7th Ed. 1k Lizzies vs. Orks and Goblins

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Mordechai, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    Well, i´m not pretty sure about the armies lists, but is somenthing like this:

    Lizzies: Nike Saurus, skink priest 2 level, 2x 10 skinks w/ blowpipe, 2x 10 skinks w/ javelins, 1 Saurus Unit (20) with full command, 3 Sallies

    OeG: Night Goblin WarBoss, Goblin Shamam, Goblin Standart bearer, 20 goblins w/ short bow and musician, 2x 22 golbins HW and Shield, 3 trolls, 2 spear chukkas, 2x forest goblin spiders, 6 Orc Boar Boyz.

    1 turn
    OeG - army advance, the spear chukkas takes 1 sallie down, Shaman suffers miscast and die.
    Lizzies - army advance, in range of shotting there is the sallies (2 miscatch), 3 units os skinks misses all shoots, skink priest puts the first token of comet of casadora. (FORGOT the nike Saurus)

    2 turn
    OeG - a mass animosity on the army, spear chukkas make 1 wound on sallie and kill one skink, just 1 spiders moves but no charge, Orcs Boar Boyz charge suffers a stand and shoot and 3 fall... Charges sucessfull killing 4 skinks, making them run out of the table. Another token of comet casandora is on the table.
    Lizzies - Sallies kills one troll, Saurus charge on forest spiders, killing 3 of 5, they run pretty fast, the pursue move make them in contact with the second forest spider unit. Another Token of comet of casadora in on the table (3 is on the table). FORGOT, AGAIN, the Nike saurus.

    3 turn
    OeG - Trolls is stupid, and move 3 to charge nothing! spear chukkas kill 4 skinks of diferent units, The goblin archers shoots and takes one wound of a sallie and one skink down. Orc Boar Boyz stop and stay looking the sky. Saurus vs Spiders 2, 2 spiders is kill, one saurus die, with the standart near they stay still... Another token is on the table now (total - 4 tokens!!!!)
    Lizzies - Sallies shots unit with the Goblin Warboss, Standart and 21 goblins, kill 8 goblins, saurus kill 2 spiders, they run fast!!! skinks with javs kill the 3 boar boyz. Saurus kill the Spiders unit. FORGOT, STILL, the nike saurus... And another casandora´s token is on the table!!! (are you counting??? there are 5 tokens!!!)

    4 turn -
    OeG - Troll charges the nike saurus (ops! there it is!!!!Dammm), obviously kill him!!! the spear chukkas misses all... Another token is on the table...
    Lizzies - Sallies makes 1 wound on trolls, skinks with javs makes another... Saurus is in the middle of nothing!!! Another token is on the table (don´t stop counting, there is 7 token on the table!!!)

    5 turn -
    OeG Troll is stupid, nothing done. Goblins with bow takes the wounded sallie down, another token is on the table.... Spear Chukkas give 1 wound on the last sallie, kill 2 skinks and kill one saurus.
    Lizzies - sallie shots in the same unit, killing 5 goblins, Saurus stays in the middle of nowhere. ANOTHER TOKEN is on the table (TOTAL 9 TOKENS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nothing happends with that)

    The game ended in a draw....

    1. Spears Chukkas hurts!
    2. Paint my Nike Saurus pink, this way I´ll not forget him.
    3. Better luck on dices needed!!!!
    4. Comet of Casandora is useless if does not explode your enemy in half.
    5. Saurus units rocks!!! but put them in a better position next time, to prevent they walking in the middle of nothing.
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Yes....painting him pink might help. That, or you can give him a very large personal banner samuri-style.
  3. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    I liked the idea of a personal banner...
  4. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Bolt throwers can only kill 1 skirmisher model per turn. Just wondering what you meant by this.

    Nice write up, I was waiting for the comet to come down on turn 6 and wipe the table clean.
  5. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    Bolt throwers can only kill 1 skirmisher model per turn. Just wondering what you meant by this.
    serious?!?! so my friend, as we say here in Brazil "hit me with a fork"... he said that bolt throwers against skirmmishers kill in a straight line.... therefore he could kill those skinks!!!

    About the Comet... hunf... sucks!!!!! I became more angry with the comet not working then the forgoted hero.... hehehe
  6. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    this has happened in a game for me

    Bolt throwers do follow a straight line, but bolt throwers can only kill multiple models if they are ranked up and only 1 per rank. Skirmishers are considered too loose and fluid to be able to kill more then one.
  7. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    But the shot go to the next unit?! Right???

    If the is another skink unit or a saurus unit, that unit will suffer the shot, right?

  8. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    No. A bolt thrower isn't like a cannon. The bolt hits one unit only, and will only hit more than one model if they are ranked up. By firing at skirmishers, he's only ever going to hit one model, as there are no ranks for the bolt to pass through (treat as though the one rank is less than five models. BRB: p. 90).

    So in this case; yes, your friend was incorrect in his interpretation of the rules. Learn from this so that next time you won't be on the unfortunate end of the interpretation, whether he's aware of his fault or not.

    And as for the rest of the article, for fluff purposes I'd say: "Turn 6: Comet finally comes down, and everything on the table dies from the Tactical Nuke of the Old Ones."

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