Dang you even have a map, and its really high quality too! Looks very professional. I am so glad you have such a great amount of fluff for these guys, even though small, it really exemplifies the depth that this hobby can have. I am looking forward to your continual expansion of your impressive collection
Here are my barbarians painted. Tried to make them fit into the chaos army as guards and goons. I found out where they were from, apparently some spanish (?) site called www.momminiaturas.com. Sadly I cant understand everything.. But they have some very nice models, might try to get some more that would work perfect for my table and armies. Demon, Catapult, Troll, Lion Statues, Demonic Gate, Skull Alter, Chaos Warrior Alternative, Chaos Lord. Bonus Tau Ethereal!
I just realized that these Paladins I got were the ones I won some weeks ago that never showed up... Wow. Must have been some real mess at the post office to take this long. But I've contacted the seller so I can send back the money. However this means I have another box of Paladins on it's way.. WOHO! Awesome! Pity I'm almost out of those Sun shields.. Only one left so one more guard conversion then the rest I suppose can become something else. Also got the Frostgrave Barbarians today so been messing with those now. Really love these models, doing some kitbashing with beastmen arms etc which fits fairly well, the fur on their shoulders blends in well with the fur capes/cloths. Think I will make these into the Saxondale faction. Dont have a name for their milita yet. Up for hearing ideas Working on their banner and shields on the side so that's why they are without shields here.
My other set of Paladins on it's way. (They are missing their "backpack" at the moment. Was checking if a cape would fit but it didnt due to their large shoulder-pads.) And my Saxondale band of barbarians. Still haven't come up with a name for them.. I also tried to work with sand on the bases for once. Went to a playground not far from where I live and snatched some sand haha. Sadly it has been raining heavily recently so the sand wasn't as dry as I wanted but it worked well enough.
Finished up my barbarians and added some yellow paint onto one of my Barbarians from Scibor Miniatures to add him into the force as some chieftain type of figure. I also change the type of banner the bannerman held to one I thought fit better. But yeah, figure I could display them in action by setting up a little scenario on the table. And here's my first group of my lighly "converted" Paladins. They turned into great guards in my opinion. Hope they will make the players think again before trying to act cool against these haha. They have the look that they can stop almost anything.. "You Shall Not Pass" incarnated.
I really like the bridge in this picture! And your used of Bretonnian defensive stakes. I didn't realize the Stormcast were so huge compared to normal human models; are those human soldiers 28mm scale? I know the Stormcast are meant to be huge, but compared to that dude they look almost 10 feet tall.
Aye they are all meant to be the 28mm scale. Few of my miniatures go up to 32-54mm tho and some have other types of bases but all on the pictures there are the 28mm scale. Think a Stormcast is slightly taller than a regular space marine model so yeah they are pretty large dudes.
IMO some models in Warhammer are not really to scale anyway. Even within our army you have huge variations. Compare: Skink Adviser on the Slann's throne with Skinks on the Stegadon's Howdah or on the Bastiladon with Skinks from a normal Skink box with Skink Oracle on Troglodon. Two are definitely smaller than Warhammer humans, while one is around human-sized and one is significantly larger. Are Skinks supposed to be human sized or smaller (in the Lore)? Same applies for Stormcast: IMO they are supposed to be a bit larger than humans. Heroic scale among heroic scale so to speak. GW's models are bigger than other 28mm miniatures anyway (a GW skeleton will not fit inside a GW human's body for example). Mantic models are realistic scale IIRC, you can see the difference clearly. Now if you compare Stormcast to regular GW humans (which are heroic scale) they look just a bit bigger, but if you compare them to non-heroic scale 28mm humans they look enormous (and so do Orcs btw).
Since I began using sand, I've spent some time covering up some of my bland bases for my larger miniatures. Much better than the plain green I've done on most of my stuff and so much cheaper than buying grass flock. Want to use sand on my regular lizardmen but since I have over hundreds of Saurus/Skinks it will be a hassle.. But at some point I will have it done. If there's a sunny day I might sit outside and cover their bases.
Won these on auction. Thought they looked really cool and would work perfect for elven assassins. TTG make really cool models but they tend to be annoying to paint due to the kind of paint I use but I hope they turn out good enough. Won't arrive until next week however which is a pity. Can't wait to build them.
Bought this model from Norba Miniatures. I love everything about it! Currently their only "Saurian" model, looking forward to what they will come out with next if this is their start on lizardmen miniatures. Their other models are also very nice and their prices are quite alright in my opinion.
The webpage just looks like a copy of GW´s That said, there are some very good models at very good prices
Work in progress. They were fun to build but such weak plastic to work with, breaks way to easy but turned out nicely imo. Now to see if my paint will work haha.. On other news, my birthday is coming up so ordered a Start collecting lizardmen box to get a Troglodon + some extra sarurus while I'm at it.
Tried to go for the pattern of my Corn Snakes and it turned out alright for a first try. Also first time using citadel shade.. Although the one I have is meant for darker colors it didnt ruin the orange which is good. Is there a list over which shades goes to which colors? One thing I dont like about the citadel colors are the damn names.. (Not mine)
Look great! Also the base really fits to the colors you chose... really like in it's natural habitat...
If you are into 'technical' support this might be interesting: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/gw-releasing-a-painting-app-next-month.20067/#post-202896 And here http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/white-dwarf-colour-wheel.19988/ You finder a color wheel of GW paints... And there is this citadel color chart... of which I can't fit a picture atm... but it's on Google...