Discussion Documents about Lustria

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Otzi'mandias, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    The following letters were retrieved by archaeologists from the collapsed and mostly flooded undergroumd archives of the Glanborielle Duchy. No other finds at this time but this remain intact and somewhat legible.

    Dear your highness the Light of the North and the last of the Trueborn Fleetkings,

    As you commanded our fleet is soon launching with the express aim of colonising uncharted lands far to the west of here. I understand and realise it is not my place to question your reasons, but could I suggest you select another naval officer to lead this mission? Cutter is quite impossible. He refuses to drink tea with us, makes occasional lewd comments at the ladies and is so deaf it is almost comical. Only yesterday I commented on how there was a duck with a limp walking past the fishmarkets, just trying to start polite conversation you understand, and I later hear his men laughing about how I wished to do something abominable with a shrimp. What is a gentleman to do?
    His men are worse. I would swear in front of the Lady that at least half of them have been, are, or will quickly become privateers. My lord, the best option is to replace him quickly. By the time you reach this we will be at sea so you likely will be unable to reach us, but rest assured that if Cutter (I refuse to call him the captain until ha apologises for the shrimp joke) crosses the line he will soon be crossing rapiers with me.
    Yours sincerely,
    Davos Flintworth, your loyal servant
  2. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Dear your highness, Light of the North and the Last of the Trueborn Fleetkings,

    I apologise for my presumption in questioning your choice of captains. If I had realised that you felt strongly enough about his suitability to run down to our ship The Gallant Siren and tell me in no uncertain or indirect way that Captain Cutter was in charge, and that if I didn't like it I could swim to Lustria, I would never have commented on it.
    The journey is fine so far for all of us who matter. The ships full of peasants have begun to reek so I hinted to Captain Cutter that he may wish to tell Stains to steer the ship downwind of us. When that failed I resorted to blunt directness. He laughed hard at my commands and did as I requested, though I sat back down with no lack of confusion.
    The storms have been mild. Losses are minimal, only one ship out of thirty gone so far. It was the ship you were concerned about, the My Sweet Lady, that sank with all hands. May the Lady bless us all with the foresight she gave you, to move the wood and steel into another boat and use that one for peasant transport. Nothing important was lost, fortunately.

    Morale amongst my men is middling, as is the amount of wine we have left on board. We thought the coast of Ulthuan was the hidden continent, and celebrated in error, draining most of the champagne at once. Happily the elves corrected our route, they seem to have some kind of rapport with the Captain Cutter. I do see now why you kept him in charge. He really got on with the ones that boarded our vessels, and managed to smooth it all over very quickly and professionally.
    As I write the [untranslatable : 60% chance Atmosphere, 40% Nerves ] is getting worse. The soldiers are getting more relaxed and there seems to be a real tension in Captain Cutters men. From the way they walk, you could truly believe they are going to the gallows.
    But enough of that! Melissa sends her love to Bobby and asks if you may tell him another story of your adventures. He will be four in a few weeks and she would be honoured if you would attend his christening.
    Your honourable and loyal servant,
    Davos Flintworth
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    An epistolary, eh? nice, nice... :D
  4. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    *googles meaning of epistolary*
    Yeah I thought it'd be a bit of a change from the mostly linear stories around here. You guys are boring!:p:D
  5. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Dear your highness, Light of the North and the Last of the TruebornFleetkings,
    we are halfway to the hidden continent of Lustria. Storms have taken at least a third of our ships leaving only 30 left, 20 of which are carrying supplies (thank the Lady those survived), 5 have resources and 3 have peasants. We lost many of those during the storms, the fools felt some need to be sick over the edge and many slipped off the wet deck when the waves tilted the ship. It looks like our future is grim but we will press on nonetheless. May the Lady preserve us all.

    On a brighter note, the oppressive climate has really started to cool down. I don't know if this is because of the sea breeze or just our expedition acclimatising but it is a great relief. The ladies are becoming more relaxed about the idea of the sailors being around them ( I cannot remember if I failed to mention this in a previous letter, but the sailors are uncouth and violent and often drunk on duty, intimidating and making lewd comments to the higher born ladies) and I am beginning to make some headway with Captain Cutter. He is talkative, especially when drunk, but I get the feeling he is a man with nothing to lose. Which is not a bad thing, just a little unsettling, and a tad awkward when I think about my estate at home.

    The progress is good, and we should reach the planned city site by the time this letter gets to you. The supplies are low due to the losses in the storms so it may become a type of over-fortified town instead of the Citadel we had hoped for, although it is still better than nothing.

    Despite the ominous feelings and all looks well. I look forward to your next letter my lord.

    Your honourable and loyal servant,
    Davos Flintworth

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