I have seen such a thing in Norway and it had two more points: - no stone -> stolen - two stones -> alcohol
"When I grow up, I will be a millionaire! I am going to make a restaurant chain called "I Don't Know", and a sister restaurant chain, called "I Don't Care". They will both be sports bars. And all the men will call me king!" ~A wise young boy.
I'm going to have to side with the lady in the picture, that guy looks like a creeper. Better to be single.
99% of women- Maybe if I wear a shirt that shows my boob and stomach, men will like me for my personality!
I wonder if this was made up or the picture was taken that way by accident... Quality of decollete says it's made up... focus on the minis says maybe unplanned snapshot... Another theory could be that she planned to win a tournament by causing massconfusion among her male opponents...