KoW Surge of War 2017 (1 x 1000pts, 3 x 2000pts)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by BAE, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Haven't had a tournament in a while! Unfortunately forgot to take any pictures so there's not really much point in going through game by game so I'll do more of a general overview and analysis. I lost the first game (was 1" off a surge that would have killed his last unit!) but won the next 3 and finished 4th / 24 overall, which is my highest rank to date.

    Pillage! 13-7 loss vs Orcs
    Invade! 16-4 win vs Undead
    Kill! (I know! Old school!) 16-4 win vs Varangur
    Dominate! 16-4 win vs Elves

    My list:
    Kaisenor Lancer Regiment
    Ancients on Rhinosaurs Horde w/ Blood of the Old King
    Fire Elementals Horde w/ Wine of Elvenkind
    Fire Elementals Horde
    Salamander Primes w/ Brew of Haste
    Ghekkotah Hunters w/ Chameleon Cloaks
    Salamander Unblooded Troop
    Battle-Captain w/ Wings of the Honeymaze
    Herald w/ Sparkstone
    Mounted Mage-Priest w/ Surge
    Mage-Priest w/ Surge & Inspiring Talisman

    My strategy for every game was the same, with some small tweaks to account for scenery and enemy deployment. In the centre I had my horde of Primes as a pivot, supported by the Unbloodeds on the near weak flank. On the far weak flank I had my Kaisenor Lancers to provide threat projection to slow an opponent down. On the strong flank, I had a horde of FEs near flank, then AoRs, then FEs with nimble on the far flank (so the FEs were either side of the AoRs). Hunters screened the AORs, Lekelidons near the FEs & AoRs to provide chaff removal and be chaff, M-P w/ Inspiring next to the near flank FEs and mounted M-P with the nimble FEs. Battle-Captain was placed to deal with the most threatening enemy flier, speed unit or archer unit.

    While the above was the basic setup, there were changes according to account for situation. For example, in the last game against elves I placed Lancers on the furthest flank to run up and swing round because he'd left it open and there was no scenery in the way, and I also placed my lekelidons together to focus fire on chaff as he had three troops of Palace Guard on that same flank in an attempt to hold up my big guns.

    Fire Elementals with Nimble and a double surge are astoundingly good (*many, many hat tips to @Itepixcauh *!!). In my third game against Varangur (opponent was Andy Hartwell - ranked 14th on Fields of Blood) I chose to go second and was able to move and double surge into the flank of his Tundra Wolves in turn 1, leaving me on the flank of his entire line facing inwards towards them all. While it was still a hard fight, this initial move probably won me the game. To hold up the FEs he charged them with Herja, and in the next turn I sidestepped and pivoted (only able with Nimble) to hit her flank (no benefits, but I'm now facing the rear of his battle line) while my Battle-Captain charged the face the FEs were originally in. She got heavily wounded and wavered, so the following combat I corkscrew charged around Herja to hit the flank of a Horde of Fallen while the Battle-Captain charged back in along with the Mounted Mage-Priest. B-C did zero wounds but the Mage-Priest caused 2 and caused her to rout! Their nimbleness made an impression on every game, but even the non-nimble FEs made their presence felt. In game 4 against Elves my opponent (Martin Radbourne - an old friend I've known since I was 11 and a guy I got back into tabletop gaming with 2 years ago!) he jumped over my lines with a regiment of Drakon riders. Pivot and double surge and the Drakon Riders were no more.

    Ancients on Rhinosaurs w/ Blood of the Old King absolutely break face (pretty sure that's the technical term).

    Just wanted to get this started - will add to it when I get time
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
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  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Amazing man!

    Three victories and a moral Victory is just great with Salamanders. So close of a 4-0.

    So you played 3 games of 2000 and 1 game of 1000? What was the 1000 points list?
  3. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    1000pts list was:

    Fire Elementals Horde w/ Wine of Elvenkind
    Fire Elementals Horde
    Salamander Primes w/ Brew of Haste
    Mage Priest w/ Surge & Inspiring
    Herald w/ Sparkstone
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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