AoS 50 Point Skirmish Force - Help?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Wolfwerty33, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    Hello, AoS players of Lustria Online! I have a small favour to ask.

    I have a Skirmish campaign/tournament/something involving multiple games and progression coming up. It's fifty Renown startups, using Skirmish rules but with points calculated by 2017 General's Handbook cost for an individual model / 5.

    So, I came up with this list:

    Saurus Oldblood/Scarvet on Cold One. (20 Renown)
    Skink [Star]priest. (16 Renown)
    3 Knights (12 Renown)
    1 Skink. (1 Renown)

    Haven't picked equipment, I'd need advice on that as well.

    Thoughts? Criticisms? Ideas?
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  2. Meatgrinder

    Meatgrinder Member

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    Don't take two heros to start with. Just take the Starpriest then fill up on skinks. Throw in a ripperdactyl too, theyre pretty good.
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  3. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    Only problem is, I don't have a Ripper. I have something close enough to a Scarvet on Cold One to be able to use that, I can buy a Starpriest, and I have the models for everything else, but I don't have a Ripper or the money for one.
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  4. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    I honestly don't mind having 2 heroes on the battlefield... But certainly sounds weird since not many Skirmish players allow that!
    To me it sounds interesting and really thematic, but of course you sacrificing lots of points for those 2 models.

    I'm not sure on the choice to field 3 Knights: you have a reeeally low-models-count list... Wouldn't it be possible to change at least one Knight into a couple of Skinks/Saurus?

    P.S. Terradons are wonderful in Skirmish, to my taste, but if you cannot have one simply ignore this post scriptum! :)
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  5. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    I can, actually, take Terradons. I have five of the old metal models, I picked them up at a convention for five dollars each. The idea behind the knights was that three = champion, banner, musician, and then buffed by the Scar-Vet. The Skink Priest gives buffs to the units and lets me play defender during the Vortex mission.

    So, hmm...

    List 2.0 - Saurus Edition
    Scarvet on Cold One. (20 Renown)
    4 Knights (16 Renown)
    1 Terradon Rider (8 Renown)
    5 Skinks. (5 Renown)

    List 2.0 - Skink Edition
    Skink Priest (16 Renown)
    2 Terradon Riders (16 Renown)
    5 Skinks (5 Renown)
    3 Knights (12 Renown)

    Both drop a hero in order to field more units, adding cannon fodder and Terradons. I'm a bit worried, though, because both lists mean I'll probably have to save for at least one game to get the other hero... oh well, that won't be too much of a problem.

    Oh, and a joke list I just came up with:

    Trogolodon (36 Renown)
    Death Hag/Witch Hunter/Any Hero that costs 60 Points (12 Renown)
    2 Skinks (2 Renown)

    It meets the requirements - three units and a hero to lead. And includes a Troglodon.
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  6. Stormscales

    Stormscales Active Member

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    That's what I do (with two Rippers in 50 points). I've never lost a skirmish with a Skink list. At 1 point each, Skinks are a steal.

    Skirmishes favor hordes. The problem with a scar-vet on Cold One is that he rarely ever gets to fight to his full potential.
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  7. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    So, what loadout should the Skinks have? I have a choice between "javelins + shield" or "handweapons + blowpipes".
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  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Could you post your list please.
  9. Mortheim

    Mortheim Member

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    I played with 34 (20 and 14) skinks and 1 starpriest. Not sure if this is eligible thou, cause it was friendly match.
  10. Stormscales

    Stormscales Active Member

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    2 Ripperdactyls.........18
    16 Skinks..................16
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  11. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    Let's see. I've got two ideas now:

    Skink List 3.0:
    Skink Priest w/ Priestly Trappings (16 Renown)
    2 Terradons (16 Renown)
    18 Skinks (18 Renown)
    Game plan: Give the Skinks blowpipes/melee weapons and spam Celestial Rites.

    Saurus List 3.0:
    Saurus Scar-Vet on Cold One (20 Renown)
    5 Knights (20 Renown)
    10 Skinks (10 Renown)
    Game plan: Savage Charge, every turn.
  12. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Here is my opinion:
    to me, a good Skirmish list must have the following features, in descending order of importance
    1 - its (only, usually) Hero model has to be a mage, cause his ability to cast spells and MOST OF ALL dispel/unbind enemy ones is invaluable;
    2 - every or almost any model in your warband has to have a good movability (flying and cavalry models are welcome);
    3 - every or almost any model in your warband has to have a good survivability (high save or multi-wounds models are welcome);
    4 - your warband should be hard to be countered by your opponent, and this is achieved by having a good amount of (long range) Shooting or Mortal Wounds output;
    5 - it would be nice to have lot of synergies among your models, particularly if they grant you defensive buffs.

    So following these (completely made-up by me rules) I'd suggest something like:
    - Skink Starpriest 16
    - Terradon Rider 8
    - Saurus Knight 4
    - Saurus Knight 4
    - Skink 1
    - Skink 1

    Those 16 remaining points could be spent in another Knight, 4 Skinks, and another Terradon or some Saurus (Warriors or Guard), it depends on your preference and playstyle.
    This way you would have a magician leader, a good balance between lots of models and not too many models but with more then 1 Wound, good mobility (Terradons and Knights), Mortal Wounds from Terradons' cargos or Knights' lances, and synergy from the serpent staff and the artifact/trait you could give to your Starpriest... How does it sound? Too squishy?

    Regarding the Skink equipment, I personally like Blowpipes with Shield, but as I see it is not an option for you I'd suggest Javelins+Shields.
  13. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    That's great!
    I have no Saurus Warriors/Guard, so that gives me...
    Skink Starpriest 16
    Terradon Riders (x2) 16
    Saurus Knights (x3) 12
    Skinks (x6) 6
    Could I have a pros/cons on Shields + Javelins versus Blowpipes + Clubs?
  14. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I'll do my best, but I'm not that good at "Mathammer" cause I am not a competitive player at all, so I never play looking for what is better, but usually what is cooler or funnier! :writing:

    Javelin+Shield (not too deep) Analysis:
    Range: 8"
    Chances to hit something: 1 out of 6
    1 attack (made with the javelin)
    Chances to hit something: 2 out of 36
    Save: 6+
    Ignore enemy Rend? If it is -1

    Blowpipes+Club (not too deep) Analysis:
    Range: 16"
    Chances to hit something: 1 out of 9
    2 attacks (1 with the boltspitter and one with the club)
    Chances to hit something with the boltspitter: 2 out of 36
    Chances to hit something with the club: 3 out of 36

    [... so final chances to hit something with anything in melee is 5 out of 36]
    Save: 6+
    Ignore enemy Rend? No

    So, summarising:
    - the first option gives you a little more defence and shooting reliability, but at the same time you have to be nearer to your enemy, and it is dangerous seeing how poorly in combat this equipment will perform;
    - the second option is a bit more aggressive, it grants the possibility to shoot from the distance and performs a little better in melee, but anything with Rend -1 will kill your Skink without any chance to make a Save roll.

    My 2 cents:
    I prefer the javelin load out cause those shields could possibly save one or two of your Skink in a match not having to worry about the Rend, and to me this is a nice thing...
    Furthermore, I believe the less your Skinks are in melee the better, and this is the reason I find the blowpipe load out paradoxical: those weapons let you shoot from a good distance, while the clubs force you to enter melee. All of this without any form of protection against Rend... Weird. :cyclops:
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017

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