AoS What to bring?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by EkxDe, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. EkxDe
    Jungle Swarm

    EkxDe New Member

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    Hello friends,

    im new to this forum and new to Age of sigmar. I know with the new realese with the generals handbook, building lists isent that easy right know as lots of things need to be sortet out.
    but im gonna try to ask anyways. Tomorrow i and 2 friends are gonna play our first 1000p battle and i have now idea what to bring. So im asking all of you for some advice.

    I am facing both Dispossessed and ironjaws.

    Dispossessed player are bringing the following -
    1 x Unforged
    1 x Warden king
    1 x gyrocopter
    2 x cannon
    10 thunderers
    10 warrios
    and 10 longbeards.

    The ironjaws player is bringing
    1 x megaboss
    2 x warchanter
    20 ardboys
    and 6 gore-gruntas

    And this is what i have to choose from

    2x Bastiladon
    5x chameleon skinks
    3 ripperdactyls
    5 saurus knigh
    1 saurus eternity warden
    15 guards
    1 oldblood on foot
    1 oldblood on carno
    1 scarvet on carno
    10 warriors
    1 skink starpriest/priest
    1 slann starmaster

    I was thinking for Fielding 1 slann, 2x basti 10 warriors and 5 knights. That brings me to about 1030is points, which is fine with my friends, we can bring around 30-40points over the 1000p limit.
    Or is there maybe any other things i can/should do?

    Sorry for my bad English, i hope you guys understand anyways english isent my first language.

    Best regards, Niklas.
    Ritual likes this.
  2. skipperyoss
    Cold One

    skipperyoss Active Member

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    Saurus Warriors and Knights suck w/o battalion buffs. Drop both of them and a bastiladon. Take your cham skinks, 10 Guard, the eternity warden. You can set the cham skinks up to kill the dwarf cannons or megaboss turn 1 with the bastiladon being teleported across the map to help them out. Your guard in cover standing near a hero have a 2+ armor save, you can give the slann the ability to cast celestial rites giving them a 2+ rerollable. The Eternity Warden will eat wounds for your Slann and give +1 A to the Guard. Kill off all their big shooting stuff (Cannons, thunderers, warchanters) and enjoy your Guard wiping the floor with all of the heroes.
    Seraphage and Ritual like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Missed this thread it seems.

    Welcome @EkxDe !

    Warriors have the problem that they are really bad if you play only 10. Knights are a bit better, now that they are cheaper. Guards are great in low-point games, especially if your opponents don't have many mortal wounds to cause. I don't know about the Dwarves but Ironjawz do have problems with Guards.

    For 1000points with your stuff I'd probably try and play something like this one.:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Saurus Eternity Warden
    - Artefact: Coronal Shield
    Skink Starpriest (80)
    - General
    - Trait: Master of Star Rituals

    Skink Priest (80)
    - Priestly Trappings
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    Bastiladon (280)
    Eternal Starhost (130)

    Total: 1010/1000

    It could work well agaisnt Ironjawz but I am not sure how to deal with the Gyrocopter and the cannons to be honest. Perhaps try and swap out the Bastiladon for some Rippers and Chameleons....
    Ritual likes this.
  4. Alaund
    Jungle Swarm

    Alaund New Member

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    Hi there!

    I recently started my own Seraphon army and I thought I might as well join the conversation in the thread here. :)

    At the moment my local community tries to go towards 2000 points games, at the moment we're at 1200 points and getting a bit higher every month. Nevertheless, I did some research and liked the idea of Saurus Guard - especially, as you mentioned @Aginor, at low level points - gives you very good survivability / objective scoring, I thought. However, since there are also some DoT armies locally I assumed bringing mass guards might not be the wisest move as from what I've been able to tell, they die to mortal wounds quickly. Therefore I thought some assasination could come in handy.

    Having put some thought to it I came up with a list like that:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Skink Priest (80)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Master of Star Rituals
    - Priestly Trappings
    - Artefact : Incandescent Rectrices

    Skink Starpriest (80)
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    - Artefact : Blade of Realities
    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Saurus Guard (200)
    Bastiladon (280)
    Shadowstrike Starhost (170)

    Total: 1190/1200

    Every unit fullfiled a role in the plan - Rippers for assasination and putting pressure, Skinks for objectives and screening, Guards as a mediocre damage source but, most importantly, being able to tie into battle about anything without mortal wounds and outlast them. Finally, Basti for some ranged threat, clearing screens for Rippers and of course outstanding tankiness.

