AoS 2k Point Sun/Beast List

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Death-sticks, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Death-sticks
    Jungle Swarm

    Death-sticks New Member

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    I've been lurking Lustria Online for the better part of a year now and thought it was about time I made an account, big fan of everyone's work over here :)

    If possible I'de love some help with a list I'm considering running at a 2k tournament next year, so far I've only played against my mates stormcast and I've yet to beat him but I haven't tried this exact list on him yet (I tried something similar with kroxigor and 3x 10 club saurus with sunhost and no bastiladon in a 1500 point game and got crushed by his starkdrake beyond belief)

    What are your thoughts?

    Sunbeast Starhost
    Seraphon - Seraphon Allegiance


    Slann Starmaster - 260 Points
    • General,
    • Great Rememberer
    • Incandescent Rectrices
    Saurus Sunblood - 120 Points

    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - 280 Points
    • Phoenix Stone
    Skink Priest - 80 Points
    • Priestly Trappings
    Saurus Warriors x 30 - 300 Points
    • Spears
    Saurus Warriors x 20 - 200 Points
    • Clubs
    Saurus Warriors x 10 - 100 points
    • Clubs
    Bastiladon - 280 Points
    • Solar Engine
    Stegadon - 240 Points
    • Bow
    Sunclaw Starhost - 130 Points

    My goals for this list are:
    • Three big monsters on the table adds elements of threat to focus on for my opponent
    • Saurus squads with the -1 rend are pretty underestimated and hopefully can slip in and tie up their killier melee and secure objectives
    • Priest can zoom around supporting monsters with shields or summon starlight
    • Slann can teleport a Carnosaur and a Stegadon on top of something haha (probably not as effective as my heart wants it to be)
    • sunblood can run with the warriors and assist with more dangerous units

    Critiquing it myself I think maybe I could instead do a unit of 40 with spears and then the two 10 with clubs for the hoard reduction but unfortunately 50 points isnt quite enough to fit something in, maybe I could take a scar vet instead of oldblood to free up more points.

    With that I would have 90 points free I could spend on something like another priest or a squad of skinks?

    I'm also not sure on the artefacts, I felt like the slann one made sense to give him that extra chance for survivability since I feel like he'll be a big target.

    The phoneix stone might be better being swapped out for something else like more damage or rend on the carno to make it even more hurty or the sunblood.
  2. Dedragon

    Dedragon New Member

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    Some thoughts:
    - You cant use Phoenix Stone and Incandescent Rectrices, because for the stone you have Order-Allergiance, and for Rectrices you have Seraphon-Allergiance
    - You should run 40 Warriors. You got the discount, and if your Opponent shots just one warrior, you loose the bonus for 30+
    - Think about 3x 40 Warrior. Then you battalion is more usefull. And you can teleport...
    - I often used 40 Skinks. They are soooo cheap, and you can teleport^^
  3. Death-sticks
    Jungle Swarm

    Death-sticks New Member

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    Thanks for the feedback!
    • I dunno how i missed this haha, sorry about that
    • I always forget about unit bonuses, that's a great suggestion I'll try changing that!
    • 3x 40 warrior sounds like a bit tooo much pushing guys around the table for my liking but it would certainly look intimidating haha
    Do you have any thoughts on going a guard heavy list with the monsters instead?

    What about going two carnosaurs somehow? (maybe swap out the stegadon for a scar vet on carno)

  4. Dedragon

    Dedragon New Member

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    First, apologize for my english, im from Germany :)

    - but 3x 40 Warriors sounds so nice!^^ I havent enough models, but i will try it....some day... :_)
    - do you mean Saurus Guards? On paper they look very strong, but some armys spammed mortal wounds, and then the guards are very weak. Check out your opponent: to many mortal wounds will crush your guards.
    - two Carnosaurs sounds nice, then you should run Skink Starpriest, because the serpent Staff-Buff triggers with your carnosaurs´jaws. Check out the troglodon, its much cheaper (180) and even there is a attack you can improve with Skink Starpriest.
    - i used "Great Rememberer" for the Slann and roll two (!) "1" in the first turn. Im over with that^^. the two skink-spells sounds nicer: The "Summon Starlight" spell from Skink Starpriest is very nice, together with mystic shield you can save key-units like carnosaurus or stagadon.
    - when you add little units like Razordorns, think about summoning the skink handlers: the plan: teleport a unit of 4 Razordorns to the front for sniping hereos or so, then summoning the handlers behind thema. BAM! Dont forget the "arcane Vassal"-Effect: sometimes i teleport a troglodon in range and have a great range

    - at 2000 Points i play this:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Slann Starmaster (260) - General - Command Trait : Vast Intellect - Artefact : Incandescent Rectrices
    40 x Skinks (200) -Boltspitters & Star Bucklers 40 x Saurus Warriors (360) -Spears 5 x Saurus Knights (100) -Lances 3 x Kroxigor (160)
    Bastiladon (280) Bastiladon (280) Troglodon (180)
    Thunderquake Starhost (170)
    Total: 1990/ 2000 Points

    The Tunderquake Starhost is very strong, because you dont loose the bonus at then end of any turn or when your Troglodon dies. Often i teleport one Bastiladon with "reroll To-Hit" over the board, its very nice!

    What do you think? Razordorns or Salamanders? For only 40 Points they seem both very strong.
  5. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    For 1 only model is better razo! 2d6 shots are better then one with rend, and more range too!
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    You should give the Great Rememberer another try. The chance for that double 1 is one in thirty-six. Most likely won't happen to you that quickly again.

    I also prefer the Razordon over the Salamander.

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