carosaur conversion advice.

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by shahryar, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    I only need really one more piece to my army.
    a oldblood on a carnosaur
    He will be carrying the war drums of xahutec and the revered blade of tzunki btu forget what else, need to find my list.

    My question in regards to conversions however is this, I will not be using kroq gar and will be making my own old blood to ride on top. Can the saurus cave riderlegs/saddle piece fit on teh back of a carnosaur with little to no cutting(always afriad of cutting down models and I suck with greenstuff) and how easy do you think it would be to attach the drums from the cold one cav to the carnosaur.

    and on a minor bt possibly stupid note, I'm tempted to hang collected heads from the saddle as well as maybe from one or 2 of the metal pieces atached to the carnosaurs jaw. would this look scary or stupid do you think?
  2. Serpentsire

    Serpentsire New Member

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    Hanging heads from the saddle is fine, but I would leave the jaw alone. What I did to mount the cold one riders to Dark elf cold ones was take a wad of green stuff, stick it between the saddle and mount, the decorate around the gap with skink shields, shrunken heads, feathers, etc. It looks good and isn't too terribly hard.
  3. blue-dragon88

    blue-dragon88 New Member

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    My advice would be to just to use the body & saddle of lord Kroq-Gar, and change the head & arms to the old one rider.
    However if you are wantig to keep the skaven plet that is worn by the old one, then i would suggest that you just remove some spikes from the carnosuar from just behind the front shouder that way he would fit better.

    But I agree heads not near the mouth, down beside the rider. that way they look like war torphies.

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