Hi, another little update. Here you have the photos of the miniature that gave me the inspiration for the weapon i made for this project. It's a miniature i got with a 2nd hand army a couple of years ago, conversioned by a member from the forum: "http://hombreslagarto.mforos.com/" A spanish forum for lizardmen, full of interesting threads, great stuff and tutorials / ideas I know you are going to love it as much as i do (this miniature is, currently, the general of the army i use in the campaign)
I will, very soon, be back at work with this project and when i finish this one, i've other project started which i hope you'll love, as it will be my first scratch sculpted miniature
Thank you all As i said, that miniature i loved it so much that gave me the idea to do it's mounted version, which is the one i'm currently doing I totally encourage you to do so... I will try to convert the raptor too, to make it bigger and little more ferocious. I hope to be able to do that
Hi guys Sorry for this silent time i've had. I was in a travel in Mexico, and i had also much more work (i work with computers and this issue of the new ransomware is causing quite a lot of problems) As i said, the weapon of the warlord broke down due to falling to the ground, but now it is repaired and, in fact, i like it quite a lot now. Here are the images: In the back of the saurus, he is going to have a standard (he will be a Battle standard bearer). that is happening quite soon, but for now i have not the images yet I hope to be abe to upload them quite soon
Thank you very much Please, don't do that Don't smash your models n_n I'm pretty sure they do not deserve that