Dark Elf Cold One + Carnosaur Oldblood

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by skipperyoss, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. skipperyoss
    Cold One

    skipperyoss Active Member

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    Has anyone tried putting the Oldblood out of the Carnosaur kit on a Dark Elf Cold One? If so how were the results or did it need Green Stuff?
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  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Best example I could find after using google was from @Haemoglobin's lava lizardmen. He has some good WIP pics here.

    haemoglobin olblood DE cold one 2.jpg

    haemoglobin olblood DE cold one 3.jpg

    If he finished painting it then I couldn't find the pictures... but it looks epic, especially that weapon!

    Found a few other cool examples too, but not exactly what you were looking for.

    Sir @alex_brown92's rider is the plastic saurus hero on foot, put on a dark elf cold one (link)

    alex_brown92 oldblood on DE cold one.jpg

    and @GnomeRage also uses dark elf cold ones, just with the old riders: (link)

    gnomerage DE cold one riders 1.jpg
    Jorgik, The Penguin and tom ndege like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Found a few more examples of conversions from the internet:

    Tony Pacheco's Oldblood, looks like it won best single model at The Alamo GT 2013 (link)

    tony pacheco's oldblood on cold one.jpg

    This one was a stunningly beautiful model from pinterest, sadly no author attributed. Using the plastic saurus hero:


    Saurus Oldblood done by Michael Jordal (link):

    michael jordnal oldblood on cold one.jpg

    And some pretty neat temple guard conversions to make two saurus cowboys by @Centurion (link):

    centurion saurus cowboy 1.png

    centurion saurus cowboy 3.png

    centurion saurus cowboy 2.png

    There is also a little bit about this topic (using Dark Elf cold ones for our saurus lizardmen): Making Cold Ones look less dumb. I think there are some more, doubtless there are others on this site who have tried out the dark elf cold ones. I personally haven't, mostly because I bought two boxes of the plastic lizardmen cavalry before the dark elf ones came out.

    Good luck with your conversions!
    Jorgik, The Penguin and tom ndege like this.
  4. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    Hey man, yeah I think this conversion is pretty common. I made mine into a scar vet. You can check out more in my painting log.

    Warden and Jorgik like this.

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