AoS Finished Seraphon Competitive list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Lord Lamundoo, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Lord Lamundoo
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Lamundoo New Member

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    While I use the word "finished", I'm very open to constructive criticism as I've only played a few small, local tournaments. With good success albeit.

    General -
    Slang Starmaster - 260 Points
    (Tenacious and Phoenix stone)

    Hero/HQ -
    Saurus Eternity Warden - 140 Points

    Battlelines -
    10x Saurus Guard - 200 points
    10x Saurus Guard - 200 points
    10x Saurus Guard - 200 points

    Artillery -
    Salamanders x 4 - 240points

    Behemoths -
    Bastilladon - 300 points
    (Solar engine)
    Stegadon - 260 points
    (Skystreak bow)

    Warscroll Formations -
    Eternal starhost - 80 Points

    Other units -
    Skink Handlers(unit of 6) - 80 points

    A Crazy amount of Synergies to keep aware of to maximise effectiveness.
    Three units of Saurus Guard make a strong bulk of the army for use in objective play, increasing their save to a 3+ And Bravery to 12 with a hero nearby, coupled with ignoring -1 rend thanks to their shields makes them hard to shift off an objective. Throw in the fact the eternal starhost gives D3 damage if they don't move that turn, the +1 save from the from the eternity warden if within 10" , AND an extra attack if within 5" of the Enternity Warden, and each mode could be rocking A 2+ save ignoring -1 rend dishing out 3 attacks hitting on 3s wounding on 3s -1 rend and D3 damage... its crazy

    Salamanders are dangerous as hell dishing a potential 9 wounds each in the shorting phase, skink handlers important to increase the range to 12" to help keep them out of all but the highest Charge rolls.

    Bastilladon is the same Tank it always is, Chaos Daemon shredding with the solar engine.

    For a bit more mobility could swap out the Big old Beast of a stegadon and his bow, for a unit of 10 Chamelion skinks for 240 Points, a good diversion and tactical unit for both objective play and assassination missions

    My brains fried from typing and thinking about all this, any mistakes or suggestions let me know
    Boboassa likes this.
  2. Lizko

    Lizko Member

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    Looks quite good in my opinion. I personally don't see why you'd pick a slann over a combination of starpriest+starseer (or Astrolith bearer) - other than the increased survivability of a slann due to the eternity warden.

    those casters have access to far more impactful spells/abilities. Of course if you really want to use slann then that list looks neat. I'm sure someone could argue otherwise - but also don't have an engine to make use of that slann
  3. Lord Lamundoo
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Lamundoo New Member

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    That's a fair point, I've got models for both Astrolith Bearer and a skink priest with the trappings, I've a few relaxed games over the weekend so I might play around with them cheers
    Boboassa likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I think you will get more from a Priest and bearer than the Slann especially if you plant the banner for the guards to take advantage of it.
    Boboassa and Seraphage like this.
  5. Lizko

    Lizko Member

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    except then you don't have anyone unbinding nor casting mystic shield or starlight. Means you also miss out on a command ability (not that i prefer the slann one, but its still useful). Tough choice really. Maybe drop 5 guard as well to atleast get a starpriest in there? Still no command ability, though.
    Boboassa likes this.
  6. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    I'm guessing that you are splitting up your salamanders into groups of 2 with a set of handlers each? If not, I'd probably do that. skink handlers rarely (if ever) draw aggro, so having 6 around may be overkill.

    Im going to echo the rest of the input here. If you arent planning on summoning anything, I would ditch the Slaan and go for something else. Personally, I'd go the starseer + starpriest route that was mentioned.

    Or you could double starpriest and get another salamander or a skink chief.

    Or you could double starpriest and swap out the stegadon with another bastiladon.

    You have a lot of options when you free up the points of a slaan :)
    Boboassa, Crowsfoot and Seraphage like this.

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