Help with colour scheme

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Angelus, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

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    Hi everyone,
    I am planning to restart my Lizardmen and that includes repainting some stuff that's already painted because the current ones are, well, horrible. The problem is that I have no idea on how to paint them! I've been looking around a bit at different forums for pics on other players LM armies for inspiration, but it hasn't really helped a lot.
    I've been thinking about painting them to look like actual lizards, so no blue-painted ones like the official GW scheme.

    I found these pictures and I think that the colours on that lizard is nice. Maybe I could base my scheme on those? Do any of you have any suggestions on which colours I should use? Preferably based on the foundation paints as they are easy to use when you want to paint thins quickly.

    The other major idea I have is a desert based scheme with colours like those on the lizards in the pics below.
    pic 1

    pic 2
  2. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    My army has sandy bellies for all of the models. Prime dheneb stone, wash with thinned desert yellow, then highlight with bleached bone if you want to do it quickly. A wash of ogryn flesh can improve things. I went with blue scales for the saurus but was originally going to do green scales to make it more realistic. Blue just helps contrast all the gold better so I chose that. For green scales you could paint the area either with the green foundation or chatalan green (that's what I use for my skinks) then highlight or just paint the scales camo green. Then washing with thraka green probably helps that too. If you go for green a more earthy, redder gold is probably best, as well as redder browns for the leather. You can see how my skinks etc turned out in my sig.
  3. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

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    I like the sandy bellies, something like that might work if I do the desert scheme. Maybe a sandy colour based on brown/grey for bellies and a sandy colour built from red on the scales. If I go with that scheme I will probably make most of the ornaments in silver rather than gold as I have a feeling that it will look better.
  4. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I considered that but the trouble I came up with is that you don't have contrasting colours then or even contrasting tones. Sandy is a soft orange and reds hardly contrast that. With sandy red, sandy yellow and silver then you have lots of light colours. You could make it work but I don't know how I would do it. I like to have some decent contrasts in there so that detail can be picked out from a distance and so the army is more vibrant yet harmonious. Good luck whatever you do, anyway.
  5. dhuan gor

    dhuan gor New Member

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    I'm thinking copper desert.
    sandy orange belly and a sand like brown as scales.
    but YOU are the painter YOU deside
  6. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

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    I'm aware of the lack of contrast in the desert scheme, that's what putting me off a bit with it. The green skin/brown scales scheme would probably look better on army level due to the contrasting colours.

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