7th Ed. 2000 Points with 2nd Gen Slann

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Bleyden, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    Ok this is the 2000 points I am planning to make (I might sign up to the next Tale of Painters on LO, not sure yet).

    Slann Hexxanol - 590
    2nd Gen
    Plaque of Protection
    Plaque of Tepok
    Sun Banner of Chotec

    Skink Chief Munzdele (Wizkiller) - 93
    Extra hand weapon
    Light Armour
    Cloak of Feathers

    20 Saurus - 290
    Full Command
    Spawn of Tlaztcotl
    Slann's Unit

    20 Saurus - 270
    Full Command

    10 Skinks - 60
    Javs Shields

    10 Skinks - 60
    Javs Shields

    10 Skinks - 60

    10 Skinks - 60

    4 Kroxigors - 232

    6 Chameleon Skinks - 90

    3 Salamander Hunting Packs - 195

    Total - 2000
    Models - 104
    PD - 6 (up to 12)
    DD - 4

    My general tactics are to have the slann unit be the middle, the other unit will line up close to it to form the core of my battle line. I will have Krox and Salamanders guiding each flank. The skink chief is only there to kill any enemy wizards. He has 4A and should hit and wound on 3s, hopefully he can kill a wizard in one turn of combat and he would have earned his points back as well as letting my slann roam even more free magic wise. He can then be thrown at warmachine crews/flyers/marchblock and be a nuisance. The chameleon skinks are there to march block from turn 1 and take out warmachine crews and thin out units before the main battle line hits. The skinks are there to be meat shields (javs) and guard flanks, lead charges and march block. I might keep one unit back just to contest a table quarter depending on the battle.

    The FSOD is cheap and he wont grant anywhere near as much attention as a JSOD. Also no-one ever uses them even though the models are SWEET (I particularly like the stegadon helm one).
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I think this list is pretty solid. You have your two blocks of saurus with the 4 Krox effectively providing you with a fourth.

    It's great to see the FSoD in a list! Is there anyway you could squeeze in Sotek, the difference between 4 and 5 attacks can be quite a lot when you're trying to kill a wizard with 2 wounds. Also, if no opportunity presents itself, fly him over the top and use him to march block. Giving more time for your Slann and skinks to machine gun the enemy :bored:

    You may find that, for a general all comers list, you can drop either the sun standard or the PoProtection for something which will boost your magic a little more (perhaps a diadem or the PoDominion). Besides there is not much which can kill the slann in one hit (even an empire cannonball) and you can use spells like steal soul, gift of life and healing energy to make the Slann stick around even longer!

    Good luck dude! :)
  3. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    My Slann was used in the LO Votewar and I must admit I quite like the build, having a 2+ Ward save is pretty nice. If I end up playing a CC orientated list I would simply swap it for the plaque of dominion, this would mean I have even more magic power.

    I could drop a chamo skink for Sotek but at 5 models I think it might be just too small to make an impact shooting wise. Who knows, I will play around with it and see how it goes.

    I currently have 32 skinks and 20 Saurus that are basecoated and thats it (yeah owning 5th edition starter set!!!) and I should have paints coming through the post soon, will keep y'all informed.
  4. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    2nd gen slaan should really only be used in a magic heavy list. I actually like your list but you could mabye try to drop some things mabye chameleons for a skink priest or two this can really help your magic phase. Just a comment. Have fun playing with it. :smug:
    oh yer also instead of sun standard for slaan give him totem of prophecy i got my slaan yesterday and played against my orc friend first with totem of prophecy then without. I was really suprised how long he stayed around for with it. The worst thing that can happen is being hit by a 40 strong fear causing enemy and be auto broken and chased down.
  5. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    I think at 2000 Point the 2nd Gen Slann alone is a magic heavy army. I thought about the Totem of Prophecy but I would go Lore of Shadows a lot and could magic my unit into being fear causing (I would cast this one last so my opponent may not have enough dice) and that would be that problem solved.

    Anyway I would rather have my saurus be more protected, but ill play with it and see how it goes.

    Oh, slight change to the list, the non-spawned unit of Saurus will actually be 16 strong and the Chameleon skinks would be 9. This is due to me not wanting to buy another box set for 4 models.
  6. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    16 saurus is really an odd number seeing as you need 5 in a rank for bonus so do 15 and save 12pts to use elsewhere.

    If your gonna use shadows i understand that. An extra skink priest could be usefull but i gues its down to personal taste wether you have chameleons or priest.
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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  8. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    just to clarify this, the Slann DOES NOT GIVE a +1 CR just because he is a BSB. The Rulebook says clearly that only BSBs who are in the front rank of a unit provide it with +1 CR.

    Of course, if he has the warbanner, that still gives the unit +1 to CR even if the slann is hanging out in the back.
  9. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    ah, but if you check the lizardmen FAQ (and call the rulesboyz if you really want to ;) ), it says that the slann counts as being in the front rank for BSB purposes (although this was meant to speak more to him lending ld and standard BSB). As he essentially counts as in the front rank except that he cannot be engaged in combat or challanged, you gain the benefit of the BSB
  10. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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  11. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    Yay! thats great news =D thanks for the info!

    Concerning your list:

    I also think that a skink shaman would be useful. you have no dispel scrolls at all without one. and the diadem is always useful, too.

    And if you plan to go magic heavy go magic HEAVY, i am talking about 16+ power dice here. that way your magic can be far more effective because you are going to have much more power dice left when your enemys dispel dice run out.

    I think thats too much protection on your slann. That guy will not be killed by shooting, only if your opponent has cannons or many rbts i would consider to take the 2+ ward save. with ordinary shooting there is no way your slann is going to loose his 8 wounds... you can still heal him or put him behind terrain if things get risky.

    the bigger thread for your slann is usually to be overrun in combat.

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