AoS Lords of Space and Time Question

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Vextol, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Jbird460

    Jbird460 Member

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    Only thing is kroak is a named character so he can do the double teleport so you would nee kroak and a slann to pull this off. You are better off just keeping him up on the Vortex.
    Ritual likes this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Thats right Kroak cannot do the double teleport, as a named character he cannot choose a command trait.
    Ritual and Seraphage like this.
  3. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    Did you use Curse of fates on him? :) Tell us! :D
    Ritual likes this.
  4. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    I am going to use the following build tomorrow:

    1x Slann (item that lets him resurrect)

    1x Engine of the Gods (Coronal shield for the debuff to hit)

    2x Bastiladon with Lazer

    3x Salamander

    3x Skink handlers

    2x Skink Priests

    2x 40 Skinks (blowpipes and shields)

    1x 10 Skinks (javelins and shields)

    Thunderquake Starhost (I will be able to put down my entire army after 7 placements)

    The idea is to buff my Bastiladon with Curse of fates/Starlight/Mystic shield/Celestial Rites from one of the two Priests, then teleport it in and let it hit a wizard. Followed by charging it into a key unit to keep it busy. At the combat phase use the Swift stance of the Thunderquake Starhost to prepare for the next turn. Then teleport in the Engine of the Gods in the next with the Coronal shield and hope I get the D6 mortal wounds ability once there, and charge in to give the Savage Stance. Before that though the Swift stance will let me reroll hit dice for the Bastiladon's lazer, as I can then go to Savage stance in the following combat phase.

    While moving my Skinks and Salamanders and second Bastiladon for to deal with the rest of his army (I only get the rerolls if I'm near the Engine of the Gods though, but if that is in trouble I can pull it back) That is the plan at least.

    Downside is that I probably won't start in the first turn ^^;

    Yay or nay?
    Ritual likes this.
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Main problem will probably be the opponents whole army besides the unit of Bastiladon that will be pretty much "free" to score points all around the map. Definitely worths a shot however !
    Ritual likes this.
  6. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    Well it's just a build to try out how effective the Thunderquake could be. You don't think that having to place 7 times would be too much of an issue right?

    And the idea is that with my Bastiladon and Engine of the Gods tying their elite units down, I can move my other Bastiladon, 2 Priests, Slann 2x 40 Skinks, 10 Skinks, and Salamanders around to secure the objectives.

    How has everyone been faring so far with Skinks? Or they good now?
    Ritual likes this.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Skinks have always been good, so no reason to assume they are worse now. In fact I'd say they are better since they got cheaper.
    Edit: well, without the Skink Chief they got a _bit_ worse (1 less hit). But not much since you can bring more of them.
    Ritual likes this.
  8. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    Haven't tried the skinks yet, but 40 wounds with shooting attack, avoid combat and teleport for 200 pts is pretty awesome.
  9. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    It actually went pretty well :) I lost my 2 units of 40 Skinks, because he was playing Tzeetch with that anti Horde Wizard (he admitted that that was one of the few units who could do something ridiculous like that), but in the end I got his big bird and most of his disc bird archers (don't know the names XD).

    He tried killing my buffed Bastiladon, but kept failing to get through his defenses. Since he was Chaos Daemon, my Arcs of Sotek did some amazing damage to him.

    At the end he was sportlike, and admitted that my Horde idea was pretty good, and that few were able to do what he was able to do. Though he was still sour as he said that he was going to build something new now even though this was his first match with that build ^^;
  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds good, thanks for the short battlerep!
    I assume the big bird was a Lord of Change and the disc birds were Skyfires. How many of those did he bring?
  11. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    Well he brought one lord of change, and around 6 Skyfires I believe. I took out the lord of Change pretty fast thanks to the Bastladon their damage against Chaos Daemons. Also he underestimated my Bastiladon's tankyness and I was just barely able to finish him off. He complaint that he should have gotten rid of that Lord of Change and gotten another 6 Skyfires which deal ridiculous amounts of mortal wounds damage. Nevertheless he had to go after my 2 Skinks Hordes since they could still do some nice damage, while my 2 Bastiladons survived. If I had gotten the first turn in the 3th round (he has gotten the first turn in the second one), then I would very likely have taken out his 6 disks, and be free to move in on his 4 wizards and 2 low tier ranged units with my 2 Bastiladons, Engine of the Gods, 10 Skinks with 1 Salamander remaining, and the Slann who could dispell their magic at a safe distance.

