AoS Dread saurian or carnosaur

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Robertxtrem, Jun 23, 2017.


Which to use?

  1. Dread saurian

    2 vote(s)
  2. Carnosaur

    1 vote(s)
  3. Carnosaur and slann

    1 vote(s)
  1. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    Hello, I have a 2k tournament coming up in Sept (my first tournament) and I can't decide on my final list. At the moment I'm planning to use

    Firelance starhost
    2 units of 5 knights with lance
    1 unit of 5 knights with clubs
    Scar vet on cold one (General, legendary fighter and relic blade)

    Shadowstrike starhost
    2 units of 5 chamo skinks
    1 unit of 3 ripperdactlys
    1 skink starpriest (Phoenix stone)

    1 unit of 3 kroxigor
    1 bastiladon with arc
    1 dread saurian

    This comes to exactly 2k points and I'm quite happy with it although I'm unsure on the dread saurian.
    My only two heroes are quite small ones although the scar vet hits like a beast.
    My options are;
    Dread saurian out for a carnosaur and 10 skinks,
    Dread saurian and kroxigor out for carnosaur and slann.

    The dread is good for its tankiness and huge damage potential. The carnosaur however benefits from the scar vets command ability to reroll hits of 1 or he could be general and give scar vet 2 more attacks with his war pick.

    I've used them both on games and both seem strong. The dread saurian has worked as a great distraction of their front line while my knights charge into their back and wreck them from behind. I normally send the dread, krox and bastiladon to meet the enemy head on while I flank with the knights and scar vet. Rioperdactlys pop out first turn on their scariest unit while the chamo skinks kill mages.

    What are people's opinions? Dread or carnosaur?
    Ritual likes this.
  2. Archkyrie11
    Cold One

    Archkyrie11 Active Member

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    I might try that with the Carnosaur and Slann this weekend, Only option I could build.
  3. Robertxtrem
    Cold One

    Robertxtrem Active Member

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    Some advice I learnt was to use the ripperdactyls first turn. My initial reaction was to save them until the opportune moment but it never worked out. Deleted their biggest baddest monster first turn is very strong.
  4. Archkyrie11
    Cold One

    Archkyrie11 Active Member

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    I've waited till 2nd turn to drop them to get a read and react but I wouldn't wait any longer than that. It really depends what my opponent is bring and how I want to play it.

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