Army Fluff The Ancient Temple-City of Lunaxoatl

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Here is the lore of my Lizardmen army. Sorry it's been a bit late in the making @Warden...

    The residents of the Old World had always thought that there was something odd about the Marshes of Madness. Maybe it was the cloying magical mist that caused some visitors to enter the marsh one minute and suddenly find themselves back in their home town the next, and others to spend decades wandering the boggy terrain aimlessly, looking for any sign of civilisation and never finding anything. Maybe it was the sounds of high-pitched chanting and bellowing roars that echoed throughout the marshes in the day, and the reddish-orange hue that surrounded the marshes at night, as if they were burning to the ground. Maybe it was the sharpened stakes driven into spots around the outskirts periodically, with the bodies of Vampiric Acolytes thrust fiercely upon them rotting away year by year. But never would any of the races in the land, be they Dwarf, Elf or mortal Man, have guessed that the realm was the location of one of the last great Temple Cities of the ancient 'Lizard-Folk' that had been once so common throughout the Old World but were now little more than legends, spoken of by wide-eyed explorers recounting their voyages to the west and cold Elven mages warning the members of the younger races that they treated like children.

    The Temple City of Lunaxoatl has been mistaken by many to be a city of the dead with eerie, sepulchral ruins that has been called 'Morgheim' by the natives. It is in fact a splendid sea of pyramids, built of the red clay-based soil that is so common around the marshes so that they give a reddish-orange hue, but nobody has ever seen such majesty, for it has been protected for the past milennium by magical mists conjured by the last of the Slann Mage Priests that dwelled here, Xi'Tupatec the Revered, before he had died a couple of days later of exhaustion and old age. Since then the Lizardmen here have never seen another Slann appear from their Spawning Pools, and the City has been ruled by the Saurus Lord Agragax, a supremely intelligent member of his kind and a great strategist. Unlike the majority of the Lizardman Temple Cities, the people of Lunaxoatl primarily venerate the Sun-God Chotec, with the other Old Ones and the Serpent-God Sotek being minor deities. Many sacrifices have been made to the Sun-God over the years, the majority of whom were servants of the Vampiric Von Carstein family to the north. Indeed, the Lizardmen of Lunaxoatl view the Vampire Lords of Sylvania with a hatred that surpasses even the forces of Chaos, for they are the agents of death, disease, destruction and fear all in one. Minor Necromancers suffer death by impaling upon wooden stakes by Kroxigors, while the Vampires themselves are given the most horrifying death of all for their kind - they are bound with magical ropes to the trees in the marshes and directly exposed to the Sun God. All Vampires are mortified of sunlight, and their dying shrieks as they are turned to ashes by Chotec's will can be heard all across the marshland. Lord Agragax enjoys this the most, for hearing these cries signifies that Chotec is bestowing natural justice to the foul scum of the underworld.

    Much of the weaponry used by the Lizardmen of Lunaxoatl is made of iron, like those of the dwarfs, Elves and Men, for gold is scarce in these territories. The reason the Lizardmen came to the Old World in the first place is unclear - Lord Agragax believes that the true reason is to once again quest into the world to restore order, as had been done in the days when the Old Ones walked the land, but the true reason died with Xi'Tupatec, for he and two other Slann orchestrated the migration to the Old World milennia ago, and he had told no-one of why he had decided to leave the Geomantic Web, not even his Skink priests and advisors. Nevertheless, a new reason may well have appeared in recent years, for an apparition has made itself known in the city. It appeared several years ago, first to Lord Agragax himself. The being was golden in colour, and ethereal in nature. It looked reptilian in appearance, but had such power that even Lord Agragax was intimidated by the spirit's raw might. It claimed to be the Sun God Chotec himself, and vowed that it had come to lead Lunaxoatl to war. It had sensed a disturbance in the North, and that the forces of darkness were on the move. It bade the scions of Lunaxoatl to send tributes to the Dwarfs of Barak Varr and the Worlds Edge Mountains, for their skill with black powder, honourable ways and grim tenacity would be needed in the great battle. It also had Skink emissaries travel to the Island of Ulthuan to converse with the Elf Lords and gain their approval to help fight the encroaching darkness, and its ultimate plan seems to be to bring the might of all the Old Ones' greatest creations together to finally exterminate the black legions of Chaos, for only if all good races stand can the world be truly saved...

    Hope you like it so far, and if you have any questions about my Temple City and its culture, please post here! :)
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    An interesting read!

    I really like the link you made between the hatred for the vampires and the chief deity of the city being the Sun God Chotec (supreme anathema to the vampires). Really nice.

    On my first read I assumed Lunaxoatl was located near the Vampire Coast in Lustria, but it looks like you have developed a lost temple city in the Old World? If it does indeed take this angle I wonder if the "conquest mission" to build/secure/rebuild this long-lost temple city was similar to the old Albion campaign, which resulted in the foundation of the city Konquata by Kroq-Gar within the secretive island mists.

    Any idea where exactly the city would be located on the warhammer map yet?
  3. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    Great stuff and very well written! Could I encourage you to write a story set in this setting? Would love to see some of the other characters and the problems they have to overcome. Perhaps you would consider entering the current short story contest? Rumour has it that Bob himself will be participating....
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I know exactly where it is. It is indeed in the Old World, deep in the Marshes of Madness in the Badlands. That's what the first paragraph is all about. Look up the Badlands on Warhammer wikis and stuff - I got all my fluff about it from the Blood in the Badlands campaign book. In there is a city called Morgheim (different from Mordheim) at the centre of the Marshes of Madness and I'm alluding that Morgheim is actually Lunaxoatl hidden by a mystical shield that makes any non-Lizardman visitor think it's something other than a temple-city.

    Thanks very much! I may be able to get round to writing more later but I'm going to be very busy at University for the next couple of weeks, so there will be quite a pause until I'll be able to write more fluff again for a while. I will get around to expanding the lore further and writing stories about the characters eventually.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Definitely be interested in some fiction based on this, either in the short story contest or out of it.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That makes sense, I didn't realize they were one and the same. Really great how you took a lesser-known named location on the map and made it your own.

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