven pillars rose from the earth of Aq'dra, one for each of the casters of the seal. Between the pillars, a force field was summoned, locking Tezcat on his island for eternity.

    But the pillars had an unforeseen side effect. Every pillars creator had to feed the pillar with power to keep the seal strong. This had been planned, but the fact that it also sucked power of everyone close to it was an unwanted side effect. Because of this, Tezcat's power waned every moment he was trapped on the island. Ultimately draining all of his power. In a final, desparate act, Tezcat transformed himself into a dragon, hoping to use the dragons' blessing to protect him from the pillars. It worked, but it was to late, he had lost all of his powers, from spawning Lizardmen to casting magic...
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. dhuan gor

    dhuan gor New Member

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    as one man from my country says "oh my god i love it."
  5. Kajchi

    Kajchi New Member

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    I finally had the time to finish the next installement of my fluff, so here it is. C&C are, as always, appreciated.

    The Catastrophe

    Years and years passed as Tezcat rotted away in his self-made prison, his feeble attempts at destroying the pillars all but failing. And in the end, he thought all hope was lost. But fate thought otherwise...

    One day, Tezcat felt a shock going through the island which lasted for at least a week. At first, he disregarded it as a regular earthquake. But several days later, he suddenly felt stronger. It was not much, but after years of feeling drained and weak, it was enough to give Tezcat hope. He quickly walked out of his temple, and flew to the closest of the pillars.

    He could see it from far away, the earthquake had made the pillar sink partially into the ground. Knowing that it was impossible for a normal earthquake to do such a thing, Tezcat started contemplated what could have caused this to happen. He checked every one of the pillars, only to find that the exact same thing had happened. Tezcat could only think of one possible thing that could have happened. The Old Ones had left...

    Thinking this to good to be true, it took many more years for Tezcat to gather the courage to try and leave the island. And it seemed it was with good reason, the pillars still had too much power remaining in them. I could take millennia for the seal to finally falter and allow Tezcat to leave his prison. But not all was lost, Tezcat had planted his seeds even before he was sealed, and had finally regained the strength to make them grow...
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. dhuan gor

    dhuan gor New Member

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