Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Kroxigor Conversion)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Arsenal, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    Your champ looks very good, and I like how you've gotten silver in there. The marking on the skulls is a nice touch as well.

    But I feel your champs shield is too...ow...to my eyes...

    And the rest are too plain, his shield stands out to much, they should all have red shields, though maybe a slightly darker shade so your champ still stands out if your bent on that. Personally I think all the flags and junk are plenty for that...

    Coming along nicely, hurry and post more pics, I can't get enough... ;)
  2. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    Thanks for the compliments, and I know what I will do with the Saurus. I have another unit of 18 on the build, and I will give them all red shields. I will make a new Champ with a beige shield for the already painted unit. It will also be a good way to separate them out on the table in a game. Thanks for the pro-tip!
  3. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    Lol, I'm glad you think I'm Pro? I'm far from pro, at least...in painting. My real skill comes in playing, tactically I do very well, painting....ehh...sub-par..

    I use 4.00$ brushes and 1.97$ paints from wal-mart...they are total crap, but I add a little water and paint in several coats. I've been complimented on polishing sh!t, but my shading is terrible, and my methods aren't exactly timely... It can take me 3-6 hours for character models, and I can only manage a unit of 20 in a whole day of painting. That probably has to do with my eating + changing music and other things I do as a paint, but regardless...

    Your models and colors are amazing, I'm really enjoying following the whole army's growth. The dip you use and such has been really great looking. You've inspired me to perhaps put a little more effort in my models and do some of those free-hand glyphs on the shields/skulls. But so far your models are coming along really well. Do up an EoTG, and/or a Salamander, and/or some terradons or something awesome...

    Or finish painting the awesome DE cold ones and saurus. Just whatever you do, don't stop! I seriously look forward to your updates, Lol.

    Also, I might suggest tidy-ing up the basing, I keep noticing the random super tall 3-4 blades of vegatation as tall as the skink himself. It would look better to do that sort of basing on the movement trays themselves, on individual models I'd suggest doing the clumps of static grass over dirt. or even have some of the saurus models just have dirt. I like the idea of "the legion of abraxas" marching out to battle and turning fields of grass into dirt from all the footsteps. You know like a Persian army thing; Marched fields barren, drank rivers dry. I guess if your going for more of a, they are at home defending theme, you might want to considered basing like stone blocks, and just put some vines and/or grass breaching through the tiles. Up to you...

    I mean, I'm probably not the best person to take advice from, I just bought a 15.00$ bag of train model flock and mixed up some tacky glue and water and slapped some green all over the top of my bases. Makes it look like the field before it gets marched barren. Idk, I just don't have the time or motivation to put the kind of detail you are putting into it. I like my models to look decent, but I care far more about playing the game and such...

    Anyway, see ya around.. ;)
  4. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    I painted up a Lizardmen warband for Mordheim very similarly to this but without the "dip." Is the dip something you made or is it a product I can get from somewhere?
  5. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    You can use stuff from Home Depot, like Minwax Polyshades, but since it's made for wood it comes out SUPER shiny and it's hard to paint on top of it once it's done. The 'dip' I have referred to, and the one I use is called Quickshade, from the Army Painter company.


    They don't sell directly. I got mine, and most of my gaming supplies through FRP Games.


    They have great prices and awesome customer service, even for having to ship up to Canada. They also mark their packages well on shipment so you don't slammed with customs fees. If you are in the US then it should be just as good if not better.

    There are three tones of the 'dip' they have. For all the above models I have used the Strong Tone and applied with a brush, rather than the standard application of dipping your dude in there then shaking him off. With the brush you can better control the shading as you see fit. Also, using the brush you don't waste much and one can of it will be good enough for a full 2000 pt army usually.

    There are also some tutorials on dipping and examples of it on youtube if you need more info.


    Hope that answers it!
  6. bryanabbo

    bryanabbo New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    y am i the only one who cant paint my models look like hell my paintings look like hell what do u do to make your models look goood and how come lizardmen coldones dont look as cool as dark elve ones
  7. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    I am going to parse this and try to answer....

    You aren't the only person who thinks they can't paint, and if fact, if you have the patience to paint one color in one area, it's just as simple as using a coloring book. If you can't keep steady hands, that would be the only thing stopping you. The only other part is just picking a complimentary color scheme, and there are tons of posts in this forum that show example color schemes that work, and some that don't.

    Show some pictures on the forum and maybe the people here can give you some tips and tricks.

