AoS Spire of dawn no longer available & discontinued factions

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Canas, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    I can't find the spire of dawn box anywhere anymore, which is rather a problem given that I wanted to use a couple of boxes of that as a relativly cheap way to fill out a skaven army. Anyone have any idea if the box has been discontinued?

    This also made me wonder, which factions exactly have been discontinued/replaced? So far I know TK & brettonia have been properly discontinue'd, the dwarfs have been replaced by the fyreslayers and the skydwarfs. But it is much less clear for some of the other factions. The aelves, empire, the skaven with the exception of pestilence, the beastmen and the grots are all still for sale, but don't seem to have had any attention since AoS came out. No new models, battletome, get started box etc. But they still account for rather a large portion of the available models and factions. Does anyone know what exactly is the plan for these? Does GW actually make any usefull announcements surrounding these kind of things?
  2. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    In the grand alliance community there is a rumor thread that has been right so far. in that thread they mention the release of shadow elves or something like that. maybe those will replace high elves.

    I don't see shaven going anywhere, they are such a unique race and the IP is most likely GW.... maybe what they will do is create new factions such as we have seen with the dwarfs and orruks. and let the old ones die

    it also supports the theory before AoS that the new army format of GW releases would be more akin to a card game release. where the army is released once and no longer supported. instead new armies come along of the same race.

    the only thing that proves this wrong is the SCE with have had a release pretty much every time a new release for AoS comes Along.
    Seraphage likes this.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    So no official sources stating anything usefull? That's slightly dissapointing.

    As for old factions being replaced with new ones. So far I don't particularly like that. The orruks were fine, your old stuff translates relativly well into the newer stuff. But the dwarfs barely look anything like their newer factions. Only the irondrakes and the unforged can still be fitted into the newer factions without standing out like a sore thumb.

    And I doubt they'd release it akin to a card game.. it'd seriously hurt the longevity of armies, eventually you'l just run into the issue that there's a new army that plays the same as an old army but much better (or worse) in which case one of the armies is pointless, or the look and feel becomes too similar (only so many variations you can make of say zombies, putting a different hat on them doesn't change much...)

    Plus, people are much more likely to buy that fancy looking new dragon/demon/monster/tank/thing if they already have an army to put it in then if they also have to buy the 100 troops of cannonfodder it needs for support..
  4. Masterhobo

    Masterhobo New Member

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  5. Ryan
    Jungle Swarm

    Ryan New Member

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  6. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    .. well that's just werd, I just clicked through it and apparenly it only dissapeared in the european stores, the japanese ones & the "rest of the world" one. US, canada, austrelia and new zealand still have it... edit: it just reappeared everywhere that isn't a specific place in the EU ("rest of EU" is fine though...) I wish there'd be some explenation on the site instead of a 404 error...
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017

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