I have many terrain in progress and finishd the lizardmen display board. So soon I will make a video and pictures of it and post them here
Yeah... Keep in mind you need to upload to somewhere else like photobucket first, and you cannot use img tags you must use [pic] tags. This is a measure we implimented to stop spambots posting explicit stuff.
they are in photobucket but they are to big I will give you the link to them http://battlereporter.freeforums.or...e doing terrain more then plaing warhammer :D
Please don't double post like that, people will reply if they want to without you bumping the thread. Just post the direct photobucket links, it is hard to tell what I am meant to be looking at and I didn't want to watch the video. Plus a lot of the pics in that thread didn't seem to load for me for some odd reason.
Its hard to see from that blurry picture, but from what i can make out ....it looks good. I like the colours. Whats your theme there ?
well soon I will get a new camera and take many of good pictures. Surry I dident understand your question
Most ppl have a theme in mind when they make a terrain or basing ones minitures. I for one love snow and desert. What where you aiming for with those red colors?
I love nature, so I wanted to make a terrain that would fit armies like lizards, beasts of chaos and wood elves. I like my colors so I think it fits perfect to a nature woode, If I hade more time I would put some more trees and bushes there
Way better pics ! Looks nice. You could give the rock and your models a wash of some sort, just to bring out the details. Those skinks look kind of flat. But that just me. However.... that crest (last pic, in front of the howda) looks absolutely ancient ! Good work. I would like to see some closeups of your TG. If u feel like it that is
I added link tags to all your pics so people can see them easier... Looks pretty good overall, nice work. I think the rocks could do with a bit of a darker shade overall so the highest highlight stands out more, their detail seems a little flat. Maybe even just an ink or wash would fix that.
Did you sand the terrain or did u just paint it, my guess is paint. Those rocks look really shiny and blue? An ink or wash would ruin them, dont do it. did u dry brush them? I like your temple guard, very unique colour sceme.
here is more of the temple guard, I will post more pictures of my lizards but they dont have wash on theme.