7th Ed. How do i use a JSoD?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by D. Thang, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. D. Thang

    D. Thang New Member

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    So I've tried the JSoD many times, and it always just dies on me... fast... i think i'm using him wrong... any hints?
  2. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    Re: How to use a JSoD

    Well, the Nike saurus, aka JsoD, is one of the most infamous units in our army, and therefore a missile magnet.
    Some put him inside a unit and unleash him at the right moment, and as far as protection goes, that really is the best option IMHO. Personally, i like to field him solo, with light armour and the aura of quetzl (that 4 save against anything Strenght 5 or + comes handy vs artillery). Riskier, but faster.

  3. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    Re: How to use a JSoD

    Oh, and make sure you deploy him in the best possible place, and don't worry too much if he dies; as long as he took more points with him than he's worth, that's acceptable. Just don't make him your general. ;)

  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    How are you using him atm?
  5. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    I'ts important to use his vast movement to advance under some form of cover. I've had a great deal of success using him to pick off lone characters, weaker monsters, and small units of basic infantry. You might have the range and LoS to get off a charge on turn 2, but this is not always tactically sound. You will want to maneuver him such that when he does charge, it is a relatively safe position where he won't be flanked or hit from behind immediately.
    Just setting up this form of charge (say, from your oppenents backfield by jetting through holes in thier front line) can cause problems with your enemy's tactics while they try to adjust to this new speedy threat.

    I usually equip him with a shield in addition to a great weapon. I'ts only 2 points, and I simply declare that he leaves the great weapon sheathed until close combat is entered. With the 4+ save on a str 5 hit and an excellent armor save otherwise, he will be reasonably protected from just about any shooting; giving you time to maneuver him carefully.
  6. fireskink
    Jungle Swarm

    fireskink New Member

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    I remember i had this problem when i was first using him.
    the trick i find is to make sure you can at least his points in some way that helps your overall game.
    in all fairness he is going to die 9 games out of ten but whether he dies gloriously killing over 1000 points or in the first turn to a lucky cannonball (thank you very much dwarfs) is down to where you throw him.
    if you can charge into your opponunts best unit of unkillable death and steal his lvl 4 300+ point wizard from under his nose on turn 2 then go for it! i find that even if he dies this can usualy win me the game regardless of the JSod's death.
    i will usualy hide him in a unit untill the right time to charge as lounge_lizard said and then it is near impossible for the opposition to stop me from charging.
    rememer though that if he is charging alone then he is vunerable to a champion challenge and combat resolution, so bear that in mind before any charge into aformentioned unkillable death unit.
    as for equipment i have strayed from the typical great weapon and opted instead for the sword of might and enchanted shield,(no chariot busting but he has a 1+ save with the mark of quetzl) also i find str 6 to be exactly enough for any job i have for him.

    anyways i have proably typed everyones ears off by now so ill cut it short, use the JSoD to slaughter oposing wizards and weaker or skirmishing units, you can usualy get a feel for what he is capable of after charging it once and seeing what happens, dont be scared of him dieing, so long as he takes his points or hopefully more in some sort of useful way, and finaly you want to have a plan of what to do with him from the start of the game and just take it from there.
    anyways good luck on you next game hope i didnt bore anyone too much.
  7. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    My JSoD is always my general and equip him as cheaply as possible (i.e. 1k-1.5k as a scar-vet Great weapon, light armor, aura of quetzl- 111; 2k-2.5k- Old blood- great weapon, light armor, shield, aura of quetzl, spawning of quezl- 224). His purpose in the army is to run with the anything in the army that has a LD lower than 8 (except kroxigors) and lend his LD to them when they need it. So saying, he's almost always behind a skink screen and so rarely gets shot at and when he does long range+single model confers a -2 to hit couple that with a 2+ save vs. shooting, 4+ ward vs. str 5+ (artillery) and tough 5 makes him a tough nut to crack and the only thing I have to worry about are hills or cannon (which haven't graced our playing field in about 3-4 yrs). His second purpose is to hunt chariots and since he's running on the flank the chariots either shy away from him or get pushed to the center of the board (theres kroxs on the other flank as well). And saurus can take a charge from a chariot and hold long enough for the JSoD to get there and smash it.

    But mainly I just use him as a LD buff so the majority of my army is cold blooded at LD 8. They don't run unless I want them too.
  8. nyyman

    nyyman New Member

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    JSoD is Saurus Scar-Veteran with Charm of the Jaguar Warrior right?
    In that case, I use them in large (20) Saurus block. Equipped with light armour, shield, great weapon, 5+ ward against everything and Tepok (needed a lot of dispel dice). When he sees an enemy chariot, wizard and stuff, he will just charge off with mighty 18" charge movement and then just kill it. Then he can overrun (assuming he killed all of them) to get off other enemys from charging him.
  9. MrSatan
    Jungle Swarm

    MrSatan New Member

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    Whats JSoD?
  10. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    Jaguar Saurus of Doom

    Great Weapon, Jaguar Charm in its simplest form

    usually has the armor options as well as Aura of Quetzl or Glyph Necklace (depending on the army being faced having units with strength 5+)

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