Custom Made units

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Dangerbutton, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. Dangerbutton

    Dangerbutton New Member

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    Okay, I'm pretty new to Warhammer, and so far haven't done any tournament play. My question would really only apply to games played with house rules . . .
    Has anyone designed their own units? I'm always a fan of making my own unique things in games, and have had fun converting my lizardmen to look different than the usual. However, just making them look different isn't enough for me. I want to make up my own rules for them.
    This, of course, would be tricky, because a game that has been around as long as Warhammer has probably had a painstaking amount of effort put in to make it balanced. But if I could get it balanced, I'd like to try it out. For use only with friends, with the consent of whoever I'm playing with, of course.
  2. Hyperion

    Hyperion New Member

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    If you have the consent of the other player. I don't see any problem with creating your own unit!

    You can do whatever you want with this game. If you and your friends don't like the way something work, just scrap the rule.

    You won't be able to apply this in any GW store and tournament, but who cares? At home, you are the one making the rules on the battlefield! ;)
  3. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    My bretonnia playing friend does this alot...He makes special characters, usually hero level, and gives them very funny special rules. We test them in friendly games sometimes, but they are usually under-balanced and he usually gives them a ton of special rules, but pays alot of points for them. One of my favorites had to be

    Sir Regenold the Silly

    Similar stats as most knights, but the fluff went he was so clusmy and foolish that no one ever took him seriously as a squire. Instead of a Horse they told him skilled warriors go into battle on cows! and that only a truly skilled one could do so sucessfully. Ignorant Regenold beleived them and rides on a little cow model named, you guess it, Bessy! Special Rules

    Laughing Stock: Everyone, friend and foe within 12" is busy laughing at Regenold. -1 to hit.

    Stupidity: Bessy suffers from stupidity.

    Methane Gas: Flame Template, shoots from the back of Bessy's base. Str d6 no armor saves.

    Whole Milk: On any turn Bessy suffers from stupidity, or on a 5+ at he end of combat. Regenold regains 1 wound, this cannot bring him above his starting wounds. (which was 3)

    Bovine Bulk: Bessy has a movement value of 5" and should Bessy charge a foe she causes d6 impact hits.

    One Quart Short of a Gallon: Bessy isn't very bright, she and Regenold are Immune to Psychology, and any enemy units in contact do not gain +1 combat resolution for outnumbering. And Bessy and Regenold are Stubborn.

    Naive Warrior: Regenold isn't taken seriously, but surprisingly he is a pretty decent warrior. for every sucessful hit, Regenold gets to make an additional attack. These extra attacks do not incur further extra attacks. Though all attacks, including any extras, get +1 to hit in the first round of combat. (Regenold has 3 attacks)

    Over-Excited: Regenold is overly excited to be in battle, and wants to prove himself to the other knights. Because of this he rushes bessy along to keep up. Regenold and Bessy can Always March.

    So yeah....just something silly he did in school. He actually made a model and it looks fantastic. Cow is to size compared to the knight model ontop. He made him cost alot of points tho, like 350. And the short movement made him not really a threat. even though he could always march, i had so many skink skirmishers it wasn't a big deal..

  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I'm less a fan of custom made units, and more a fan of house rules and special scenarios in campaigns and stuff.

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