Magnetized movement trays for skink cohorts

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by wappellious, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    Once I began to use my mass amounts of skink/kroxigor cohort units, I realized right away that I was going to have to solve some issues. o_O

    With 5 of these units alone, it was taking me forever to pack and unpack them! I was also getting frustrated with the "electric football" effect as I moved them across the table. Relearning the jigsaw puzzle of getting them to rank up over and over was also irksome. :oops:

    Not wanting to rebase them or spend lots of $$$$ on GF magnetic bases, I did an experiment using refrigerator magnets. I had been given a bunch of them, so I had nothing to lose.

    A few of the sheets went onto a mattboard movement tray (slides very easy over any surface) with the magnet side up. I then cut out a piece of magnet to put on the bottom of every skink base (see pictures). I used RE magnets on the kroxigors, since they were too heavy. To make a nice decorative edge, and further secure the little guys in the tray, I put my usual baked sculpey material around the edge. I am in the process of painting that right now.

    I have been able to do this with the plastic COR, and even a temple guard unit with Babo. Now it takes about 5 minutes to pack and unpack everything.

    Some pictures:


    The miniatures are not quite finished either. They are in the same 70-75 % finshed hell in which most of the army finds itself :D
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Good idea, and really nicely painted, as always. :D
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Simple fridge magnets were strong enough to hold them in place during transportation? Wow that is impressive. Do you just put a bit of padding around the unit so it doesn't slide around?
  4. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    For the moment I have been using blue-tac to hold them in place. I might try another way to hold the trays in place that does not risk pulling away some of the gravel, however. The blue-tac is very strong.

    Right now, I am just very happy to only have to pull out a few trays of minis already in position :D

    In 6th edition, I had no movement trays at all. All skirmishing, monsters, no slann, TG, saurus, etc. It's still hard to believe the differences in the Lizzie armies I play now.
  5. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Hey, very nice paint job here. I like the bases too. I have my entire army magnetized and I have found that wal-mart carries a pack of magnets for 77 cents that is enough to do about 25 models (25mm). I cut them to size and then glue these pieces to the bottoms of the model and then I went to Home Depot and got a sheet of steel (18" x 12") for $5 and then cut the steel to the size of the movement tray. It has a super strong bond and takes me about 5 minutes also to load and unload. Just my 2 cents. Again, very nice looking and cant wait to see it all done.

    Iggy Koopa
  6. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    wow your 70% puts my 120% to shame
    just amazing
  7. SuperThunderLizard
    Jungle Swarm

    SuperThunderLizard New Member

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    Your work is really amazing and very inspiring to a new Lizardmen/Fantasy player like myself. I was wondering, how wide are the scenic borders on your movement trays? It seems the border on the front is wider than the sides, which is a really a good idea since the front is what will be seen the most by the other player and it allows you to add more detail. Thanks for the help!
  8. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I have some bad news though, with any magnets if you put magnet on magnet they will slowly loose their grip. You would be better off using green stuff and putting metal on the bottom of the bases, this will give them more weight and will allow the magnetism to last much longer.

    ........I tried, but I can't post with saying how awesome your painting is...Great job... :D
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well its going to take a loooong time for them to lose any magnetism... And you can charge them up again by exposing them to a powerful magnet like a rare earth magnet!
  10. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    I don't see them running into that any time soon either :D The kroxigors use rare earth magnets, and the rest of the skinks die so fast, the unit ends up being taken off the board pretty quick!

    I will make a post of the Core Comp results later this week. I am still recovering from that marathon, and I have a ton of commission stuff that was delayed by the tournament which needs to be finished right away!

    I can say that I was able to win Best painted of the 60 armies that were there. Some really incredible paint jobs as well, so I knew there was a pretty good chance I might not win that. I believe the amount of scratch built stuff and the basing was a key difference.

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