Fiction Spiritbound

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by PhoenixTheCat, May 29, 2017.

  1. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    ~Chapter One~

    In the middle of a mesa somewhere in Ghur, a being formed. Colorful magic swirled around in the air, slowly creating a serpent. Feathers formed, the head took the form of an eagle's, and a second head appeared, taking the form of a dragon skull. The skull head looked around, sniffing the air, when the first head barked "Quit looking around. I know there's a settlement over this way, and a patrol is coming soon. This must go according to plan, because I fear the punishment Yir'zeth-ka will give us."
    The skull head hissed "Fine.", and the serpent headed east, hoping to reach the settlement by nightfall.

    Outside of a small camp, Taxa went out to patrol the area around the mesa. He had heard reports of Chaos activity, and he prepared his spear for combat. The Skink was slinking through the desert, trying not to get spotted, when he heard something inside a bush. He held the spear ready to throw, when the creature came out from the bush. It appeared to be a small Coatl, yet it had a second, skull-like head. The being slithered around Taxa, before finally laying on a rock. Taxa growled "State your business. I will not hesitate to kill if it comes to that."

    The eagle head purred "We mean no harm. We want to give you more power. Magic greater than any priest. Strength to rival a Saurus."

    "And how will you do that?"

    "We are an agent of a god more powerful than any Old One. Raw magic flows through our veins. My partner and I have a way for your ascension."

    "And who is this god?"

    "The Raven. The Father of Magic. The Great Ouroboros."

    "So just how will I gain that power?"

    "You must take this. Use the weapon you create with caution, for it is a soul-trap."
    And with that, the serpent somehow created a scroll out of nothing, before levitating it over to Taxa. The Skink bowed to the serpent, who soon disappeared into the rocks.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Good start so far! Keep it going!
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Ritual like this.
  3. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    Keeping it going might be hard, due to writer's block, but I'll try.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Just write. Write until you get around or through the bkock.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Ritual like this.
  5. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    I have no idea what a bkock is, but thanks for the advice.
  6. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    ~Chapter Two~

    While returning home from the patrol, Taxa caught sight of one of the priests. The Skink starpriest noticed the scroll Taxa was carrying, and went to inspect it. Taxa tryed to hide it, but the starpriest outstretched her hand and a yellowish glow appeared, the scroll floating out of Taxa's grasp and into the hand of the priest. Upon being unfurled by the priest, the ink that originally formed twisted symbols turned into writing. It said various insults, and the priest gave Taxa a disapproving look before dropping the scroll on the ground and walking off muttering something about Whosiwatsit's pranks and how she would get vengeance. Taxa looked at the scroll again and saw the letters turning into some sort of diagram, with various pictures of a dagger and mentions of meteoric iron, celestite, and a soul-trap. He stared at it in confusion, before going off to find a set of books about a human wizard with an owl as a familliar.

    Pi'ran glared at the Skink who was carrying the insult-scroll. There was a hint of magic about it, yet when she went to inspect it, the words turned into insults. She was planning her revenge on Whosiwatsit when the starpriest walked into a tree. Pi'ran then realized why Starseers and Slann had floating thrones that had a magical forcefield around them, yet she continued her contemplation, which had then drifted to the topic of bread.
  7. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Deep contemplation or steering? Hard choice...
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Ritual like this.
  8. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    I am often burdened with this choice when I am in a hallway with a good book.
  9. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    ~Chapter Three~

    Vanta stared at her scryer's orb, hoping that nothing urgent would happen soon. She was in the middle of some news from Sigmaron when the orb flashed bright blue, along with various celestial symbols on her palanquin. The Starseer wove her hand above the orb, showing a starfield, and a small, dimly glowing star near the Jaguar's Tail was slowly turning from a fiery yellow to a mass of random colors. Occurrences such as that hadn't happened since the Battles of the Blurred Stars. Something Tzeentchian was afoot. Vanta was going to exit her chamber when Pi'ran nearly walked into her. Vanta looked up from her thoughts and gazed at the Starpriest, who said "Whosiwatsit is going to get it for that prank."

    The Starseer inquired "What did he do this time?"

    "He enchanted a scroll to insult me when I read it, and he got a normal patroller to carry it around, tricking me into thinking it's important. If he ever thinks about calling me a Grot-brained Warmblood again..."

    "I sensed some Chaos magic in the settlement recently. When did you read the scroll?"

    "Around thirty minutes ago. Why?"

    "It might have been a Tzeentchian scroll, with a hex cast on it insulting those who try to find the true purpose of it."

    "Would you like me to set the guard on high alert?"

    "No need to. I can send the message out."

    Pi'ran bobbed her head and walked away. Vanta hissed a spell, causing her orb to glow, and then said a warning and tapped the orb. It flashed red for a second, before notifying the constellation of Felis Major about a Tzeentchian threat. Meanwhile, in a small room in the settlement, a Skink unfurled a scroll and set a collection of scavenged metals on a stone slab. The plans of The Raven would be fulfilled.
  10. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    ~Chapter Four~

    A psychic message echoed through Taxa's mind. Tzeentchian infiltration suspected in the Mizton sector. Keep your guard up. The Skink's mind whirled with thoughts, before coming to the realization that the Great Ouroboros would protect him, and maybe the rest of the Starhost from the threat. Taxa then looked at the scroll, which now had the instructions for an enchanted dagger, and got to work. A hammer rung against hot star-iron, beating the metal into shape. Magical phrases were chanted, the small amount of sorcerous power Skinks naturally have flowing into the lump of metal. Somehow, the other Seraphon nearby weren't alerted to the noise, ignoring the loud clangs and strange chants. A serpent slithered away from the settlement, attempting to conceal a second head.

    The double-headed snake made it a couple miles away from the settlement before hissing a strange incantation from a head resembling that of an eagle's. The second head looked increasingly annoyed from the spell being cast, the aggravated expression on its skull-like face remaining as technicolor plumes of energy swirled around it. The multicolored tendrils of magic covered the serpent, before dispersing. A towering, winged, daemon clutching a sword and a staff looked around, and the skull-head shook off some remaining magic. The other head was not amused by getting splattered by droplets of rainbow energy. The daemon took off, flying farther away from the Seraphon settlement, the eagle-like head muttering about how everything was going to plan.

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