Hey, I've been reading these boards for a little while now and it seems like you guys know what you are talking about when it come to lizardmen so I've decided to post my list up for some criticism. I play in a very competitive environment and aim to win (like everyone else) while still ensuring me and my opponent have fun. That in mind here is my 2250 list : Lord: Slann: 410 (BSB, Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Cupped hands of the old ones, Bane head) Heroes: Skink Priest: 405 (Lvl 2, EOTG, Plaque of Topek) Skink Priest: 415 (Lvl 2, EOTG, Dispel Scroll) Saurus Scar-Vet: 124 (LA, Shield, GW, Jaguar Charm) Core: x18 Saurus Warriors: 222 (Spears, Musician) x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Special: x16 Temple Guard: 291 (Full command) x3 Terradon riders: 90 Rare: x1 Salamander: 80 (extra handler) I'm a very inexperienced Lizardmen player as I've only played a few 1000 point games (with great success, haven't lost yet) with them, but I am coming off of a very long time playing Orcs and Goblins so I am definitely not a noob to warhammer. Criticism is definitely welcomed as I want to make a good list and I know I can with your guys help, thanks!
Definitely make your slann a bsb. You have two key blocks of saurus and it would be nice to have rerolls. Other than that, I hope your opponents don't mind fighting two EotGs... haha.
I already have the Slann as a BSB, first upgrade I thought of because as you pointed out with only 2 block units those break tests will be vital. As for the 2 Engines, I feel that the wizards on top are using a sort of "discount lore" so they won't pose too big of a threat and I would like to have two big beasts like that in my army anyway, so why not spend the extra little points to have the engine abilities and a free wizard level; but we will see if my opponents agree with my logic ...
The biggest problem I've found people have with the EotG's (especially 2 of them) isn't the magic/ extra lvl or even the Steg itself, its the "gungan 5+ wardsave bubble" and, to a greater extent, the Burning alignment. I've never seen a player happy to face two EotG's, and adding the Slann will really start smelling of cheese... that being said, I play in a highly comped environment, if you have regular opponents, it might be best to get their thoughts before you spend the money on 2 Engines... If they're fine with it, go for gold! (note, if you use Light or Death with the slann you can have 3 large blasts going off per turn, Id only suggest this against an opponent who's either also using a loaded up list or someone who needs a good snotting!)
I love slann with an EOtG next to him and just walking over all the undead that my friends try to cheese out. When I get around to a second Engine it is gonna be on. I think I'd mostly just use it in 3000 and above but I've heard of/seen some double bubble trouble kicking butt in grudge matches and tournies, and as he said the light/death bubbles are so ridiculously fun to use over and over again while some elite troops fail to move the "utterly resolute" saurus infantry.
So I played a lizardmen player with my orcs recently and saw that my list would be no fun to play against. My opponent had a slann, one engine , and one ancient stegadon and I thought it was a really soild list. So I am going to only take one engine and replace the other one with a skink chief on an ancient steg with the warspear. This way I have 2 big beasties like I want to have, but i don't have the overwhelming 2 burning alignments per turn.
sorry but you can't have that kind of list, you got 3 rare choices (2 EotG's and 1 salamander pack) if i were you i would scrap the salamander pack and the terradons, since the 2 EotG's are gold! instead i would take 5 cold one cavalry and put my scar vet on cold one so he can join them
Aren't Engines of the God's character mounts, not rare choices? I Know that is the way it works for most character mounts like an orc mounted on a chariot does not take up a special slot for a chariot because it counts as a character mount...
They don't count as rare's, but I would definately not run a slann and double EoTG, that starts to smell of swiss and provolone.. Taking a vanilla stegadon might be fluffier, it still causes impact hits and terror, but the bolt thrower might be useful in certain situations too. That or a cheif with warspear on acient steg if your planning on spending the points... Your lists get pretty constricted when you do double stegs of any kinds and a slann though. You might find it more fun to spread the points, field some cold ones, or something...
Maybe if I took one priest off of an engine and just fielded a priest with cloak of feathers and an ancient stegadon. This would give me more flexability with my magic and 2 flying characters to have fun with. Although ditching a priest altogether and dropping a skink unit for some cold ones could be interesting as well.
