I know our new Lizardmen Book comes out ina few months. My question is simple. ANYONE HEARD ANYTHING!?! I've heard a few rumors and a handful of fluff but nothing that can be proven. Has anyone else been serching for the answers? Or am I alone in my curiosity? Things I've heard: 1.) All Saurus and skinks will get 1 more added to their current armor save and toughness rating. With the exception of skinks. They will get a 6+ AS but no increase to Toughness. 2.) +1 attack for Saurus. Oldones will have 6, Vets will have 5, Saurus will have 3 UC will have 4. 3.) Carnosaurs will be mount options for Veterans, however they will cost you a hero choice. So it'll be possible to take 2 Carnosaurs in a 2,000 + list. 4.) Skink Cheifs going bye-bye. New unit will be a SAURUS WIZARD. Although I heard he's got some special instability rules. 5.) Magic item or banner that makes Cold ones NOT STUPID 6.) The Predatory Fighter rule will be updated. Saurus wont be able to take spears anymore. However the Predatory fighter rule means that on the first round of any combat Saurus can re-roll failed wounds. 7.) 1st Gen Slann are back. But cost a crazy amount of points to field. Like I said. These are rumors I've heard and cant be proven yet. So I was hopeing someone else had heard these rumors or other ones so we can compare notes. -Tremendous
May I ask where/who you heard these rumors from? Some of them sound overpowered while others just dont make sense... A relatively reliable source is the rumor roundup board on Warseer (has to be verified, etc.) http://warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128514
Yeah that list seems like a list you'd tell someone if you wanted to get them all excited for no reason. The only rumors I really heard where saurus would be the same but 2 points cheaper and SCOR will be 4 points cheaper. http://www.librarium-online.com/forums/ ... rdmen.html Also that guy from librarium has an incredibly accurate history for rumors.
I'd believe it if they cost 25 points a model. Why not though, then you can put a slann in that unit and spend 1500 points just for 1 unit.
Other rumours I've heard suggest that saurus are actually going down by a point or two per model. Also, I would like it if they got the option to use great weapons, that would be better than spears I think
There is rumors that sounds very solid and viable, but there others there is actually "humorous" not rumors... I truly bealive that Saurus need changes, rising their WS to 4 and their I to 3, they don´t need a point change, or they stay as they are for a 2pts cheaper... I think this is the most accurate sollution.... Saurus with spear really doesn´t work, as pinkus said, 5 attacks with WS 3, only if you not had moved is not a great improvement of that unit.... I bealive that Saurus with spear will only work if they are cheaper and you could field (worthing) about 4 or 5 units of them, therefore you can make Saurus attack units and Saurus defense units (this one with spears)... That other rumour, of the librarium forum, saying that there will be a Saurus Wizard is obviously a "humor", i don´t see in the fluff any reason for that.... A Slaan Lore, Okay! but he really needs a point reduction or more protective things.... skinks, Kroks and etc I really bealive that is ok, not much changes.... Maybe Kroks being sttuborn (but not much help with L 5, so a rise up to 7 maybe) afterwall they are Saurus ferocious cousins.... cheers
I think you'll find Krox are already ld 7. I'm constantly surprised at how much people say the lizardmen need to change. WS4 saurus? C'mon, we're already s4 with 2 attacks. Also, cold blooded ld 8 makes us better than dwarves leadership wise! Also t4 is not to be sniffed at.
you right, they are Ld 7... my mistake... I must confess that i like the saurus the way they are, one of the most solid core troop that exists in the game.... Finnaly I agree with you, lizzies do not need a lot of changes, i think just a few reviews to fit like a glove in the 7th edition and maybe news armybooks... Just that....I really believe that the slann points/wargears/power has to be reviewed, because I always put him in a 2k or more games... and it is a little overpriced.... but not much problem... By the way... no new rumours ?????
I think the one major downfall of why people think saurus are too expensive, is because you don't have a cheaper Rank and file unit. Now if we get rank and file skinks, you might see less people complaining about saurus warriors. But having to spend 12 points a model if you want a ranked unit seems pricey. Specially when(besides skinks, everything else in the army is expensive).
I agree with you that saurus is expensive for a rank and file unit, but also they are one of the best rank and file unit.... I usually take two units in the middle of the tabble with 3 sallies in the middle of them.... a Slann behind that or deppending the terrain I put him in another place... rounding this with a lot of skinks... Well... about the skink rank unit, I personally don´t like the idea, i don´t like the southland list, and never could visualize skinks, in fluff or in the miniature design, like a cool unit.... can be usefull i admit it, but I don´t think is cool...
I like the fluff behind them for a southlands army. Basically they aren't spawning enough saurus so they train their skinks to fill that void.
But this doesn't make any sense. What reason is there for them to be m5? They are quite obviously not as quick as elves or rats. They are tough, ferocious fighters. Our speed comes from skinks and our special choices. Also, how many armies boast a skirmishing core unit at 6 pts per model
Also, keep in mind that no matter what you might want, the game is based on balance. Yes, elves have m5 and special rules, but they are weaker and dont have 2 attacks each. Chaos warriors can fight better than Saurus in many cases, but they are often 5+ more points. When you look at the vast majority of "elite" rank & file, 12 points is very much the mean. Saurus will always be slow. Thats part of the cold blooded "theme." Basic statlines probably wont change. Over the editions, basic stats (except for attacks) have only rarely changed.
