7th Ed. Saurus Scar-Vet Tactica (updated 9/27/09)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Celticfire, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    I personally use a scar veteran, mounted on cold one with LA, Shield of mirrored pool and burnign blade.....

    The blade gives him -4 to enemy armour saves, and with his fancy magical shield, he's good for deflecting any wl that might be heading at my cold ones!
  2. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    *Glances over the posts again*

    I really shouldn't post when I've been eating ice cream with lots of sugary stuff... o_<

  3. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    it depends on what he will be charging when mounted

    if i think he is going to be charging a lot of weak enemies like elves or empire or gobbos then i will give him the sword of striking hit on 2+, wound on 2+ is never a bad thing

    if i plan on him having to deal with a lot of tough enemies then he needs the BBoC to take out the high armour this is also just a good all rounder

    if he is character hunting pirannaha blade with bane head means that he kills any character on the board with a single wound since i put the bane head on the lord and the rest only have 2 wounds i like this build for vampires and brets

    for armour it depends sometimes the enchanted shield, sometimes the maiming shield, just whatever kind of whim i get mostly
  4. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Re: Saurus Scar-Vet Tactica (updated 9/3/09)

    ok, so i'm a terrible person for putting this off for so long. i have lost a bit of intrest in my lizzards, but finnealy i got around to it
  5. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    First saw this build in Caneghem's list and been trialing it myself, its now a staple part of all my small point value lists and is in 90% of my big ones.

    Saurus "Battle Musician"

    Burning Blade of Chotec, War Drum of Xahutec, Light armour, Shield (cold one if thats your taste)

    So this guy fills a similar role to your "Battle Standard Bearer" giving all units within 12" +1 LD to rally and also making his unit immune to March blocking, plus you can give him a 1+ save with a cold one and this also makes his unit immune to fear. Not to mention the Burning Blade of Chotec! This could be swapped out foe the Enchanted Shield, especially if your after the 1+ Armour save without the cold one.

    And another old favourite

    Saurus "Disposable Can Opener"

    Great Weapon, Light Armour

    So for less than 100pts you get to add 4 S7 attacks to your Saurus Block, helping them with any high save or toughness enemies they just can't quite manage to take down with weight of attacks. Also, working on averages, even if 3 Knights maximise into him and direct all their attacks against him, he should statistically survive, and if he doesn't, well, thats still 3 (4 with champ.) less high strength attacks your saurus are taking, effectively allowing him to absorb the charge bonuses and helping the saurus to win in the next round where the Knights will be striking at a lesser strength.
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I like to call him the "Templar of Xahutec". I think the cold one works great, it just didn't fit with my particular army build, since I am planning on having him lobbed out of the Temple Guard via Steed of Shadows.

    Now in other sorts of lists I could see him riding a cold one and assisting a unit of combat res heavy Cold One Cavalry. I've toyed with the idea of a unit of 5 cold ones with the war banner, and the Templar of Xahutec carrying the Battle Standard. A +3 static res cav unit that can always march sounds very nice. I would drop their frontage to 4 or even 3 depending on what I'm facing. The point is of course that the Scar Vet will be doing a good chunk of the wounds anyway, and as with most things and Warhammer, it's not necessarily how hard you hit them but where you hit them. The narrow frontage allows for excellent maneuverability, which would allow the cav to make some crazy 14" march moves near and behind enemy lines, giving them a large tactical advantage. Another thing to consider that most players don't (with the likely exception of Bretonnian players), is having a narrow frontage gives you a slight boost to the range of charges in which you must wheel. Using up less movement for wheeling helps in charging and in non-charging rounds.
  7. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    These are some very useful builds, I will have to consider them for my army! Thanks! :jimlad: :spiderman:
  8. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    I like that formation Caneg! you'd also have a lot better chance of a flank/ rear charge (so a further +1 and negate ranks) and you wouldn't have part of your coldone unit hanging out the side when you manage to support a saurus block and are limited to how much you can maximise because of overhanging saurus.

    ARGH! More list adjustments!!! lol
  9. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Really want to see how that pseudo-lance formation works out, it seems like the cav could get themselves pretty well positioned for flank/rear charges with narrower frontage. Also, even against the "unbreakable" armies like VC, you could use the narrow frontage to get yourself a nice rear charge and then expand your frontage if you didn't wipe them out in the first combat round.

    Another benefit of not having extra cav models hanging out is it makes the pursuit much easier. If your cav flank charges an enemy that is also being frontally charged by a salamander or other support unit, then the overhang won't hamper your pursuit/overrun movement. If another enemy unit lies in the path of the cav, then with narrower frontage they won't run into the salamander who pursued in the same direction.

    One final benefit... plowing through support units. Being narrower means they can exploit smaller gaps in the enemy line and bust through to the other side. Remember you want to get them behind the lines ASAP and take full advantage of being able to march around back there, gaining immense tactical advantage. Synergizes well with a Slann that takes Beasts or Shadow lore.
  10. Temudgin
    Jungle Swarm

    Temudgin New Member

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    Don’t mean to be a bit nitpicking but reverend guardian suggest an all comes killer vet be armed with enchanted shield, burning blade of Chotec and Glyph Necklace cant be done or run, As total points for all magic items is 65, more than the 50 allowed for the vet
    Nice idea just cant be done or run
    tend to run similar scar vet though with just a small change, drop the glyph necklace for the bane head
    sorry if every one has already spotted this

  11. susoaverlorn
    Jungle Swarm

    susoaverlorn New Member

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    im in 'ard boys semi finals on west coast US, figured id chime in and look for pointers...

    ard boys is 3k chars aloud, no real comp restrictions

    ... regardless, i use my standard storm cav type lizardmen army (no chars), 2 carnosaurs, 2 engines, 3 cav units, 3 skirmisher units, 1x4 swarms, and a skink block just for fun.

    after seeing a budy of mine lose the other day to a nurgle plague missle spam army. i realised how amazing the mirror shield is.... to which, the point....

    that shield alone. in any melee hero heavy lizardman army, is almost an auto win button vs said nurgle plague missle, or tzeentch demons.... also against slann lore of fire.... devestating

    deathstar with that shield vs those armies and they have nothing.