I suggest if you take an ancient you use a chief and war-spear, and I wouldn't ever fire the giant blowpipes, just charge things. You get 9-19 str 6 attacks, plus crew attacks... If you just want a non-character mounted steg, I'd get a vanilla stegadon, the bolt thrower could be pretty helpful since it ignores armor saves, pierces rank, and does d3 wounds...
But if i run into a unit with even just a champ in it, the ancient steg with chief on top becomes a lot less effective because a lot of his attacks would go towards only the champ, although I guess the impact hits would still go on the unit... but would a combined charge with an ancient steg and 6 cold one riders not be better?
So like I said before, I have realized the cheese factor in my first list and now want to see what I can do to soften it slightly but still bring the pain. I have narrowed it down to two different lists: Lord: Slann: 410 (BSB, Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Cupped hands of the old ones, Bane head) Heroes: Skink Priest: 435 (Lvl 2, EOTG, Plaque of Topek, War drums) Skink Priest: 150 (Lvl 2, x1 dispel scroll, cloak of feathers) Saurus Scar-Vet: 124 (LA, Shield, GW, Jaguar Charm) Core: x18 Saurus Warriors: 218 (Spears, Musician) x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Special: x16 Temple Guard: 295 (Standard bearer, warbanner) x4 Terradon riders: 120 Rare: x1 Salamander: 80 (extra handler) x1 Ancient Stegadon: 275 For this list, I basically just dismounted the priest from the steg and put it back in as a regular ancient. This list gives me a very powerful magic phase and the flexibility to cast through a flying skink could be fun. List #2: Lord: Slann: 435 (BSB, Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Cupped hands of the old ones, Bane head, x1 dispel scroll) Heroes: Skink Priest: 435 (Lvl 2, EOTG, Plaque of Topek, War drums) Skink Chief: 380 (Ancient Stegadon, Warspear) Saurus Scar-Vet: 121 (LA, GW, Jaguar Charm) Core: x18 Saurus Warriors: 218 (Spears) x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70 Special: x16 Temple Guard: 270 (Standard) x3 Terradon riders: 90 Rare: x1 Salamander: 80 (extra handler) x1 Salamander: 80 (extra handler) This list is more about versatility than magic. I only have 2 casters, but I gained an impact hitting monster with the skink chief. I also gained an extra salamander for flaming goodness. I had to either cut the warbanner off the guard or the war drums from the priest and I chose the warbanner, is this the right choice? So overall, which list do you guys think is better. And again, comments and criticism on both lists is very welcome!
Ya, I am leaning towards the second one myself, but for some reason, the small upgrades to some of the units seems to be drawing me to the 1st; such as an extra terradon and being able to have both the warbanner and the war drums. The thought of having 7 dispel dice without even trying to go magic defense is nice as well. But i guess this all is a little weak in comparison to an entire extra salamander.
So why is building an army list using the armies strengths cheese? Running two stegs and a Slann has a built in scarcity, you have no CC heroes and when you are rolling that many dice you will miscast, 1130 points raw on 3 characters, yes it’s tough and it should be, with the exception of burning ailment you are relying on an a single phase that’s not that reliable. True with a Slann you are getting as close as you can to consistent, but to make that happen we are talking another 125-200 points in magic equipment. If you like a balanced list that’s fine, but if a player dedicates to a single phase, not a good idea in my opinion it doesn’t mean it’s cheese, it’s just an unbalanced list. I play Bretonnia a lot, about 50% or more of the games I play, EotG gets a ton of hate, but with the exception of Burning aliment, we don’t have a lot that players have a healthy fear of, yes we have plenty of things that are annoying and players to be mindful of as most armies do, but all in all a Slann and EotG’s is about it. I’m not coming down on any of you, it’s just every forum I go to all I hear is cheese this and cheese that.
I understand peoples concerns about the 2 engines and I kind of view it as an army has something to deal with double engines or it doesn't. So I could stomp all over some armies and have a well played match with others. But I feel that with 1 engine and 1 combat steg, I may even have a better chance against those who have a way to deal with mass magic (damn dark elves and their ring of Hotek). And with less points soaked in magic characters, I will probably become a better player because I have more to offer in all of the stages of the game. I do wish I could have a nice combat character though, but that would mean regearing my flying scar vet and I'll have to try this bad boy out before I even begin to think about regearing him.