I have heard from a (very) reliable source that there will be a plastic arcanodon with engine of the gods. Have also heard (mutiple sources) there is a plastic steg. They might be in one kit together. There is also a pic of a kroxigor going around. looks plastic but I don't know if it is. (could be resin?)
This a found in the warseer forum.... rumours of the new book... Lords -Slann Mage-Priest -Saurus Oldblood Hero's -Scar-Veteran -Skink Priest -Skink Chief Core -Saurus Warriors 10pts -Skink Skirmishers -Skink Scouts -Skink Cohorts -Horned One riders (mabye Special?) -Jungle Swarms (?) Special -Kroxigors -Saurus Cavalry 31pts -Kroxigor/Skink Units (?) -Charmeleon Skinks -Terradon Riders -Temple Guard 15pts -Salamander Hunting Packs -Stegadon Rare -Spinodon Packs -Ancient Stegadon/Arcanodon 21 units.
Army wide rule: Jungle Fighter: All models move through jungle, woods, and forest as open ground and do not suffer any penalty. (Excluding Mounts) Spawnings: There are no changes for Chotec rule Sotek: For units: They get +1 A on the turn they charge. For Characters: Frenzy (still have to take test for Stupidity) Xthol: 5+ ward, in addition, If: For units: they use this mark during the battle phase, then they can choose only one Save "Scaly skin or this" For characters: If they cannot save a wound, then any enemy models that attacks the character with this mark take S4 hit on a D6 Limited to; Saurus Warriors, Temple guards, Skinks (skirmesher/cohorts) and Saurus Calvary. Tlazcotl: this you take this mark: Units: Immune to Psychology (still suffer from stupidity and frenzy) Characters: Does not need to take any events that requires a LD test (including stupidity or frenzy) and are stubborn in battle Limited to: Saururs Warriors, Skinks(Cohorts/skrimeshers/Calvary), Temple Guards, Kroxigors, and Saurus Calvary. Tzunki: +1 I in addition, If: For units: They become aquatic and doesn't suffer any penelty for walking on water. For characters: They become aquatic and have First strike rules Confirmed Limited to; Saurus Warriors, Temple guards, Skinks (skirmesher), and Kroxigors. Huanchi: +1 WS and move thourgh terrains with no penelty Limited to; Saurus Warriors, Temple guards, Skinks (skirmesher/cohorts), Saurus Calvary, and Kroxigors. Note: you cannot take up the same blessed mark in the same unit. Ruling of how blessed mark is taken: Not all units can they up to two, for some they can up to one (i.e Saurus Calvary) while other can take up to three (unknown). If they take one, they stay as core/special. If they take up two, they move to special/rare. Lore of the Old ones and goemancey returns. Lizardmen Army updates: *cold blooded rule remains the same *Slann now cause fear, but points remains the same. *Jungle fighters: All models can move through jungle, wood, and forest as open grounds (Excluding mounts) and do not suffer any penelty. This is confirmed *Temple guards will be cheaper by 2 points and become plastic, but by doing this, they going back to being special (With slann on the field, they become cores). Better options (blessed mark, carry shields without paying for them, light armour) and still able to carry magic banner confirmed. *Skink will have th option of cohorts or skrimisher, will have "hate skeven", able to mount on horn ones once again (in that case, they will have Heavy Spear (treated as a lance), light armour and sheild). carry blessed mark and will have the option of kroxigor/skinks skirmisher as a unit. Red crest is now an option. This is confirmed *Skink preist and Skink Chief will have the option of blessed mark (including Itzl), have the option on mounts (terradon, horn ones, or stegadon) confirmed. *Predetory fighter: front rank gets +1 A while the second rows lose one attack. Confirmed *Saurus warrior are confirmed to be 10 pts per model and can carry magic banner as well as blessed marks and now has a WS4. Confirmed *Kroxigors will able to recieve blessed mark and a command set. Confimred *Arcanodaon and the Engine of the gods confirmed. *As we speak, blessed marks are going to be more widespread then before; however, there are SOME blessed mark left undone, so there are three more left (xhoal is confirmed while the ability to regenerate is still unconfirm). Each blessed mark has its other effect to the army. *Salamanders don't suffer move or shoot, but still suffer stand and shoot when being charged. Characters: Nakai the wonderer: confirmed Oxayotl the first Chameleon skink: confirmed Tehenhauin: Stats redone little and is confirmed Ten-Zlati: Confirmed Lord Mazdamundi: confirmed Kroq-gar: Stats redone alittle Lord Kroak: Stats redone mostly (Note: he will be cheaper then before because he will no longer take up rare slot anymore. GW felt that he's not going anywhere since he is too exspensive in points) Confirmed The book is supposedly out in march 2009 and the army will be out in 2nd week of april. It is not known who is writing it.
know my comments: 1- As i said before i don´t like the idea of skinks in ranks, and i don´t see usefull a mounted unit with T 2 2- Salamander dropped to special is a good thing, but i believe that they will not hit automatcally... or I´ll put 5 units of three sallies on the table.. 3- Believe that more Stegs will be on the table, lower price and options to put more... 4- Spinodom Pack ?!?!?! I pretty sure that this will rock on the table.... 5- Slann same points and causin fear?!?! don´t know... I prefer a low cost instead of fear.... Well, i really bealive that this book is turning the lizzies to a dino army.... not a Magic Army of the Old Ones as i bealive that would be.... or we have to wait to see the slann and skinks priest and maybe other magical units to answer that point.... cheers