    I explain that in all the above posts. It's just a base simple coat of paint in key areas, then a wash of 'dip' is applied. You could probably also use the GW Washes for a similar effect, though they are not usually as strong in pulling off the darker shades.

    You would have to ask GW on that one. For sure the DE Cold Ones are much more recent and have a much greater level of detail. I think the plastic molds have advanced a lot and are able to capture much more detail now than 5 years ago. You never know though, many armies get a lot of mini updates as time goes on, and maybe new LZ Cold Ones are in the works. Other cool stand-in models, if you can afford them, are the metal Gamezone Predator models. I actually have one of the Predator models that I am converting to use as a Cold One. I know some other posters here have done so in the past as well.

    Hope that answers it all!
  8. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    Here is an update with just a few images....

    This is the standard new release Kroxigor, in fact the least cool of all three released mini's imho. So I did him up as a test in the exact same color set as the Saurus. I like the result but you can see on his weapon where the dip pooled up. If I was more careful I could have prevented that, but oh well. Behind him is a custom base from Scibor miniatures, that I will paint up in a traditional style.




  9. Cliff

    Cliff New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    I like it.
    Mind giving us a rundown on what colours you used ect?
  10. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy

    Saurus and Krox
    it's simple 5 color base scheme

    Skull White for the main body
    Bleached Bone for the teeth, claws, saurus heads and spines, Krox underbelly
    Swooping Hawk Turquoise for the scales
    Mithril silver for the weapons
    Ayanden Darksun for the saurus spear shafts and the points on the Krox weapon

    On the Krox I used Graveyard Earth for the weapon shaft, and Blood Red for the triangles on the tail jewelry.

    Same Skull White, Bleached Bone, Mithril Silver, and Ayenden Darksun
    For their scales I used Goblin Green

    All the bases are a mix of browns, but I always start off with Chardonite Granite.

    Hope that helps!
  11. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (Update w/EoTG attempt)

    Hello again, and sorry for the long delay in posts. The holidays have taken their toll on my painting time. In this update I have the based Krox and got a decent way through my 1st attempt at an EoTG conversion.

    This is the guy from the above posts, only based with a resin base from Scibor miniatures. When the whole unit is done I will show you how they rank up. I had to do a considerable amount of chopping and cutting to get the 3 bases to line up, it was quite a hassle, but I like their look.




    The New Engine of the Gods
    I used the basic steg and howdah model but added an array of skulls on the open posts on the howdah. I also added a bit from the skeleton warrior standard to act as a bone ladder on the side there. Lastly, I put the metal standard from the new BSB model up top to act as the engine. I like this one much better than the Stargate one they give you. Here are the results. Oh, and again, it's on a Scibor miniatures base, though I haven't flocked it with static grass yet.







    DSC07940.jpg The


    For the priest I wanted to be a little different and I used Tehenuain or however that's spelled, and his little plaque bearer. The little guy will count as one of the usual skinks on there. I still need to make the remaining 3 to finish this all up. I wanted him to be different from the GW standard and went with a yellow crest and scheme to call him out from the rest of the army and fit with the colors if the steg. Here some shots on and off the steg. Enjoy!







    More to come when I wrap up the EoTG and the Krox and move on to a new unit!
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    Wow it looks really cool, great work!
  13. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    Dude, this is soooooo awesome!!!
    Your engine looks like the priest will smear it with blood any moment!
    Also, the blood covered hand of the priest is very intimidating...
    Your work inspire me, and I think a large deal of the other guys here as welll!
    Please keep on updating!
  14. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    the red scales on his arm look awkward... allmost out of place.
    otherwise great job, love the korx's base and the stegadon looks quite awesome aswell
  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    I think you did a great job, think the color choices are done well the standard looks ggreat in the back and I love the ladders
  16. FireZdragon

    FireZdragon New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    what washes have u used for all models?
  17. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    If you check the previous posts in the thread I go into more detail, but again, the one I use is called Quickshade, from the Army Painter company, and I use the Strong tone (it comes in light, strong and dark tones)


    They don't sell directly. I got mine, and most of my gaming supplies through FRP Games.

  18. Deathfrisbee2000

    Deathfrisbee2000 New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    Love the skulls on the howdah. Excellent stuff!

  19. Aikar

    Aikar New Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    decent job.... but it looks too wet and inky for my liking.
  20. slannfrog
    Cold One

    slannfrog Member

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    Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt)

    I'm not a big fan of the glossy finish you have on your models.

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