7th Ed. yet more questions.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by shahryar, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    Sorry been out of the lounge lizzie loop for a while.

    Seeing as how temple guards are cheap money wise I kindof want to try some out. (proxying sauri first of course)

    Eh this should probably be in army lists but what the hey.

    How many temple guard do you generally have protecting your slann. And I was planning on sticking a hide of the cold ones scar vet in with them(yea cold blooded ld 9 stupidity tests) How best to equip him great weapon, sword and shield or twin swords.
    Oh and....
    1) in an ubreakable immune to psych force is a musciain or standard really neccasary.(many enemy are vamps maybe wood elves later)
    2) are there any 25 pt magic items that are worth it to give to the revered guardian or is that a waste?

    if these guys actually work It'll make it tougher because then I'd want them and teh saurus in the same army and I'm pointstrapped as it is

    I'll post the full army list later but my core looks horrible(3 squads of skink skirmishers due to lack of other things to use)
  2. Enigma

    Enigma New Member

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    The problem as I see it with temple guards is that the unit tends to get quite expensive. Especially with a slann or other characters as well. For numbers I'd probably go with 20 as that puts the slann in the centre and he's not exposed to any flank or rear charge. Also it's a lot of models to kill of as well as rank bonus in close combat. Now the problem is that this unit is big, a nice firemagnet and really expensive.

    The unbreakable rule still makes standards and musicans viable though as they help you with the combat resolution.

    I wouldn't really recomend any magical items for the champ as I'd try not to make it more expensive than it already is. But if I had to take one, I guess it would be the Dragonfly of quicksilver, the sword of the hornet or the blood statuette of spite. Simply because I don't want to use the heroes or lords for carying them.

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