    Having put the models together I brought them for a dry-run against a friend and ... It did not went as I thought it would, leaving me wondering if that's my lack of experience or issues with the list itself.
    My friend's army consisted mainly of 2 blocks of plaguebearers, 30 each, and a Glottkin. Some marauders and a Chaos Sorcerer as an addition. We played new scenarios, the one with four objectives (one in each deployment zone 12" from the edge, two on the sides in the middle of the battleground, can't recall the name and don't have access to the book now).
    issues I've faced during the game:
    - Rippers weren't in the numbers to pose a threat to the Glottkin (considering taking more of them now, honestly...)
    - I lacked the punch to take down the plaguebearers.
    - Plaguebearers numbers (30) ensured they scored objectives even if tied in the endless fight with Guards and their rerollable saves.
    - Bastiladon's shooting was not really efficient versus Plaguebearers ending up in him not doing much during the game.

    In the end, feeling like I need to force something desperatily I charged with the Basti through a deadly terrain and rolled a one at which point I conceded. Regardless tho, I felt a bit powerless in the match-up, not being able to deliver any meaningful harm and, at the same time, not being able to score due to sheer numbers.

    Is the answer simply to throw in a load of skinks and hope for the best? To be honest, I was hoping I could get away with low to mid models count as I don't really feel like jumping the horde train ... :)

    Uh, that turned out to be a lot more text that I originally anticipated. :)
    Thanks in advance for all the comments and insight! ;)

    TL;DR Got beaten up by Plaguebearers by raw numbers I think, do I need to go horde to stay competitive?
    Aginor and Ritual like this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok don't have much time right now so just a few brief notes:
    - Nurgle is a huge tarpit, really hard to decimate those
    - Sunblood in your list is meh. Better get some Chameleon Skinks to snipe enemies
    - you probably had a bit of bad luck with the Basti. Normally it should be pretty good against demons
    Alaund likes this.
  6. Alaund
    Jungle Swarm

    Alaund New Member

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    I agree with that - although, always thought of it as a slow one also. However, in the scenario we played it did not really matter - all he needed was a 7" move, meaning a roll of three, and he was within both mid-table objectives turn one. I guess here my play could be to either charge him and prevent from moving at all or ... bring more bodies to the table and score the objective by numbers (20>) myself.

    The idea behind the Sunblood was to get some more durable hero for objectives, I think. I'd lie if I said I did not consider Chams, but thanks for the hint.In that particular game I don't think this would make a difference?

    I don't really know. Glottkin is not technically a deamon and Plaguebearers have a -2 To Hit debuff when being shot, meaning I am hitting on 6s - pretty rough if you ask me. :eek:

    Thanks for the comment! ;)
  7. EkxDe
    Jungle Swarm

    EkxDe New Member

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    Thanks for The respond guys, really helpfull!

    Another question tho, how The hell do i beat ironjawz with goregruntas with The gorefist battalion.

    I also bought 50 new skinks.

    Best regards Niklas
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    @Alaund it didn't work out because our armies are DESPERATELY in need of one thing in order to work : Synergy. As much as possible. And while your list has some interesting units inside, nothing really synergises with the rest !

    Seraphon's list building might as well be one of the most trickiest ones, go back to your list building ! Took me months to actually get a good feeling of how would a paper list be translated and which things I shouldn't even try. As you play you 'll get the hang of it !

    Also, exactly because we need all those synergies to wreak havoc, we are at disadvantage at small point games like 1200 where the units are little and small in numbers so what really matters is just power and you can't use strategies as much so don't be disappointed ! * I tried 3 times to play 1000point games. My mentor who is a multiple tournament winner kept advising me to just go buy a quick 2000point list that was basic but solid and go from there because 1000p games are like a different game where you can't really outstrategy an opponent with a ridiculously strong unit without having 1 yourself and just dice better ! After easily getting tabled in all 3 at round 3 or so ( SCE / High Elf Knights batallion that was 1 shotting my army with a once per game ability at turn 1 with 35" move + charge that couldn't be avoided etc ) I just went for it.

    Well my SCE nemesis.. let's just say he never won me after that. I'm a better general than him and I just outmaneuver him / found other solutions against his OP units / make my own OP units due to multiple synergies stacking ;)
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I would probably use Saurus Guard if I have the choice. GGs don't do THAT many wounds. They are fast and resilient, but in my experience their damage is often not on par with their (awesome) looks. They often need perceived ages to kill a Bastiladon for example while the Basti dishes out damage with rend and so on.
    You could also play Skinks as shooters and tar pits and also shoot the GGs with Razordons or Salamanders. Their rend helps punching through the GGs' armor. In bigger games you can use our big dinosaurs. If you can (by good movement) attack them with an undamaged Stegadon (preferably charge them) they will also get some wounds.
    Oh and of course our glass cannons (Rippers, Terradons, especially in a Shadowstrike) can also be used against them. With flyers being set up behind them you can force them to make the decision: To press on toward you line or to kill the flyers first. Both options can help. And the flyers have a decent chance to at least kill one of them in the first turn of the engagement, which seriously hurts their offensive capability.

    ...and since we know have movement abilities you can probably be on top of objectives before they are, which helps a lot. You don't even have to kill them then, just survive them.

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