AoS New Seraphon player's almost-a-list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by KharnTheSkink, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. KharnTheSkink

    KharnTheSkink New Member

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    Not quite a list but a plan of what to do with my mini's so far and where to expand to.

    So I've just bought myself the Start Collecting box and a box of Skinks, as well as some old Skink Archers from eBay thinking they'd be useful... They're relegated to proxies though or to just add to the army when displayed or a photo opportunity arises.

    Anyway, I'm undecided on what to do with the characters/ heroes. I could convert the Skink Priest to be on foot, have a coverted Oldblood/ Scar Vet on Carnosaur and the other on Cold One or vice versa. Or I could run the Skink on the Troglodon and have the other two converted to on foot or riding a Cold One, could do both on foot or both riding a dino come to think of it... I'm tempted to try and convert a Sunblood into the mix too. Just not sure which option to take when it comes to overall playability and tactics of the army.

    The 24 Skinks box will all have Boltspitters + Shields, somehow, considering there's only 20 pipes in the Skink's box (oversight or deliberate from GW?). I'll probably run them as a 20 squad for now, and use the rest for conversion bits in the future. If I ever proxy the archers, I'll run another 20 squad with spitters + shield. Not a fan of proxies personally, I'm not against it but I want my models to be as WYSIWYG as possible.

    5 Knights on Cold Ones, the 3 spare will be for Old Blood/ Scar vet conversions.

    10 Warriors, not sure how I'll kit them out yet. But again the 2 spare will be used for conversion work.

    That's the plan for now anyway, once I decide how to run the characters/ heroes.

    In the near future I'll probably get another SC box as I think it's such great value for money - a big nasty, 8 Knights and 12 Warriors for the same price as a big nasty... Essentially the Knights and Warriors are free! Along with a Slann and 2 boxes of Temple Guard, a couple of boxes of Warriors, and a couple of Salamanders or Razordons.

    Any comments or advice would be greatly appriciated, cheers! :)
    Captaniser likes this.
  2. Iblitz
    Chameleon Skink

    Iblitz Well-Known Member

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    2 advices :
    - Build your army list before buiying to avoid unused models.
    - Group skinks into 10 or 40 models squads. to not lose the cohort benefits
    20 = you lose it on first kill,
    30 = not enough to keep the full bonus and too expensive compared to the 40 guys squad.

    10 = cheap and enough to take objectives
    40 = 10 pv to keep all bonuses + full effective cost bonus
  3. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Hi @KharnTheSkink !

    Here are a couple of suggestions (everything is my personal opinion, so don't give it too much credit ;)):
    - if you are not a fan of proxies models you could try to have as fewer conversions as possible, and I believe this is easy if you plan to buy a second Start Collecting box
    - you should build immediately a Carnosaur to have a strong general, since lots of players use at least one of them in their lists, then go for a Troglodon with your future Start Collecting box (... if you want, you could also try to magnetise or leave unglued the head of your Dino and the scales and knight on its back and switch from Trig to Carno since the beginning)
    - try not to use 3 of your Saurus Knight as conversions, but just 1. That's because this way if you get a second box you will have 7 original Knights + 8 Knights from the new box + 1 converted Scar Veteran on Cold One (so 15 Knights and 1 hero, necessary to field a Firelance Starhost) while doing as you said gives you less value
    - if you don't plan to use a lot your Skink Archers (since you don't like much proxies) and still don't know exactly which colour scheme you will adopt for your army try using them as "test models" to experiment with colours and choose what you think looks best!

    These are my 2 cents, but it's just an opinion: remember it is your army and your hobby, so do what satisfies you most, even if it isn't the "optimal" or "most competitive" choice... this is always the right thing to do. :)
    KharnTheSkink and Seraphage like this.
  4. KharnTheSkink

    KharnTheSkink New Member

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    I'm completely unsure of what I'm doing when it comes to Fantasy/ AoS, and I've not played 40k in a few years either, so I'm building my army based purely on what I think would look a cool army on the table with the units I like the look and 'feel' of. If it performs well and stomps the opponents then that's a bonus. I'll be sure to buy more skinks though to use them as you say, nothing wrong with making good tactical choices if it means more models ;P

    I love converting models or altering them, modelling & painting is probably the aspect of the hobby I find most enjoyable. It's proxying that's not for me - I'd rather use the archers as archers than say "no they have this loadout, the bows are actually boltspitter", or buy more skinks to use instead - perfect excuse for more models ;P

    Good points on the rest though, magnetising would certainly give me options for now, and would give me practice on that too since I've never done it before and have only ever built solid models. The suggestion with the Knights seems a great idea!

    Thanks guys! :)
    Freddy25 likes this.
  5. KharnTheSkink

    KharnTheSkink New Member

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    One note to add... My copy of the Battletome doesn't have points values or such, so until I get a proper copy I'm just working with what I have.

    From a downloaded source, it was more for a quick read through for guidelines til I get the physical copy.
  6. KharnTheSkink

    KharnTheSkink New Member

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    I've been reading the tactics threads on here and thinking about my lack of a cohesive plan for the army... Ignore this thread and I'll make a proper list once I get a proper copy of the tome and better understanding of how the dino's should work. Thank you though for all the advice and criticism so far, it has helped :)
    Seraphage likes this.
  7. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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  8. KharnTheSkink

    KharnTheSkink New Member

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    That explains alot :D Silly question, have things like relics and optional wargear and such disappeared or are they also in the GHB?
  9. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Named items (artifacts), battle traits and allegiance abilities are in the GHB, indeed.

    In the Seraphon Battletome onthe contrary you can find all our units' warscrolls and the Battalion Warscrolls (our "Starhost").
    KharnTheSkink likes this.
  10. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Make sure you get GHB 2 not 1 ;)

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