7th Ed. Stegadons

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by divineskink, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    Ok this is similar to the JSoD post but its about stegs. Personally I love them and i was wondering what you prefer 1 steg or 3 kroxigors, also how do you guys kit up your stegs is it better to have skink chief with stegadon helm, skink priest or the giant bow, any steg tactics would be welcome too.
  2. Arklite

    Arklite New Member

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    I’m unsure about the steg. On one hand it’s got a tremendously powerful charge. Impact hits + its attacks. I could see it obliterating infantry to sickening effect, but at the same time being at quite a lot of risk from cavalry attack. If caught on the standstill it really lacks the punch to prevail. Perhaps a force of skinks surrounding the stegadon and protecting it from charges will help to solve this problem? Careful skink positioning would be required of course, as to not disrupt the steg when it comes to charging :D
  3. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    I love the stegadon model and how they play, unfortunately they never seem to "win their points back"
    They do draw a lot of attention and are pretty hard to kill, but if they don't break on the charge or cause a flee from terror, they don't do a whole lot in combat. If I was to put a Oldblood on Carny then I would definitely take one of these as a diversion / 1-2 punch. They have low Ld but are stubborn, even with cold-blooded they can break pretty easily but if you could use the general's leadership....much nastier.

    All in all I think they are pretty cool but unfortunately it seems 3 Sallys are much more effective and deadly than the good ol' steggy. Stegadons are great if you want to keep the attention of the enemy, say maybe as a diversion for your Slann though.
    my 2cents

    hope it help
  4. Arklite

    Arklite New Member

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    I’m not too fond of the "making its points back" method of evaluating units. the stegadon is a good example of this as it has a profound impact on enemy deployment and movement. No one wants to go near it! :D

    Taking advantage of this the stegadon could close off an entire flank should it put its mind to it with the enemy trying to steer clear. it still of course suffers from its "lowish" movement and its vulnerability to cavalry. Protecting it from these threats would be paramount to its effectiveness. The stegadon is at top performance when on the charge... the trick is getting it there. But that doesn't rule out its ability to dominate the battle field psychologically in the mind of your opponent.
  5. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    For a start, the steg is damn cool. A large dinosaur running around with skinks on it's back - brilliant!

    Here is my breakdown of the steg:

    Pros - Terror, Stubborn (great with BSB), impact hits, high #wounds/toughness, attracts fire

    Cons - Low(ish) movement for large creature, large target, low #attacks/WS

    It's a great model with some great rules. As Arklite said, your opponent will always have one eye on it :p
  6. Arklite

    Arklite New Member

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    just a thought, but what do we think of mounting a skink preist on the back of the stegadon?

    the skink's vision becomes limmited but his line of sight is no longer blocked by your own units. it has some upsides for allowing the skink to have free range in targeting his spells. the thunderbolt and forked lightening have unlimited range after all, i can see him being able to attack enemy mages or units skulking behind the battle lines. besides... its cool :D
  7. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    I love the model but the only way i would take it would be if I was taking a "Big Beastie" list. This would have 2 Stegadons and an Old Blood on Carnosaur at 2000 points. Then the opponent doesnt know what to shoot at/avoid and you can get the stegadons to charge together, so they can support each other.

    Apart from that kind of list my rare choices are taken up by salamanders and 2nd Gen Slann.
  8. Geoff
    Jungle Swarm

    Geoff New Member

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    I am considering scrap building an Engine of the Gods, what is the size of the Stegadon's base?
  9. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    Some of the boxes come with bases, so do not. I believe the base size is the same as a chariot. (50mmx80mm?)
    Basically 2 cavalry wide and 2 cavalry deep.
  10. Geoff
    Jungle Swarm

    Geoff New Member

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    I thought that it would be on a chariot base at first, but then I thought they looked a lot bigger than that. Thanks, man.
  11. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    The steg model often looks a lot bigger in pictures than it actually is.

    Still a great model though! :)
  12. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    The Stegadon is Great, but Sallies are better. If I don't use a 2nd gen slann i usually use both.
    I always keep the giant bow. I just don't like the idea of paying points for it and then not using it. adittionaly 5 Skinks are usually harder to kill than one chief.

    I usually keep my steg in the back next to my slann unit of saurus. when anything charges the saurus he risks a flank charge from the steg. and no one wants that ;)
  13. tenehuine

    tenehuine New Member

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    I love the stegadon, I have always used one and I always will. They are a flank destroying unit. The key is to make it the last, or one of the last units you deploy, thus putting it where you want it and not allowing your opponent to counter it. My steg will either charge and destroy a vunerable unit in the flank (missile drops, small elite units, war machines) and overrun into the back of their lines, or spend a few turns manueving into a flanking posiiton to either counter charge or simply simu-charge with another unit.

    It is a rare game indeed where my steg doesnt earn his keep, and then some.
  14. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Pretty much cant say it any better than that. The Stegadon is in my list because its such an iconic piece, and if I took 2 units of Salamanders my opponents would start throwing models at me...

    That said, generally speaking, Kroxigors can do anything a Stegadon can do when it comes to acting as a flanker. Yes, they do not cause terror or are stubborn, but if you look at it purely as a taking/dishing out ratio, kroxigors are generally more efficient. Where the Stegadon comes into it real value is when using its terror against the opponent himself. No matter how many times an opponent sees a Stegadon collide into a unit and then flee, he will always try to avoid the charge arc of a stegadon. This can prove very useful as the stegadon can pivot to fire its giant bow into the flanks of units that try to skirt its charge arc, making it a main line deterrent that can actually make points back at the same time.
  15. Origin

    Origin New Member

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    First post here and what better way to introduce one's self with an expression utter devotion for the Stegadon.

    I love my Stegadons.

    I never leave home without her.

    On the flank a Steg shines, terror bubble, decent movement, ranged capability, high toughness and wounds, awesome charge. Very few enemy flankers can deal with it.

    The one thing that a Stegadon must do it break the target on the first charge. Getting bogged down limits the amount of impact hits and terror tests you cause during a game. So i choose targets that i can easily break, they may not be juicy, point heavy targets but it keeps her moving.

    To help her break her intended target i couple her with a Skink Chief with a sword of might, extra hand weapon, mark of sotek. 10 strength 5 attacks on top of the impact. Where's that priest with portent of far..??? Add some Terradons for the run down, rinse and repeat.



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