    30 points to have that kinda of advantage.... no brainer.

    another thing im about to try using is a scar vet as my general instead of my 2 old bloods. in almost every tourny here we have the "headhunter" general killing type scenerio....

    i lose at least a carnosaur per game... rider included. often my general.

    im going to run the usual scar vet on foot, jag charm, enchanted shield, la, 2 hander. as my general.

    really a general does nothing for benefit in my army as all saurus are the same LD. i plan to use him as a decent march block with the jag charm (which works quit well). and hide him in the woods during headhunter. a 136 point paper weight is an acceptable loss...

    ... i think i may have rambled on. ah well. any advice is appreciated
  12. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Thank you guy so much! There are 2 build here i'm thinking of useing (the Disposable Can Opener, and Revered_Guardian's) If you guys don't mind.
  13. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Go nuts KroxigorFTW! the sole reason I posted builds was because Id found they worked for me so I thought Id share.
  14. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Scweet, the list is up, and its got 2 of the builds here in it.
  15. maniclurker

    maniclurker New Member

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    I have just picked up this book, and never played the game before. I am very excited about starting this, however, as I love the way the models look. Dinosaurs with swords are cool, especially when they are riding other dinosaurs. I'm 23, and I think that.

    Alright, I have some things here I noticed. First, I'll go over the Scar-Vets...

    Poisonous Killer:
    There is nothing describing his wargear, however, I think I can assume what you are taking. Piranha blade, and Poison of the Toad (or whatever it's called). If that is the case, you should reread how that Poison works, as it specifically says MUNDANE WEAPONS. A Piranha Blade is not a mundane weapon, it's magical.

    Basic Mounted(Carlo Max):
    There is also some incorrect things here. The Maiming Shield adds 1 attack that uses your models BASE STRENGTH. You do not get to use the +1 ST that can be provided from *insert any weapon that adds +1 ST*.

    And, now to the Enchanted Shield discussion:
    When I originally saw this, I wrote up my list like it was a shield. It seemed obvious... enchanted SHIELD. Right? Wrong, as far as I can see. In the descriptions for magic armor and whatnot, it seems clear to me what the item is by the descriptive words used. For Hide of the Cold One (or whatever it is), it says "Armor; blah blah blah". For Maiming Shield, it says "Shield; blah blah blah". For that mirror shield thingy, it says "Shield; blah blah you get the picture". Well, look at what it says for Enchanted Shield... it says "ARMOR; blah blah" Well, that seems pretty clear to me. Who cares what it is named, it is described as armor. They could have called it 'Can Opener', 'Petroleum Jelly', 'Magic Pack of Hotdogs', or any other thing they wanted to. It doesn't matter. It's still described as ARMOR.

    Now, I have no clue why you people were wigging out after the last guy said that, but that's fact. The difference in points cost between a shield or light armor is so negligible that it really won't matter, so noone is trying to get some 'advantage' by using 'rules loop holes'. I'm merely trying to write my list in a correct and legal way, and so was that guy. A magic item's description is not a "loophole"... it is the rules.

    If anyone can discuss this in an intelligent manner, please do so. I do not care for any responses of "enchanted SHIIEEEELD-warrgarble aaaaah!" If someone can direct me to where it specifically states that it is a shield, I would be very pleased. As it is, my friend called me a retard when I brought this up with him, and I gave up on it, until I saw that one guy's post, and thought "Hey, someone else saw it too".
  16. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    it doesn't really matter you know... enchanted shield is +2 save where both light armor and normal shield are +1 save.
    if you play with it as a shield you will have +3 save and a model with armor and a shield, if you play with it as armor you will have +3 save and a naked lizard with 2 shields and a weapon... carried in his teeth or tail.
    i fail to see the issue
    RAW it's magic armor, RAI it's a magical shield, makes absolutely no difference to use since we can't wear heavy armor where it would have made one
  17. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah because the LM army book has absolutely no other errors in it at all. Oh wait.... Sory that was unneccesary sarcasm, but it was directed at the book not at you.

    I honestly have no idea why the enchanted shield is listed as armour not shield. I guess it is because there isn't actually a magic item classification 'shield'. If you look at the types of magic items on page 121 of the BRB you will see it is all classed as 'magic armour', which is what the enchanted shield is at a base level. In that description it specifically says magic armour includes shields and helms, and how they can interact with each other. So while it is technically magic armour as a base category, within that category it is a shield.

    If that hasn't convinced you, then flip over to page 122 of the BRB and look at the enchanted shield description, where it is also classed as 'magic armour'. 'The shield confers an armour save of 5+ rather than the mundane shield's 6+'
    A little further down 'This can be combined with other mundane armour - for example, light armour + enchanted shield = armour save 4+'

    I hope that is enough to finally put the discussion to rest; that the enchanted shield is indeed a shield not a piece of armour.
  18. maniclurker

    maniclurker New Member

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    Ah, I found that. That does clear things up quite a bit.
  19. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Just to be supremely helpful...
    Isn't a shield a type of armor?

    I think the reason for listing the enchanted shield as armor should be clear from a balance standpoint... they didn't want people combining the enchanted shield with all the other types of magic armor and creating ridiculous armor saves.
  20. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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