    All in all it felt like a fun match, and although we had to stop because it was getting too late and I said we were even, I still would have won by turn 4 I think.

    I loved this combination of Elite and Fodder units, as it felt like a nice balanced army. I noticed some things that were missing, and which I think would be very fun to add as an additional batallion involving the Thunderquake Starhost (I missed how that wasn't included in the Dracothian Tail and Fangs of Sotek starhosts), so I spend today just brainstorming on a Batallion that did include it: How would this sound? I hope it isn't too powerful, but I wanted to add some use to the Stegadon/EOTG and Slann Starmaster their Bravery rerolls. Either there are too many dead Skinks to make rerolling for battleshock even worth it, or the 10 Bravery is more then enough and the abilities/spells feel out of place. With my idea you basically have a chance based on your Bravery roll to survive the battleshock test and reduce the harm you got. Skinks are pretty squishy I found out this match XD The second bonus is just to give a little more flexibility with your units while under the buffs, and the third one gives a little bonus to your Kroxigor/Salamander/Razordon unit who always felt a little out of place. It still costs 100 points though, giving a survival bonus to the Skinks along with more utility and a stronger version of a mediocre unit. Thoughts? :)
    Paul Beenis likes this.
  12. Vextol

    Vextol Member

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    I used everything on the Engine. I used Kroak's rerolls + the starseer's rerolls along with curse of fates.
    I actually nailed 4 back to back turns (I know the engine says you can't do it twice, and I didn't).

    I went second in a round, got off the engine of the gods double turn, went again. Won initiative to go first the next round, got off engine of the gods again.

    Thus-Dice almost thrown. Odds were insurmountable (like 5% with the fully buffed engine). He said he'd forfeit if I went again so we agreed I could do the d6 mortals instead and kept playing. The game was already basically over though. It's really hard to recover from 3 turns in a row let alone 4.
    Seraphage likes this.
  13. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    By the way just to be sure : It's the hero phase and I roll that sweet 18. What happens exactly ?
    Do I begin a new Hero Phase, movement, shooting, battle and then I keep going from the 1st hero phase to proceed to my shooting? Isn't this how the extra turn works ?
  14. Vextol

    Vextol Member

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    Sweet 17 if you have a starseer :D But yes, it's the hero phase. You buff the engine up with the slann parked next to him, grab your rerolls (hopefully) from the starseer and cast the "curse of the fates" on the engine. Then, do the engine's nonsense.

    But the wording is "After this turn, immediately take another" so I have played it that you complete your turn, then get the magic "Non existent" extra turn. It matters for scenarios how you decide to treat the magic turn.
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  15. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    No, no recursion.
    It says "after this turn" so you do nothing out of the ordinary, you just play your whole turn until the end.
    After that you play another turn.

    EDIT: Sniped. It is as @Vextol says

    EDIT: Also it pretty much means you win the game. A whole extra turn is nothing that most armies can even survive.
    Seraphage and Vextol like this.
  16. Vextol

    Vextol Member

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    It does. And fully buffed, you have a 20% chance to pull it off.

    As an opposing player, if you see a starseer, a Slann and an engine of the gods, you should be actively and intently trying to kill some portion of it. A few wounds on the Engine and the double turn chance falls apart pretty fast.
    Aginor likes this.
  17. skinkyone
    Chameleon Skink

    skinkyone Active Member

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    Can Curse of Fate effect the teleport?
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Are you sure? the teleport effect tells "roll a dice for the unit", not "the unit rolls a dice".
    I read it that it's not the unit that rolls the dice (as for attacks or saves), but it's you (as for the turn's initiative).

    Do we have a FAQ, or something that can support the use of CoF?
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Actually I am not sure but I would give us the benefit of doubt.
    Reasoning behind that is that the effect of LoSaT directly affects one unit and thus can be buffed by the ability.

    Also wording:

    LoSaT says: "roll a dice for the unit" and CoF says: "you can increase or decrease the result of a single dice roll for that unit".
    It is a dice roll for the unit.

    Now if CoF said "one of the unit's dice rolls" or "one dice roll of the unit" I'd say it would be more hinting at the opposite.

    Also fluff: why should a manipulation of fate not concern a unit being teleported through space and time?

    So I'd say it works. :)
    Seraphage and Killer Angel like this.

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