AoS Army List to actually win a game!!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Orionwill, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. Orionwill

    Orionwill New Member

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    i havent won for months play weekly tbh and tried out loads of different ways to try and win ive just started using the thunderquake which has been good but everything else is just not doing well :( wondering how i can actually start winning
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  2. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    what do you tend to have in your list?
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  3. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Please give us an idea of what you field, who your normal opponents are and what types of strategies you use. AOS is all about stacking bonuses and finding units that synergize with each other.

    What size game do you normally play? Have you tried any of the lists that have been put together by other users on the forum? A lot of those are solid lists that have been optimized in the comments.
    Ritual, Orionwill and Bowser like this.
  4. Orionwill

    Orionwill New Member

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    well today i used 2k
    2 bastiladons
    1 eotg
    3 kroxi

    10 guard
    10 guard
    10 guard
    eternity warden who just got sniped

    with the battalion rules

    i have lots of units but cant seem to find a good strategy most of the people ive been playing in a league vary lots of stormcast , syvanetth and wood elves phoenix guard and i keep having to play them
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    My lists:
    List Challenge! - Can you make the best TAC 2k Seraphon army?
    Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (320)
    - Artefact: Phoenix Stone
    Jade Battlemage (100)
    - Artefact: Phoenix Stone

    Amber Battlemage (100)
    Skink Chief (60)
    - General
    - Golden Sickle
    - Trait: Master of Defense

    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    1 x Gryph-Hound (40)
    3 x Skink Handlers (40)
    3 x Razordons (180)

    Troglodon (200)
    Bastiladon (300)
    Bastiladon (300)

    Thunderquake Starhost (120)

    And here is one from @InfamousBeany
    List Challenge! - Can you make the best TAC 2k Seraphon army?
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  6. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Guard are very vulnerable to mortal wounds. Like the Bowser list, skinks etc are effective at holding objectives. They are low priority targets, but looks usually don't win games, victory points do.

    I'd move away from the eternal starhost type play and roll with a more aggressive list like Bowser's.
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  7. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    And beany has a great write up about the thought process behind his unit choices. Perhaps you can employ the same when thinking about your list and what you are struggling against
  8. Orionwill

    Orionwill New Member

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    Thanks all looking for a seraphon only list though tbh :)
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Scar Veteran on Carnosaur 260

    Skink Priest 100

    BloodclawStarhost 100
    Old Blood on Carnosaur 320
    Scar Veteran on Cold One 100
    Scar Veteran on Cold One 100
    Scar Veteran on Cold One 100
    Warriors (10) 100
    Celestite Clubs
    Warriors (10) 100
    Celestite Clubs
    Warriors (10) 100
    Celestite Clubs

    Shadowstrike Starhost 120
    Skink Starpriest 100
    Chameleon Skinks (5) 120
    Chameleon Skinks (5) 120
    Terradons (3) 140
    Sunleech Bolas

    Total: 1980

    A remake of Beanie's list with seraphon only. It will play slightly differently, but you make up for it with the second carno.
    Ritual, m0gstar and InfamousBeany like this.
  10. Orionwill

    Orionwill New Member

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    any neweer decent seraphon pure lists?
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  11. Workschmock

    Workschmock Member

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    Wrote a new list yesterday but can't test it yet. Maybe someone of you wants to try that out. The idea behind it:
    You have 2 drops, chameleons and rippers held in reserve. You get the first turn, advance your heroes and Knights in one big pile. The rippers drob behind your enemy or on the flank/ front to slow him down and they will charge multiple enemy units. You have one activation and they get +1 one to wound, have rerolls for everything so they will kill almost every model which would otherwise strike back. (last game i had only 6 in the back of my tzeentch enemy and they wiped out 6 skyfires, one mage on disc, one mage on foot and about 2 enlightened..)
    Either you infiltrate your chameleons to capture objectives or to deal more damage, or keep them for later.
    Your enemy has now 2 choices in his first turn:
    1} ignore the rippers and get slapped by them later
    2} ignore your knights and heroes and kill the Ripperdactyls

    So, then its your 2nd turn and you either
    1) charge with your Oldblood and ScarVets and Knights which will mean:
    Oldblood with +2 Attacks from his command ability and 3 ScarVets with each +2 Attacks (and the possibility on a 4+ to attack again with bonus attacks) and (now its getting funny) each vet has 2 cold one bites +3 bites from the command abilities and each cold one knight has 5 cold one bites so you get in total:

    ScarVets: 3x (5 Attacks 3+,3+,-1 and 5 Attacks 3+4+ and 1 att 4+3+)
    Oldblood: 5 Attacks 3+, 3+,-1,d3 dmg + his carnosaur
    Knights with blades: 18x 3+,3+ Attacks and
    75 x 3+4+ cold one bites and 15 mediocre jaw attacks

    What i dit not calculate: bloodclaw starhost also gives additional jaw attacks. Skink priest could get you rerolling charge, run and save rolls..
    Of course you have to be aggressive and Master your setup, movement and ripper charge but, boy do i not want to be a shooting or casting army with that much hard hitting seraphon in my midst =D

    Edit: If you love Ripperdactyls you could go with the 2nd armylist image..

    The skinks take objectives and hide while your rippers "distract" your enemy with a first turn charge of:
    (all hit and wound rolls rerollable)
    26x Spears 4+ 4+ ; 72 Claws 3+ 2+
    And 72 Beaks 4+ 2+ which will generate another 54 Beak Attacks 4+ 2+.. Ehm
    Average of 167 wounds (without rend) from 24 rippers in the back (or wherever) of your enemy.
    One trick pony you say? One trick warhorse I would say lol

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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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  12. Gunakin

    Gunakin New Member

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    I've started my army with Thunderquake+Eternal too.

    I found that 10 guards per unit is too much for 2000 points list.

    Issue is here.

    Normally you need to hide your support heroes in cover to keep them alive.

    3x10 guards need large area to deploy.

    To cover 3 units with Warden's aura, Most of time Warden have to show himself out of cover and .... get sniped.

    Without Warden guards will fall easily even without mortal wound facing.

    And it's cost you 820 points!! It's almost half of your army. It's obviously biggest threats to your opponents normally it's will be focused.

    So I reduced my guards to units of 5 and put more threats that cause my opponent less focus on guards.

    Keep Warden patiently in cover. Use Thunderquake or Shadowstrike to remove mortal wound generator and shooty unit as much as possible.

    And then let's guards do the rest jobs.

    I've tested it by myself against Stormcast and Sylvaneth.And it's work much better than 3x10 Guards list.

    Hope it'll helped
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
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  13. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    You can check out my battlereports. I 've used a list that was built after lots of thinking but with the necessity of finding models fast and cheap so I doubted it 'd be any good. However the results are quite impressive. Maybe you 'll get an idea or 2 !

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