AoS Friendly 2500pt - Dispossessed vs Seraphon

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by m0gstar, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Good afternoon!

    Finally remembered to take a few pictures from a friendly game that my friend and I played last night

    2500pts of Dispossessed vs Seraphon



    Josef Bugman (100)
    Runelord (80)
    Warden King (120)
    Unforged (100)

    Warriors x10 (100) (Battleline)
    Warriors x10 (100) (Battleline)
    Warriors x10 (100) (Battleline)
    Longbeards x10 (140) (Battleline)
    Irondrakes x10 (220)
    Irondrakes x10 (220)
    Ironbreakers x20 (320)
    Miners x10 + mule (120)
    Miners x10 + mule (120)
    Miners x10 + mule (120)
    Quarrelers (Bugman's Rangers) (240)

    Gyrocopter x1 (80)
    Gyrocopter x1 (80)
    Gyrocopter x1 (80)

    Clan Throng (re-roll 1s to hit) (60)



    Skink Starseer (160)
    Skink Chief (60)
    Skink Starpriest (100)
    Astrolith Bearer (160)
    Engine of the Gods (240)

    Skinks x40 (320) (Battleline)
    Skinks x40 (320) (Battleline)
    Skinks x10 (80) (Battleline)
    Skinks x10 (80) (Battleline)
    Kroxigor x3 (180)
    Kroxigor x3 (180)

    Bastiladon (300)
    Bastiladon (300)


    We rolled off Border War - 4 objectives. 1 in each deployment and two in from center on the sides. Own deployment worth 1vp, opponents deployment 4vp, 2vps for each middle objective.

    The deployment was as follows:


    Dwarf side - left to right

    Gyrocopter - 20x ironbreakers in back - 10x warriors - 10x warriors - 2x units of irondrakes behind forest - Warden King in back - 10x Longbeards - 10x warriors - Gyrocopter - Gyrocopter.

    3x 10 units of miners and mules. Josef Bugman and 20x Bugman's Rangers deployed off the table.

    Seraphon - left to right

    40x skinks - Engine of the gods - 10 skinks - Skink Chief - Krox - Bastiladon - Skink Starpriest - Bastiladon - Astrolith Bearer (banner between basti and palanquin) - Skink Starseer - 40x skinks - krox - 10 skinks.

    Seraphon finished deploying first and gave turn over to Dispossed.

    Dispossed turn 1 - Some things shuffle forward into cover. Everything pretty much out of range. Take 5 victory points for controlling middle objectives and their own. End of turn 1.
    Seraphon turn 1 - move up and am able to shoot some things. Blow up some gyrocopters (which are brutal against hordes). Take control of the middle objectives and their own.


    Seraphon win turn 2

    Seraphon Turn 2 - more move ups to hold center objectives and able to shoot off runelord etc.
    Dispossessed 2 - Out of necessity of dwindling forces, miners + bugman all pop up behind the Seraphon near the guard tower. SHooting kills off the astrolith bearer. Remaining gyro flies over to gun down the left skink unit.


    Dispossessed win the much-needed turn 3

    Dispossessed 3 - shoot down skink starpriest with Bugman's Rangers. Irondrakes work to kill off the kroxigors in front of them. Gyro guns down more skinks. Skinks on the left get combo charged. Dispossessed control my deployment objective after charges.
    Seraphon 3 - Eyes turn toward the units controlling my objective point. focusing all the fire that I can leave the number manageable to defend against. Most of the miners are wiped out. Kroxigors roll a boxcar charge which allows the moonhammer to hit something like 13 dwarves. Bugman's Rangers take a model loss so they lose their double shot bonus. Skinks that were combo charged Wary Fighter out of combat to continue to hold the objective with 10 models. Dispossessed had something like 8 in range. 40 man skink unit from the right moves onto opponent's objective to control it.

    Seraphon win turn 4

    Seraphon 4 - Units move into defensive position around their own objective to protect against the rangers. Guaranteed victory points at all 4 places this turn as well and opponent concedes. This is the final shot of the board at the end of Seraphon 4:


    Hope this is coherent! It's hard to remember exactly what happened when you write these things 16 hours after they start!
    Aginor and Seraphage like this.
  2. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    All those dwarves along the back side of the table are casualties and not in play - in case anyone couldnt figure that out :)
  3. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Really nice battlerep, very nice photos ! Sounds like a cool game :)

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