7th Ed. Advice on new units

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by raptorman, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. raptorman

    raptorman New Member

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    So Im going to try and purchase some new units next weekend and was wondering if anyone had some advice on a way to go. I play against vampire counts, dwarfs, and warriors of chaos, but I usually play agains WOC and do not fair to well against them. Personally I'm thinking of Krog-gar and the 24 skink set. Krog-gar because I need something that can take and deal more damage, and the skinks because I would like to have more shooting. Heres a list of what I have so far.

    1 slann mage
    1 stegadon w/ chief
    1 skink priest
    1 Gorrok
    1 salamander
    8 cold one cavalry
    10 temple guard
    19 saurus warrior
    13 skinks (which i usually use as skirmishers)

    With what I have so far, I easily get a little over 2,000 with upgrades. So, any advice?
  2. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Yeah, Krok-gar will give you some versatility on Lord choices and you could play a 3000 pt game eventually with him and the Slann.

    You definitely need more skinks! Skinks are great for redirecting charges, especially when they're redirecting a knight block! They're poison attacks may not work out too well, perhaps on Marauders and giants but not on the actual warriors of chaos due to their high armor saves. But, that's where your salamanders come in :bored:

    The only other things I could see you getting are terradons (so expensive!) or another box of temple guard so that you could have 16 of them + the slann = 5x4 unit. Or perhaps some bitz that you could use to use your chief steg as a 'count as' EotG. EotG wrecks WoC.
  3. raptorman

    raptorman New Member

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    I kind of wished I made him an ancient stegadon to begin with, but I'm kind of considering buying another one just because the regular stegadon does so well (maybe in exchange for krog-gar?) The only down side I see is having to paint another stegadon while not getting to paint a carnosaur. I've yet to even do a 3000 point game because my buddies arent fond of them, so I doubt if I'll ever use both lords at the same time. Decisions, decisions...

    I think I'm sold on more skinks though. 30 skirmishers spitting out 60 attacks on my friends annoying giant sound so good right now, even if it is overkill, which I personally don't believe in. Are they immune to poison though? My friend said it is.
  4. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    I don't have a rule book with giants in it to quote page numbers from but, as far as I know, nothing is immune to poison unless it specifically says so. I dunno, perhaps he's mark of nurgle or something that blocks poison? I would ask him to explain what makes him immune to poison. Even undead are affected by poison.

    The thing that really gets warriors of chaos is big static combat rez and things that ignore armor (and block magic, if you're playing a bunch of sorcerers). The slann does all of these things with a big unit of temple guard behind him so that's why he's so versatile. Lore of metal or Lore of the heavens negate armor benefits so maybe try to use these.

    Perhaps you should try modeling 5 skinks to be chameleon skinks and scout them behind his army to march block them. Then his big nasty warriors move REALLY slow towards you and there is little he can do about it (except if he has marauder cavalry or something that can turn around and whack your skinks). Then you have a lot of options on how to take him out.

    What kind of units do you usually face? Especially, which ones give you the most trouble?
  5. raptorman

    raptorman New Member

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    Until just now, I thought skink skirmishers had scouting! I've been scouting them, which I wont do now, and it helps slow them down, but he usually just focuses his general on them, and theyre gone in two turns, if they havent started to run. So I dont know if Chameleon skinks would do the trick for me.

    His two hardest units, in my opinion, are his knights of chaos (just very brutal, and my coldones dont stand their own against them) and his mauraders, who have a special character that allows them to come in on any side of the table (like after pursuit, except they can still declare a charge!) Theyre not a huge threat, but he can use it to keep my best units occupied for quite a while.
  6. bryanabbo

    bryanabbo New Member

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    forget about the chief on stegedon it will do noth9ng against warriors u need a priest and the saurus 19 u should get a block of 20 skinks and the salamander are ok maybe even a group of chameleon skinks for harrasing them and the rest is gd
  7. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    If you can't get a EotG, a warspear toting stegadon will work. I mean, no unit wants 2D6+1 strength 6 hits in its flank. Those are magical impact hits too which subtract 3 from AS (aka, 2+ becomes 5+ which means you should get 8 hits of which 5 or 6 will die). Terror is always terrifying too.

    Unit of marauders got you down? They get hurt by skinks too. If you know that your buddy is committing one hero and one unit to randomly come in behind you (which isn't that big of a problem for us) either leave some skinks behind to shoot it up and redirect it off course or just pedal to the metal across the field knowing that over 300 points of his army isn't even on the table yet.

    Knights of Chaos... use the salamander or the slann (shoot lightning or some other spell that ignores armor saves) and they'll go down quick. Just doing 2 wounds to them makes them far less effective. 3 knights can be handled without much of a problem.

    Actually... lore of beasts can help you out here. If he's light on magic defense, cast beast cowers on his knights. They can't move OR attack that round meaning you've just stopped his 200+ point unit with a 7+ spell. And, if you have a skink with the cloak of feathers, you can fly him to the flank of its unit and cast the hunter's spear from the skink down the flank of the knights like a bolt thrower... Str 6 hit with no armor save. If it kills the first one, str 5 with no armor save... then if it kills that one its a str 4 with no armor save... etc. It keeps going until it fails to wound.

    There are lots of things that you can do to stop him. Oh, and if you get the 60 point unit of chameleon skinks behind his army and trick his several hundred point general into chasing them around you've won.

    What do you think?
  8. raptorman

    raptorman New Member

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    Thanks a ton for the advice! I went early to the store, decided that rocking 2 stegadons was the way to go. An ancient with EoTG and a regular with war spear. The store had no skinks though! So for now, I'll have to live without.

    I'm going to try your tips this weekend, so wish me luck! I have a question though if anyone can help. Can an ancient steg have EoTG & the giant blow pipes? Also, do the giant blow pipes work for stand and shoot reaction?
  9. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Actually, I have a question on the ancient steg with blowpipes. There are two blowpipes on each side of the steg. Lets say there is a target to the right of the steggie. Can both blowpipes hit that target? Can one shoot "through / over" the howdah?

    Oh and I was thinking, would a steg with 2 blowpipes and a chief with the lance be a good idea? I was thinking of like massive impacthits supported by zomgamount of darts. And the terrortest.

    PS, i has imba paintskillz
  10. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    As far as I'm aware you can only shoot at the frontal arc.
  11. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Stegs can only be EotG or blow pipes
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah the stegadon doesn't have a 360 degree LoS, he can only see out to the front. In terms of measuring distances though, remember you measure from the edge of the base not from where the actual weapon is.

    And an EotG does not have blow pipes as well.

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