AoS Seraphon skirmish list vs stormcast eternals...

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by tom ndege, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    So... my wife's nephew(8) showed some interest in AOS skirmish... he liked my (at that time single) liberator and we had a small duel between some saurus and some dwarfs I have...
    I established a small force of stormcast eternals:
    4 - liberators
    2 - retributors
    2 - prosecutors
    1 - Lord celestant
    1 - Lord veritant
    90 renown
    So I would like to make a list from my seraphon to have some games against them...
    I thought about something like this:
    1 - skink star priest
    1 - saurus oldblood
    1 - saurus sunblood
    1 - kroxigor
    For 76 renown leaving 14 for guards, knights or warriors... or maybe on terradon and some other stuff?

    What do you think? Is it possible to have some fun with both lists vs each other? What changes would you suggest to maximize the fun... I want to get the boy into the hobby, so fun is most important here...;):p
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I don't know if it is possible to have fun in Skirmish against SCE with any army, let alone with Seraphon...

    ...anyway let's see...

    The Sunblood is not playable with official points, nor are Kroxigor. So I assume you are using the points computed using their AoS points value?
    I don't have those ready right now but that would maybe make it a bit more even with the SCE, and also more fun.

    Guards are great against other armies, but those two Retributors and the Celestant are very strong against them.
    Terradons are nice, I used them with good results against Ironjawz for example. They also look cool on the table.

    Knights are also quite good in Skirmish and can receive both the Serpent Staff and the Oldblood's buff. That way you could show him how synergies work, which is surely intriguing.
    IMO Skirmish games are not much fun if you can't use your synergies, so while the SCE list is OK for a simple beginner's match, to get used to the rules and so on, you should later maybe go for something that has synergies as well. Like Gryph Hounds for the Veritant for example.
    Crowsfoot and tom ndege like this.
  3. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Indeed I took the points some guy at tga published... probably self calculated...

    And it's definitely no problem if the sce list is stronger than the seraphon... Will let the boy play stormcasts and for the beginning I want him to win as often as possible... don't want to flatten the motivation...;)
    Aginor likes this.
  4. Saminator

    Saminator Member

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    The formula is (minimum points: minimum models):5 rounded up.
  5. Stormscales

    Stormscales Active Member

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    I've had considerable success (i.e., didn't lose a single skirmish out of 8 or 10 I've played) with a Skink-heavy list. At 1 pt each, they are a steal, and their incredible mobility is even more useful in skirmishes than in regular games. Elite warbands like Stormcast Eternals have a bit of an overkill problem against horde warbands: they can kill individual Skinks easily, but not fast enough to overcome the Skinks' overwhelming numerical advantage. It's like trying to fight off a swarm of bees with a baseball bat. Meanwhile, the Skinks can pick them off one by one by ganging up on them.

    My 25-pt list:
    • Starpriest (16)
    • 9 Skinks (9)
    My 50-pt list:
    • Starpriest (16)
    • 16 Skinks (16)
    • 2 Ripperdactyls (18)

    For 90, assuming I had the required models (I actually lack Terradons), I would go with:
    • Starpriest (16)
    • 20 Skinks (20)
    • 3 Ripperdactyls (27)
    • 3 Terradons (24)
    (Actually 87 points. I guess you could add a Saurus Warrior, or remove a Skink in order to fit a Saurus Knight, but it would rob the list of its beautiful symmetry.)

    All my Skinks are with dartpipes and moonstone clubs. Most players prefer shields over clubs, but I've found clubs surprisingly useful in skirmishes. More than once I've had my Skinks pummel a target to death after failing to kill it in the shooting phase.

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